Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Worship with us at 8:30 and 11:00
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 9, 2018

Youth Live Nativity and Chili Cook-off -
5:30 p.m.

Scripture: Luke 3:1-6

Sermon: In the Wilderness
- Chris Joiner

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
While We Are Waiting, Come
On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry

The People Who Walk in Darkness ,
-P. Chaplin
In life and in death, we belong to God

Mike Moyers’ father, Hardy Moyers, died Sunday afternoon at the age of 86. His service will be at Brenthaven Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Brentwood this Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. with visitation beginning at 2:00 p.m. that afternoon. Please join us in praying for Mike and his family including his mother, Sandra.
WNL Menu
Our menu for this week will be baked potato bar, tossed salad, French bread and assorted desserts.

Cost is $5.00 adult, $3.00 children, and $15.00 family maximum. Remember, if you are celebrating a birthday during this week, your meal is free.
Pictorial Directory
The new pictorial directories have arrived and will be in the narthex on Sunday.  We received a free directory for each family/individual who had their picture taken in addition to purchasing some extras, so we ask that you only take one directory per family/individual. The mobile directory will also be available soon for all to download if you prefer that to the paper copy or in addition to the paper copy.

Spring Mission Trips

We will be traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border and to Hattiesburg, MS. On our global trip, we will work with Frontera de Cristo to learn about the challenges facing communities at the border, as well as how it relates to our faith. Our domestic trip will focus on disaster relief work following Hattiesburg’s 2017 tornado.

Border Trip
Location: Douglas, AZ and Agua Prieta, Mexico
Dates: February 17-23, 2019
Cost: $400 per person
Registration deadline is December 15.

Disaster Relief Trip (Spring Break)
Location: Hattiesburg, MS
Dates: March 17-22, 2019
Cost: $70 per person

More information about each trip can be found on the church website: http://fpcfranklin.org/registration . If you are interested in registering or learning more, reach out to Mary Sellers Shaw at msshaw@fpcfranklin.org .
Basic Essentials Cart

What a joy it was to be at hand when these two brought in their offerings for the Basic Essentials Cart! It is an easy thing to do in busy lives because they are the very same essentials we are already purchasing for our homes and families each week. The cart sits in Wilson Hall, ready to accept food and necessities that we pass on to our neighbors via our mission partners: GraceWorks, Bridges, and My Friend’s House. The Cart is also our year-round collection area for novels for Project J.O.Y., coats for Room In The Inn, and Christmas presents for GraceWorks Manger.
Some items are not covered under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), leaving many without access to these basic products:
 • Deodorant • Feminine Hygiene • Toilet Paper  • Shampoo • Razors and shaving cream • toothbrushes/toothpaste
Meals On Wheels

We partner with Historic Presbyterian Church to cook and deliver Meals On Wheels the first Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each month, and they are cooked and picked up right across the street at FUMC. We are part of a multi-church effort that puts hot meals out into our community throughout each month. It takes many regular hands and part time support to provide this gift. We invite you to see how it all works and pick a date to drive and deliver with a provided partner or with a friend. GPS and the well detailed directions make delivering easy! If the kitchen is your interest, let us know and arrive in the kitchen to support that effort, whether in cooking, packaging or dish washing, Duke Ellis will be your guide! Upcoming dates are December 31, January 2, and January 4. Email mission@fpcfranklin.org  to get connected.
Room In The Inn

The FPC RITI Team of volunteers is available to support new Inn Keepers and drivers (25 years old with a regular driver’s license is all that is needed!)
Contact mission@fpcfranklin.org to set up a time to check out the bus or to be shown the details for the overnight Inn Keepers. Each year many hands are needed to provide this weekly respite for our homeless neighbors. Volunteers old and new are needed and welcomed! Check out our online sign up and the food and set-up support needed on the FPC website:  http://fpcfranklin.org/serve/room-in-the-inn
Would you like to join our weekly guests and add to the warmth that the Inn Keepers and our friends from the Bahá'í community (who provide these meals) provide on the weeks WNL is not in session? Upcoming Dates are 12/19, 12/26 and 01/02. Interested? Email mission@fpcfranklin.org
December 2NDSAT

Our December 8 2NDSAT mission partner is OneGenAway’s Mobile Pantry Food Distribution. The location is Johnson Elementary School: 815 Glass Lane, Franklin. OneGenAway events start at 8:00 a.m. (unlike other 2NDSAT’s), and we work with them in sun, rain, snow, or cold, so come prepared! For more information, visit http://fpcfranklin.org/serve/2ndsatonegen.

Cards That Give

Cards That Give are available for this holiday season! 

What: A tangible and beautiful way to support FPC Mission and honor teachers, friends and family at the same time. 

Why: FPC Mission Partners and FPC Mission Trip Events benefit and grow from the added support.

Order forms are available by clicking here , in the main office, on the Basic Essentials Cart in Wilson Hall. Contact mission@fpcfranklin.org for questions. Forms and checks can be mailed to FPC, left with office workers, or placed in offering plate.
Angel Tree

It’s not too late. You still have one week of shopping to find the perfect gifts(s) to put under the Angel Tree in Wilson Hall. All the gifts will go to The Manger to help families in our community have a wonderful family Christmas. All gifts must be returned to the Angel Tree by this Sunday, Dec. 9. 
Beer and Carols

FPC members will be informally gathering at Nashville’s Beer and Carols on December 6. Join new friends from across the area to sing and share in community. The event is at 7:30 p.m. at Mercy Lounge in Nashville, and tickets can be bought at beerhymns.com. Tickets do sell out, so get yours today. Strike the harp and join the chorus- no skill required!

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women will meet Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 9:45 in the parlor. We will study lesson four - God with Us When We Seek God and invite any newcomers to join our circle of friendship and study. We will enjoy and share a “cornbread and soup” lunch with the staff and volunteers after the study. 
Contact – Betty Willoughby 615-794-1131
Meals on Wheels
5:15 p.m. _ Carillon Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:00 p.m. _ Wednesday Night Live Dinner
6:00 p.m. _ Room In The Inn
6:30 p.m. _ Chancel/Chapel Choir Rehearsal
6:45 p.m. _ Wednesday Night Programs
6:30 p.m. _ Stephen Ministry Training
Meals on Wheels
10:00 a.m.Sisters In Spirit
6:00 p.m. _ Primetimers Christmas Party
7:30 a.m. _ Men's Bible Study
8:00 a.m. _ 2NDSAT-OneGenAway/Food
Distribution-Johnson Elementary
7:45 a.m. _ Chancel/Chapel Choir Rehearsal
8:30 a.m. _ Worship Service/Communion
9:30 a.m. _ Common Grounds (Sunday Coffee)
9:45 a.m. _ Children's Musical Gathering
9:45 a.m. _ Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Chancel/Chapel Choir Rehearsal
10:30 a.m. Common Grounds (Sunday Coffee)
11:00 a.m. Worship Service/Communion
2:45 p.m. _ Homebound Communion
5:30 p.m. _ Live Nativity & Chili Cook-off
4:30 p.m. Bulletin Deadline
9:45 a.m. Presbyterian Women
Upcoming Events and Registrations