Tuesday, March 17, 2020: HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!
Worship with us online
All Church services and activities are canceled for the foreseeable future. We will live-stream an abbreviated Sunday morning service and continue to upload the text sermons on our website.

March 22, 2020
1 Samuel 16:1-13

What God Sees
Chris Joiner
Christian Education
Spirituality Center
Use these pictures from our Spirituality Center to make your own prayer stations at home. Post your home pictures on our Facebook page to encourage others or send them to Sara Chang: schang@fpcfranklin.org and she will share them via our social media outlets. 
Adult Sunday School Classes
Kim is working with individual teachers to see how many classes can offer a ZOOM/online class session next Sunday morning. Be sure and check your email for class information. 
Youth Sunday School Classes
Linzi has some creative ideas to keep all the youth connected. Read more under the Youth Link Tab at the top of this email.
Youth Sunday
Thanks to everyone for using their time and gifts to make Youth Sunday a meaningful experience for all. Our lunch and auction raised $9000 which will help as many students as possible participate in our summer trips. Thank you everyone!
Children’s Sunday School Classes
I will be sending ideas out to parents to help continue faith formation at home. We will try to offer a group online gathering for all ages of children at some point. 
Wednesday Night Lenten Service
Pastor Chris will lead us in an online worship this Wednesday evening.
Families – let’s plan to do this together for Holy Week!
God’s Big Easter Story: A Holy Week Journey for Families  provides your family with a simple, meaningful way to grow in faith together as you remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.

Eight brief devotions to download and print encourage families to  breathe read wonder , and  pray  together. Kids can add printable story symbols (either full-color or outline-style to color yourself) to a path that follows Jesus's journey from Palm Sunday to Easter morning. 

God's Big Easter Story  is based on the Holy Week section of Faith Alive's popular  God’s Big Story cards  boxed set (available from FaithAliveResources.org). It's part of the  Dwell at Home  series of faith
formation resources for families.

Music/Arts and Worship
New Pipe Organ Update
Casavant Countdown: 6 Months
Casavant Opus 3938 (Installation – September of 2020)
Work continues on the new organ in the Casavant workshop in Montreal
and assembly is taking place at present. 

If you would like to visit Montreal for the rare opportunity to see (and hear) the organ prior to its shipment, please see the Director of Music for the date, information, and more details.

Watch for additional updates here each month.

Carillon Schedule
Before/After Worship (Sunday)
Hymn Program (Sunday & Friday Noon and Sunday at 6:00 PM)
Ringing the Hours (Weekday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM)
6:45 PM - Lenten Service ONLINE

10:00 AM - Worship Service ONLINE
Upcoming Events and Registrations
March 11, 18, 25, April 1: Lenten Services, 6:45 PM - ONLINE