Prevention Summit & FRC Funding Stream Letter
To Our Valued CFRA Members
We are asking you to sign on to a very important letter that focuses specifically on our Family Resource Centers . To transform and preserve the future of California families, we must fund our future through public resources that reflect primary prevention and early interventions, community-driven practices, frameworks of equity rooted in service delivery, and holistic models of care which integrate whole child, whole family  and whole community  values. 

CFRA is working with a dedicated group of FRCs throughout California to urge legislators to invest in Family Resource Centers and other primary prevention and early intervention child abuse prevention strategies by leveraging federal funding and state and county level resources. The specific actions include:
  • The Families First Prevention Services Act
  • State-Level Funding and Priorities
  • County-Level Funding Mechanisms and Priorities

Additionally, we are urging legislators to invest in promising practices of prevention implemented by Family Resource Centers, increase investment in Family Resource Centers' workforce, and increase investment in Family Resource Centers' infrastructure. 

Before we distribute our recommendations to legislators, we are asking our CFRA members to give us input on our recommendations, as well as help us gather support for our letter. To find out more information about our recommendations, read about the policy recommendations . If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know. If you'd like to sign on as a supporter, please contact Jennifer Santos

Thank you for your continued support of children and families throughout the state, and your valued partnership with CFRA. CFRA values your investment and dedication to child abuse prevention, and together we can make a difference.
2019 Prevention Summit
The Prevention Cabinet of the County Welfare Directors Association of California, the California Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP), and Strategies 2.0 will co-host a Prevention Summit on January 31 and February 1 in San Diego.

This summit will spur a leap forward in our shared goals toward child abuse prevention and family well-being, by convening cross-sector teams from select counties who are prepared to deepen their collaboration and commit to a shared strategy. By participating in the summit, counties will:
  • develop and strengthen public-private partnership for strengthening families
  • create a county-wide prevention plan (or take an existing plan to the next level)
  • commit to an ongoing collaborative process with clear action steps

You can have a role in securing your county's participation .

In November all California CWDA members and CAPCs will be invited to apply. Contact your local CAPC and/or Child Welfare leadership to encourage them to participate, and indicate your interest in being part of the team and/or the larger collaborative pre- and post-meetings.

For more information, review the Summit letter and application .
Children's Health Updates:
Webinars & New CA County Scorecard of Children's Well-Being
CHILDREN’S COUNTY SCORECARD: Children Now recently unveiled the 2018-19 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being, showing regional disparities that exist in children’s services and outcomes, with children in the Central Valley and Inland Empire most likely to lack supports they need. Health indicators in California are up across all counties. However, to maintain and increase this indicator, the state must continue to keep health access available for our children and remain vigilant against any federal actions that threaten to do away with programs like the Children’s Health Insurance Program or harmful immigration policies that threaten children’s access to coverage and care. Check out the 2018-2019 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being online.
PUBLIC CHARGE WEBINAR : On Nov. 7 at 10am, Ninez A. Ponce, director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; Laurel Lucia; director of the health care program at the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education; and Tia Shimada, director of programs at California Food Policy Advocates, will preview a forthcoming report and share estimates of the health and economic impact the rule change will have on California and its regions. More resources about public charge are also available at CPCA’s Immigration Resource Page and the Resource Sheet from Community Health Councils .
LPFCH WEBINAR : Also on Nov. 7 th at 10am PT, the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health is hosting a Conversation on the Effect of Payment Models in Children’s Health Car e . The expert and provocative panel includes Dr. Carolyn Langer , Joan Alker , and Dr. Margaret Kirkegaard , and will be moderated by Dr. Chris Stille . Make sure to register for the webinar.
CFRA's Monthly Policy Calls
Every fourth Friday of the month, CFRA updates members to discuss state and federal legislation which impacts the family strengthening field. We have representatives throughout the state to give the varying perspectives of our diverse clients and regions. To participate in our next call, register here.

Our next call is on Friday, November 30 at 9AM.
(Note: this is the 5th Friday of November.)
Strategies 2.0 Learning Communities
Connecting members and allies of the child abuse prevention field
You're invited to join us for any of the FREE Learning Community convenings listed below. Who should attend?
  • Professionals from social service, health, mental health, child care, child welfare, housing, veterans service, education, family resource centers, law enforcement, and other helping agencies
  • Advocates, parents, & community members who want to learn and make a difference for children and families in their region

Learning Communities Convenings
Southern California Learning Community
  • 11/30/18
  • 3/8/19
  • 5/17/19
Valley Learning Community
  • 11/13/18
  • 2/22/19
  • 5/10/19
Sierra Learning Community
  • 11/8/18

Click here for more information about Strategies 2.0 and to register for the Learning Communities above. Sign up for their newsletter.