September 24, 2020

As they say, "Time flies when you are having fun!" It is hard to believe that it has been three weeks since I returned from sabbatical leave. Things are moving right along these days. On Sunday, the Session decided to move into Phase 1 of our reopening plan. You should expect a letter in the mail that will go into more detail about what that means for our staff and congregation.

This evening (Thursday 9/24 at 7 p.m.) I will host the 3rd of 3 Zoom meeting that focus on what I did over my sabbatical. We will be discussing my Doctor of Ministry final project, which I worked on over the summer. If you would like a sneak peak, click here. To join me this evening, to talk about sabbatical/sabbath or whatever might be on your mind these days... here is the Zoom link... 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 827 1495 1160
Passcode: 384501

I look forward to talking to you!

Pastor David
Thurs, Sept 24
Drive-Thru Food Drive at FPCR: 9:30 - 11:30 am
"In Support of the Sabbath" class with Pastor         David via Zoom: 7 pm
Fri, Sept 25
UKirk SMU Virtual Lunch and Learn: 12 noon
Sun, Sept 27
Adult Sunday School class via Zoom: 9 am
Fellowship Coffee Hour  via Zoom: 9:30 am
Worship via Facebook: 10:30 am
Tues, Sept 29Pastors' Bible Study via Zoom: 5 -6 pm
Wed, Sept 30
"Hymns of the Heart" with Ralph via Zoom: 7 pm

UKirk SMU is a new worshipping community of Grace Presbytery. Learn all that UKirk does for college students by providing inclusive space for worship, community, and support. You'll hear from their campus minister - Jessie Light-Well, board members, and current students why this progressive campus ministry is so vital to college students from all corners of campus.

Click here to register for the online event.

Hymns of the Heart  

3 Week Series with Ralph
Wednesday - 7 pm
via Zoom

Join Ralph Stannard for a 3-week series exploring favorite hymns, both old and new! We'll learn more about the stories behind the creation and history of some hymns, and reflect upon how some hymns have a special place in our hearts. All are invited to take part from 7:00-8:00 pm, on September 30, October 7, and October 14 via Zoom. Join in for one session or come to all three! 

Click here to register and receive the Zoom log-in information.

Gracen May Gideo was born 
Tuesday, September 15 
at 9:54 pm to parents 
Anthony Gideo and 
Kayleigh Reynolds. 
Older brother Grady, 
4 years old, is smitten. 
Gracen was 20 inches.

Brionna Minde, 
daughter of Kathy Minde 
and late Michael Minde, 
and Jaymes Becker, 
son of Randy and Christi Becker, were married Nov. 23, 2019 
at Bear Creek Ranch 
in Nevada, TX.

Just a reminder 
if you use a bank auto-draft for
any pledges or giving to FPCR,
be sure to update our new address with your bank rather than the old 271 N. Walton address.

FPCR's New Address: 

PO Box 831985, 
Richardson, TX  75083

Friday, October 2, 
2020Sherrill Park Golf Course
2001 E. Lookout Drive   |   Richardson, TX 75082

Tee-times will be assigned between 9:30 am 
and 12:30 pm for all teams.

Join us for the 23rd Annual Golf Outing on October 2, 2020 at Sherrill Park Golf Course! You can help our neighbors in need by participating as a sponsor, foursome or individual player.

 Please contact Debbie Cox at 972-234-8880 ext. 107
if you have any questions.

White Krispies

by Alice Minter 
(thank to Anne Healy for passing this one along!) 

Click here for recipe!

A fun and easy snack for fall!  Invite the kids to help with this one! 

Thank you to everyone who has shared 
recipes with us over the summer!

Don't be Scammed!

**NEVER give out any personal information over the phone, 
email or text**

Unfortunately, there are continually new scams to steal personal information - credit card, bank account, driver's license number and social security number.  
For a list of all the current scams, click here. 

Please be aware of the newest scams listed below.
  • If you receive a recorded call from Social Security stating your SS# has been compromised and to push 1 on your phone, 
    hang up immediately!! This is a scam to get your SS number!!  
  •  If you receive a text or email that might even be personalized with your name saying something similar to: "We found a parcel from a recent shipment owed to you. Kindly assume ownership and confirm for delivery",  and it will list a link to click on. IT IS A SCAM - DO NOT OPEN OR CLICK ON THE LINK.
  • If you receive a phone call from someone wanting to verify your name or address, DO NOT REPLY "YES". They are wanting you to reply with "Yes" so they can record your voice and use it to buy/sign up for fraudulent purchases, services or credit cards.

Don't answer any text messages, emails or phone calls from people or numbers you do not know. 



Online Gatherings - Every Friday at Noon
We are continuing to offer an online gathering 
each week as a way to process and share grief.
Please join us every Friday at Noon.  
Click here to receive the link to join.

Even though our doors are closed temporarily, your pastors, staff, session and many volunteers are all still hard at work to be there for each of you during this time.

Please remember to continue with your giving and pledges by clicking the link below or mail your offerings.

** Please note new mailing address **

First Presbyterian Church
PO Box 831985
Richardson, TX  75083

If you would like to receive the church's prayer 
concerns list, please email 
An updated list will be emailed each week.

2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Recognizing the unusual and demanding challenges teachers face this school year because of COVID-19, we want to identify and pray for FPCR members (or family members) who are teaching this year. Our developing list of names is below. Please lift them in your prayers and email any additions to
  1. Charlie Anderson - RISD (Latin)
  2. Judy Bozone - Texas A&M Commerce (Music Theory)
  3. Sarah Mathieu Burdick - Lamplighter School (Pre-K)
  4. Josh Carter (Lisa's son) - Richland College (Game Technology)
  5.  Kathy Crouch (Howard Kent's daughter) - RISD (Elementary)
  6. Mary Mathieu Farrington - RISD (Counselor)
  7. John Fattaruso - SMU (Physics)
  8. Andy Forisha - United States Naval Academy (Math)
  9. Kate Forisha - Plano ISD (Administrator)
  10. Stephen Forisha - Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD (Math)
  11. Nancy Freeman - Mesquite ISD (Science)
  12. Katie Gassensmith - Frisco ISD (Music
  13. Wayne Geyer - Texas A&M Commerce Graduate Assistant
  14. Lyna Colbaugh Gonzalez - RISD (Librarian)
  15. Julia Haun - UTD (Interdisciplinary Studies)
  16. David Hughes - Frisco ISD (Math)
  17. Jessica Fandrick Kirkland - Allen ISD (3rd Grade)
  18. Valerie Lormor - Austin ISD (Kindergarten)
  19. Sarah Rowley - DePauw University (History)
  20. Stefani Stewart - GISD (Special Ed)
  21. Barbara Sucher - RISD (Counselor)
  22. Sarah Wright - RISD (Substitute)

Front Line Healthcare Workers 
Treating COVID-19 Patients

Patrick Hammontree, Physical Therapist for Urgent Care Patients and COVID screener at Medical City

Sue Moyer (Mary Stewart's daughter) - ER nurse in Glenwood, Colorado

Madeline Katz (granddaughter of Suzanne Katz) - nurse on COVID-19 wing at Baylor/Dallas

Dr. Jeff Gotts (son of Ernie & Lindy Gotts) - MD in the ICU of Univ. of CA, San Francisco

Marcia Franzen (daughter of Beverly & Marty Gallagher) - nurse on COVID-19 ward in Stockholm

Ally Stilwell (Pastor Rosy's best friend) - infectious diseases pharmacist in Brooklyn, NY

Jack & Tracy Childress (Lisa Carter's brother & sister-in-law) - ER Dr. and nurse in Gainesville
as of 8.31.20
Revenues:                     YTD Budget         YTD Actual
Pledged Receipts                $366,528.64             $357,477.38
SBA PPP Loan/grant                                           $  69,300.00
Other Receipts                    $  68,000.00             $  73,756.45
Total Revenues                   $434,528.64             $500,533.83
Total Expenses                    $434,528.32             $430,147.81
Net Total                                                              $  70,386.02  
Moments in History
Click here 

This is the last in this series of articles.  
We hope you have enjoyed highlights of what was 
happening when our church was first organized.  
Thank you to Gordon Rice for compiling these historical events.

October 18
November 15
December 12 (Saturday AM)

September 26, 2020 - CXL'D
November 14, 2020 - Canyon Creek, Richardson

Click on items below:

10:30 Worship 
via Facebook 
Click here to access previous worship services.

Present Word 
Sunday School 
Prophets in Pajamas
Sunday - 9 am
Click here for lesson.

God commands us to love one another. Explore with us the evolution of this command in the passages from the Old and New Testament and the challenges it presents us today.

New Link: Click here to register in advance through Nov 1.

FPCR Fellowship 
Coffee Hour
Sunday - 9:30 am

Click here to register in advance through the end of September or click here to join the meeting if you have already registered.

Pastors' Bible Study
Tuesday - 5:00 pm

Click here to pre-register through the end of the year.

Children's Sunday School will resume October 4

 Click here for additional Zoom info.
In This Issue

These short 
Daily Encouragements 
are a great way to start your day!

If you are interested in receiving these email:
First Friday
(Parents Night Out)

There will be no First Friday offered until further notice. 
Watch this space for updates.