Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Wednesday Schedule

10:30 AM: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

5 PM: Carillon Handbells, Room 215-A

6 PM: WNL Dinner: Chicken Spaghetti

6:45 PM: WNL Program: Gratitude: Home, Church, World led by Pastor Chris (details below)

6:45 PM: Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Room 215-B

Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Worship/Livestream (watch from our website/FB Livestream) 

9:45 AM: Sunday School for ALL Ages

11:00 AM: Worship
ReOpen Task Force Update:
 It is heartening to see the case numbers dropping in our region. Because of those drops, the COVID Task Force at FPC has announced that we will be making masks optional for all fully vaccinated persons. Masks are strongly encouraged for those who are not yet vaccinated and will still be worn by those working closely with children, as they are not yet eligible for vaccination. Also, we have resumed congregational singing in the 8:30 worship service.
November 14, 2021
Scripture: Mark 13:1-8
Sermon:  In Labor, Chris Joiner

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me
God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending
In life and in death we belong to God.

With great sadness, we share the news of Drew Davidson’s death on November 5. Drew was Cathie Oldham Davidson’s husband of almost 20 years. Please join us in praying for the Davidson and Oldham families as they grieve.

Read his obituary HERE.
Mission & Outreach
November 2NDSAT

We are collecting new or gently used fleece blankets now through November 14 for Downtown Presbyterian Church’s clothing closet. Donations can be dropped off at the Basic Essentials Cart in Wilson Hall.
Hard Bargain is gathering Thanksgiving baskets for their Thanksgiving giveaway on November 20, and they have asked FPC to provide for 20 baskets. Would you be willing to collect the items for a basket this week and drop them off at the church by this Sunday, Nov. 14? If so, sign up for a basket HERE.

Please have all your items together in one bag or basket so they can be easily distributed.
Thank you for your willingness to help out and show some love this Thanksgiving season!
Angel Tree

Beginning November 14 through December 12, we will collect gifts for children age 0-18 to donate to The Manger (GraceWorks Christmas Store).

Pick up tags and drop off unwrapped gifts at the Angel Tree in Wilson Hall.
Young Adult Brunch: November 21
We’re going to go to brunch after the 11:00 AM service on Nov. 21 for Young Adults. Email Mary Sellers if you're interested in joining us!
Inquirer Gathering: November 21

It is difficult to have all your questions answered from just attending our worship service. The Inquirer Gathering is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our faith community and ask questions you have about our congregation or the Presbyterian Church in general. Whether you have been visiting for a week or over a year, you are invited to join us after the 8:30 AM service in the Parlor. FPC staff and members will share how God is at work through the mission and ministries of our faith community. We will conclude our time with a tour of the facility. We hope you will join us on Sunday, November 21.
Turkey Trot: Thanksgiving Day

FPC LEGENDS! If you’re going to be in Franklin for Thanksgiving, let’s all meet up for a 5 or 10k as a church family to kick it off properly!

Register HERE and be sure to choose FPC Legends as your team.
Common Grounds Volunteer Needed for THIS Sunday!

We all love the snacks and fellowship time on Sunday mornings, and we need your help in making it happen! We need volunteers for ALL spots for this upcoming Sunday, as well as help for the rest of the month.

Thank you in advance for signing up HERE.
Wednesday Night Dinner, 6 PM
Reservations are needed for dinner each week. Deadline to register is the Sunday prior to that particular Wednesday.

Register today for Thanksgiving Dinner: Turkey, Green Beans, Stuffing, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cranberry sauce, Gravy, Rolls

We would like people to sign up to bring the following desserts:
Chocolate pie (2)
Pecan pie (2)
Pumpkin pie (2)
Signups are on clipboard in kitchen window during the week and in Wilson Hall during WNL or you can email Katie Oldham (k.oldham1994@gmail.com).

We will have a few extra meals available for guests. Sign up on our website under Registrations. Pricing: $10 per adult/youth, $5 per child, $25 family max. If you have any questions, contact our WNL Coordinator, Katie Oldham.
Wednesday Night Live Programming, 6:45 PM
Following dinner, pastor Chris will lead us in Gratitude: Home, Church, World. We will explore gratitude as a, perhaps THE, Christian posture in the world and ask how our living might be influenced by the practice of gratitude. Each evening will explore a different sphere – home and family, the community of faith, and the wider world. There will be a nursery and childcare available. Let us know in the comments on the meal sign up if you need either.
Primetimers Zoom Event: November 16, 2 PM

Our own Jim Goodnow has prepared a Thanksgiving presentation, which he will share with us on Tuesday, November 16 via Zoom.
Worship Flowers

Do you appreciate having flowers in worship each week? Would you be willing to help arrangement them with another person on a Saturday morning? We have several members who have faithfully arranged the worship flowers for many years and would love to add to this group so the frequency of arranging is less. You would be matched with someone who has done it before so you can learn. Please contact Margaret Roberts (jimroberts45@comcast.net or 615-584-4013) to learn more. This would be a fun this to do with a friend or provide an opportunity to meet some new people.

It is also time to sign up for 2022 flowers! You may sign up to dedicate flowers each Sunday in 2022 HERE.
This Week's Schedule
6 PM: Worship Committee Meeting

10:30 AM: Wed Morning Bible Study
5 PM: Carillon Handbells
6 PM: WNL Breakfast for Dinner
6:45 PM: WNL Program

6 PM: UKirk Dinner (St. Augustine's)
6:30 PM: Stephen Ministry CE

10 AM: Sisters in Spirit
5 PM: Women's Retreat at NaCoMe
Women's Retreat at NaCoMe

2NDSAT fleece blanket collection
Women's Retreat at NaCoMe
8:30 AM: Worship/ Livestream
9:45 AM: Sunday School
11 AM: Worship
3 PM: Sunday Night Summit
4:30 PM: Acolyte Training
6 PM: Officer Training
