Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Worship at FPC

Wednesday Midweek Lenten Service

12 PM: Join us tomorrow and the next 2 Wednesdays at noon for our Midweek Lenten Service. This service lasts about 30 minutes and will be available to watch live or later in the week as needed on our website.

5:30-6:30 PM: Courtyard Chat with Pastor Anne

Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Indoor Worship/Livestream Worship (watch directly from our website

9:45 AM: Sunday School zoom classes for Youth and Adults. (Sara- can you change the blue color- I can't really read the word Adults or the links below. Thanks~!)

11:00 AM: Indoor Worship

We have Indoor Worship in the Sanctuary at both 8:30 and 11 AM. We will continue to livestream the 8:30 AM service. Following COVID protocol, we will seat 24 family groups per service. Sign up here or call Sara Chang at 615.794.5114 ext 203. Deadline to RSVP is the Thursday night prior to that particular Sunday.

March 7, 2021
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17
Sermon: The Gift, Chris Joiner
"God of Grace and God of Glory"
"Be Thou My Vision"
Congregational Care - Caring for One Another
Your FPC Stephen Leaders (Dale Roos, Judi Arnold, Lissa Bradford) are happy to present to you our newest Stephen Ministers who will be commissioned THIS Sunday March 7th: Bill Carver, Barbara Heerman, Janice Eddlemon, Anne Osborne, and Gary Singer.

These five individuals have been meeting weekly and studying how to confidentially care for individuals who may be going through a rough time in their life. They join a wonderful group of caregivers who meet twice a month for continuing education and supervision: Angela Dyer, Mary Jane Wormer, Rachael Stanfill, Tammy Love, Sally Wanzer, and Ann Zander.

We are very blessed to have Stephen Ministry at FPC and wish to acknowledge all present and retired members that have trained and served others in our congregation. If you or someone you know is in need of a Stephen Minister, please reach out to Stephen Leader, Judi Arnold (615.579.0364) or one of our FPC pastors.
Worship Flower Dedications
You are invited to dedicate worship flowers in honor of or in memory of someone each week. The cost is $85. This will be on a first come, first serve basis. If you have a specific date you would like, sign up ASAP. Thank you for providing flowers each Sunday. We will no longer use the poster in the church office, so please click here to review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. If you have any questions, email Sara at schang@fpcfranklin.org. Thank you!
Flower Vases Needed
Do you have extra flower vases that you could donate for us to use when delivering flowers each week? If so, please bring to church this week and place in the bin marked vases. If you have vases to donate but are unable to bring them to church, please contact Anne Keener (615-794-5114 x219). Thank you in advance.
Yoga has moved to Thursday
Zoom Yoga moved Thursday mornings at 9 AM. We hope this time will work for you whether you have practiced with us in the past or are completely new to yoga.

We practice together via Zoom using a video and then have time for conversation and prayer. Click here to join us or contact Betty Barcheski to learn more. All are welcome. 
ReOpen Task Force Update
The task force met again today and revised some of Phase 3 to allow the CE Committees to progress with their summer planning. We have updated the ReOpening Guideline here. We are still in Phase 2 but are hopeful that we will move forward as we continue to live as a covenant community. 
This Week's Schedule
5:30 PM - Courtyard Chat with Pastor

9 AM - Virtual Yoga

8:30 AM - Livestream Worship
9:45 AM - Zoom Sunday School
11 AM - Indoor Worship