Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Worship with us
8:30 and 11:00 AM
March 8, 2020

John 3:1-17 

From Above
Chris Joiner

How Firm a Foundation
Lord, We Have Come at Your Own Invitation
Wash, O God, Your Sons and Daughters

Offertory Music:
O Savior of the World
John Yarrington 
WNL Menu THIS Week:

Baked Potato Bar
Tossed Salad
French Bread
Assorted Desserts

Cost is $5.00 adult, $3.00 children, and $15.00 family maximum. If you are celebrating a birthday this week, your meal is free!
Tornado Relief

We are saddened by the devastation caused by the tornado last night to Nashville. There will be opportunities in the days ahead to help and volunteer your time and money to rebuild and restore hope to those affected by this tragedy.

If you'd like to bring supplies to distribute to our neighbors affected by the tornado, here is a list of items needed by the  Community Resource Center :
Trash Bags
Paper Towels
Work Gloves
Cleaning supplies/bleach
Box cutters
Personal Hygiene items (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
Baby Diapers

You can drop off these items in our church office, and they will be taken to the Community Resource Center as they come in.

The Community Resource Center is Nashville's preferred method for donations at this time.

To volunteer your time, sign up with Hands On Nashville at  hon.org .

To donate money, visit the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee online at  cfmt.org .
Senior Recognition Sunday- March 29

We look forward to celebrating our high school seniors: Olivia Anderson, Emily Bechtel, Mason Blackburn, John Boyette, Bailey Dvorak, Ava Fitzgerald, Neeley Grisham, Spencer Jones, Matt Lewis, Meggie McCaleb, Ali McLain, Cara Moyers, Emily Oldham, Jack Pianta, Chase Reimer, Libbey Roumen, and William Stanfill. 

Senior Bibles will be in Wilson Hall this Sunday. Take time to sign each one so our seniors will have Bibles full of loving messages from their church family to accompany them wherever this next chapter takes them. The Bibles will be presented during worship on March 29 when we recognize our seniors.

Following the 11:00 service we will celebrate our seniors with a luncheon. How do you know this group of seniors? Did you teach them Sunday School, were you a covenant partner, have you shared a pew with them in worship? You are invited to join us for this celebration. The cost is $10 per person, $30 max. Click here to reserve your place at the table and contact Shawn Raines ( shawnhr3@gmail.com or 615-739-8703) with any questions.
Congregational Care
Pictorial Directory

We are updating our directory to include our new members and all those who would like a new picture. Each photo session receives a free 8x10. Photographers will be at church on April 3rd (4-9) & 4th (10- 3).  Click here to sign up today , and if you have any questions, please email Barbara Roos ( barbararoos427@gmail.com ).
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our new daytime prayer shawl group meets in the FPC Parlor from 1:00-2:30 PM the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. All are invited to join us on March 17 for a devotion, time of fellowship while knitting/crocheting, and prayer for those who will be receiving prayer shawls. All ability levels are welcome. Come and join us.
Love One Another as I Have Loved You . . .
In John 15:12, Jesus says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Loving and caring for one another is not just the pastor’s role- it’s something Jesus calls us all to do! Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which people with special gifts for caring ministry can put those gifts to use in an organized way, bringing Jesus’ love and care to those who most need it.

If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, email Stephen Leader Judi Arnold at judimarnold@gmail.com or one of the pastors. Stephen Ministers are ready to provide focused, confidential, one-to-one Christian care.
When you decide to no longer drive but you still want to come to worship, what do you do?  
Reach out to the RideShare Ministry.

Would you like to worship with us on Sundays and transportation is the only obstacle ?
Contact Jane Herron (615-579-7466) or Steve Lewis (615-414-0047) to learn more. 

Are you looking for a new way to respond to God’s grace?
Email rideshare@fpcfranklin.org or call Jane or Steve to learn more about being
part of a team that offers a ride. 
You have 4 weeks left to volunteer with Room In The Inn! If you have wanted to volunteer and haven't had an opportunity yet, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE!!! We especially need help setting up Guest Rooms . Help us finish the season strong!

March 4 (TOMORROW): Ride Along, Set up Guest Rooms
March 11: Set up Guest Rooms
March 18: 2 InnKeepers, Evening Driver, Ride Along, Set up Guest Rooms
March 25: Ride Along, Set up Guest Rooms
March 26: Morning Driver
Don't forget to VOTE today at FPC! You can stop in anytime until 7 PM tonight!
Spirituality Center
9:00 AM - Preschool
10:30 AM - Bible Study
5:00 PM - Adult CE Committee
5:15 PM - Carillon Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6:00 PM - Room In The Inn
6:00 PM - WNL Dinner
6:45 PM - Children's Choir
6:45 PM - Lenten Service
7:15 PM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Spirituality Center
Room In The Inn
9:00 AM - Preschool
9:30 AM - Community Yoga
2:45 PM - Coffee - Second and Bridge (Youth)
6:30 PM - Congregational Care Committee
Spirituality Center
9:00 AM - Preschool
10:00 AM - Sisters in Spirit
5:30 PM - NaCoMe Youth Retreat
Spirituality Center
NaCoMe Youth Retreat
7:30 AM - Men's Bible Study
Spirituality Center
NaCoMe Youth Retreat
7:45 AM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal
8:30 AM - Worship Service
9:30 AM - Common Grounds
9:45 AM - Children's Musical Gathering
9:45 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal
10:30 AM - Common Grounds
11:00 AM - Worship Service
12:00 PM - Inquirer Lunch
2:45 PM - Homebound Communion
Spirituality Center
9:00 AM - Preschool
10:30 AM - Growth Group
1:00 PM - Prayer Shawl Ministry
Spirituality Center
9:00 AM - Preschool
9:30 AM - Presbyterian Women
6:30 PM - Youth CE Committee
Upcoming Events and Registrations