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february is national heart health month

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february is the month of candy hearts, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and teddy bears holding (you guessed it) stuffed hearts.

It’s a time to toast to those who make our heart beat faster, but it’s also an opportunity to honor that beating heart love ourselves enough to take care of us!

While it’s fantastic to celebrate Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to make time to celebrate your heart this month. Focus on showing yourself some love by making a commitment to honor your health. We have so much compassion for others, now we need to focus some of that on ourselves.

Below are four ideas to celebrate American Heart Health Awareness Month, as well as ways Weight Watchers can help you on your journey. That’s because February is also American Heart Month—both a celebration and reminder of just how important a healthy heart is for a long, fulfilling life. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States... don't allow yourself to be a victim. –Elitra Heart Health

01/ learn about the symptoms of a heart attack

Heart attacks do not discriminate — women are just as likely to have a heart attack as men are. But women are more likely than men to die from one.

In the midst of a heart attack, too many people do not seek help simply because they do not understand what they are experiencing. In a 2005 survey, 92 percent of respondents identified chest pain as a symptom, but only 27 percent could correctly identify all of the major symptoms and know to call 9-1-1 in the event of a heart attack. This lack in awareness is even more concerning given that almost half of sudden cardiac deaths occur outside of a hospital setting.

02/ participate in–or organize through your Weight Watchers group–

a heart health walk

If you’re looking for heart month motivation ideas to get moving, want to meet other heart disease survivors and also do a bit of good for the world, sign up for a Heart Walk this February. Hosted by the American Heart Association (AHA), Heart Walks raise money to fight heart disease and stroke. You can create a team of friends and family to fundraise and walk together.

Perhaps your Weight Watchers group will create a team! You be the organizer!

You can use this heart health month activity as a launching pad for a neighborhood walking club and use these resources from the AHA to set up and host your club. Committing to thirty minutes of a moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as walking, at least five days per week is recommended by the AHA to improve your overall cardiovascular health.

According to Harvard Medical, researchers have found that walking reduced the risk of cardiovascular events by 31 percent in both men and women who walked as little as 5½ miles per week at 2 miles per hour. In addition to promoting weight loss and muscle growth, walking also improves risk factors such as vascular stiffness, inflammation and mental stress.

Close up portrait of an happy african american woman eating pizza

03/ join us and maintain heart health–yes, with pizza!

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To help lower your risk for heart disease, it’s important to practice a healthy lifestyle.

We encompass all 4 Pillars.

  • The Weight Watchers program is based on a healthy program designed by scientists and nutritionists. Eating healthy is no problem.
  • Take steps to manage your weight - start with joining Weight Watchers.

...........Voted the #1 Weight Loss Program in the country for 13 years in a row

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we simplified our program to make it easier to follow

  • What makes the new program different? Our updated, simplified weight-loss program makes it easier for you to follow and find success. Every member gets a tailored Points Budget and streamlined list of over 200 ZeroPoint foods. Compared to programs of the past, we now use advanced nutrition science to factor in more food label data, like added sugars, fiber, and unsaturated fats, to guide you toward the healthiest foods.
  • What do you eat? What you eat is up to you—and we’ll show you how to enjoy your favorite foods in a way that gets you to your goals. With Weight Watchers, there are no “good” or “bad” foods—just nutritious and less nutritious ones.
  • No deprivation. Eat what you love. Pizza, pasta, beer, wine! Eat what you eat now– you'll learn how. But we're not teasing with food. It's real. No packaged food. Not microwave pizza--enjoy the real pizza shop thing!
  • We make the program as easy as possible. You’ll get a Points® Budget to “spend” however you want. You’ll track your meals, drinks, and snacks in the WW App and enjoy as many ZeroPoint™ foods as you'd like. Activity can also boost your weight loss (vs. only focusing on and every member has access to free, fun, all-level workouts.
  • Our Workshops (or Meetings, back in the day) are coach-led group sessions held in a Studio location or online. You don’t need to go, but the extra support can ramp up your results: Workshop members lose two times more weight than those who DIY.^ Workshops offer unlimited accountability, and give you a sense of belonging alongside coaches and members who really get it.

0/4 host a potluck focused on heart-healthy recipes for a heart pounding




February is home to Super Bowl parties and their gut-busting spreads of foods—which is fine! You’re allowed to enjoy yourself as long as you practice moderation. We’re rooting for the dip tray this year, and we’re also suggesting you start a new February tradition: a heart-healthy potluck. Gather your loved ones around recipes that will help—not hurt—your heart, for the BIG GAME!

Try our ALL EASY TO MAKE recipes below, for decadent Super Bowl treats. Powerhouse Protein Nachos, Poblano & Turkey Chili. Outrageously delicious Hot Artichoke Dip, Buffalo Chicken Jalapeño Poppers. You’ll help spread America heart month awareness among your friends and family, and you’ll learn new recipes, too. You can deepen the impact of the event by setting future health goals together and promising to keep one another accountable.

If you feel stressed out about the idea of healthy food prep and don’t know where to begin, these recipes are easy peasy!

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the Weight Watchers program

is for people who want to lose weight.

right from the start, eat your favorites.

"no diet. no deprivation. no kidding!"

–Deb W, General Manager and Voice of Philadelphia

Dear WW Philadelphia Member,

Where’s the compassion?


To say self-compassion may not come naturally to us is an understatement. While always giving others grace about their weight, I have always had a hard time giving myself anything but criticism.


Beating ourselves up about eating the cookie, cookies, or container of cookies, doesn’t help get us to where we want to be. For me, it works in the opposite direction. I want to throw my hands up and raise the white flag of defeat. Defeat means MORE cookies.


Treating ourselves as we would treat a friend, family member, professional acquaintance or even a stranger relates to the steps needed for better self-care and healthier behaviors. Reminding ourselves daily that we are kind, good and deserving, sounds simple but learning to say it and hear it with true sincerity is challenging.


Identifying something you really like about you and creating a kind (self-compassionate) statement about that thing could be a step toward getting started.

An example for me would be my ability to find an inner strength that pushes and pulls me through every tough spot I have ever found myself in. Using that inner strength as a base for a self-compassionate statement might sound like, “I accept myself as I am, I am strong, I am stronger than this, I can, and I will.”


For a Member with a slower weight loss, a self-compassionate statement might sound like, “may I be patient with me today.” For me and the too many cookies, it might sound like, “may I forgive myself and move on.”


Practice kindness to self this week and, of course...


Deb Wright

General Manager

Voice of Philadelphia

Here's Kara to tell you about her success with Weight Watchers!

Enjoy our video

the 4 pillars of weight loss success

and heart health

dealing with setbacks. take a step back, reassess, and move forward to heart health.

learn more >

how walking could help you lose weight and get heart healthy.

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turn any setback into a fresh start. regain your bearings then continue on your way.

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a nap can enhance your heart health, increase alertness and improve your mood.

learn more >

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powerhouse protein nachos

chicken jalapeño poppers

oven-baked ribs

poblano & turkey chili

hot spinach-artichoke dip

sloppy joe spaghetti squash

buffalo wings

baked buffalo chicken dip

beef nachos



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