FPMS PTA 2022-2023 Board Members and Committee Chairs Needed!
Many of the Board Members this year are graduating to VHS and we need some new people to step up to join our Board! The nominating committee is still looking for someone for the PTA President position. We also have several committees that are seeking new chairs. These committees are: FPMS Beautification, Staff Appreciation, Volunteer Coordinator, Box Tops, School Supplies, Reflections and Social Media.
We need to vote on our slate of officers during the April Membership Meeting of the PTA. The commitment in middle school is definitely not as big as elementary school and it is a great way to be a part of your student’s lives! We have established a great relationship with our administration & teachers and they are awesome to work with! If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to any of our Committee Chairpeople or email presidentfpmspta@gmail.com.