Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative News
FPQC Spring 2018 Newsletter
FPQC Launches Labor Support Skills to Promote Vaginal Deliveries Workshops
As part of the FPQC’s  PROVIDE (Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries) Initiative , trainers have been travelling the state to provide regional workshops that focus on training hospital staff on labor support skills.

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FPQC Conference 2018
The  Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative  held its  seventh annual conference  on April 19 and 20 in Tampa. Guest speakers included Neel Shah, Ann Borders, Tara Bristol Rouse, Heather Kaplan, and more.

Access LARC Meeting Focuses on Implementing Immediate Postpartum LARC Procedures
The mid-project meeting was attended by hospital teams, representatives from Medicaid managed care plans, Healthy Start, March of Dimes, and the Department of Health.

Upcoming Events
June 20, 2018
Jacksonville, FL

Hypertension in Pregnancy
8 - 11 AM

Obstetric Hemorrhage
2 - 5 PM 
July 30-31, 2018
Jacksonville, FL

Learn how to develop a small-scope maternal or infant health care quality improvement issue.

Offered at no cost to hospital teams!
FPQC Project Updates
Promoting Primary Vaginal Deliveries (PROVIDE)
PROVIDE project hospitals have chosen their focus area and are beginning to make small steps of change related to labor dystocia, induction, and fetal heart rate concern.

PROVIDE resources are available at the Initiative website .
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)
New infant health project - Recruitment information coming soon!

We are launching a statewide QI project aimed at standardizing care and decreasing length of stay for Florida infants with NAS.

Visit the NAS website for more information.
Mother's Own Milk in the NICU
The MOM initiative is moving into the Sustainability Phase this summer. Progress continues to be made in process measures such as pumping within 6 hours and nutritive breastfeeding within 7 days of discharge, to support the overall aim of increasing mother’s own milk for very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants.

MOM resources are available at the Initiative website .
Access LARC
Hospitals and residency programs are working on Pre-Implementation Phase steps such as assuring billing mechanisms are in place for immediate postpartum LARC; revising policies, procedures, formularies, and IT systems; and educating staff and providers on the importance of immediate postpartum LARC.

Access LARC project resources are available at the  LARC Initiative website .
QI Corner:
We highly recommend checking out the IHI's Open School , which offers training and tools in an online, educational community to help you and your team deliver excellent, safe care.