FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!



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bluetooth body analysis

weight scale

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FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

about the fabulous scale

1. Syncs with WW app!

2. Tracks 6 biometrics!

• weight • body fat 3. body water

• muscle mass • bone mass • BMI

3. Provides for more accountability!

4. Helps builds healthy habits!

And ...the scale will be shipped directly to your home. Ready-to-use! Batteries are even included!

about the fabulous plan 👉🏻 click here for more

6 month premium plan

$11.54 /wk • all inclusive!

Our most comprehensive plan ever!

• workshops • virtual workshops • ww app

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FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

why we love this

it's proven:

frequent weight tracking

helps you lose more weight

—and keep it off.

tracking your weight more frequently

helps you lose more of it.

* Members who keep their weight off are 17 times more likely

to weigh themselves

at least once a week.**

The WW Bluetooth Body Weight Scale makes it easier to turn weight tracking into a seamless routine: simply hook it up to your WW app via Bluetooth and it will automatically record and track your numbers. Get it FREE when you join!

*Zheng Y, Klem ML, Sereika SM, Danford CA, Ewing LJ, Burke LE. Self-weighing in weight management: A systematic literature review. Obesity. 2015;23(2):256–265. doi:10.1002/oby.20946 

 **Phelan S, Halfman T, Pinto AM, Foster GD. Behavioral and Psychological Strategies of Long-Term Weight Loss Maintainers in a Widely Available Weight Management Program. Obesity. 2020; 28:421–428.

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FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

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the secret is the new Weight Watchers program

... and the simplicity it offers

The new program gives each of us a Points budget, which makes weekly meal planning seamless. We prepare and savor all of the delicious recipes we love; as well as eat out with friends; go to parties; enjoy a nice glass of wine for (4 Points); or enjoy our beers...they're as low as 3 Points a bottle (Corona Light).

Speaking of beer ...

track and plan ahead for

a fun time watching the


in the playoffs

...and on the

Weight watchers program

you can cheer them on

with a beer or two

[that's 3-6 Points™ total!]

Planning ahead means having a great breakfast like eggs and fruit: a salmon omelette for lunch! So far 0 Points. You track it from there...

If you're having friends over, and not going out, try some of the recipes below they're scrumptious and you'll stay on track! Also popcorn is a delicious 0 Point substitute for chips!

In addition, we have over 200 ZeroPoint foods to choose from, designed to help us feel fuller longer, supporting our overall weight loss.

When you hear Zero don't think only vegetables! There's delicious food on that list; like chicken and shrimp and shellfish, seafoods, eggs, all fruits and non-starchy veggies, even popcorn! You're never deprived- just plan your day out and you'll continue to lose.

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FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

this week . . .

we'll be focusing on create a scale action plan!

Three fast facts:

01/ More frequent self-weighing is associated with greater weight loss.

02/ Frequent self-weighing is defined as at least weekly and up to (but no more than) once per day.

03/ Frequent weight tracking can take the pressure off any one day or number and help us recognize that fluctuations are normal.

FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

what to know

about weighing yourself

with Weight Watchers you choose.

there is no wrong or right time,

just what's best for you.

If you’ve decided that you want to lose some weight, you'll discover weighing yourself regularly may help you check your progress. At Weight Watchers, you decide when, where and how much scale time is good for your schedule! Find out what you need to know when it comes to regular weigh-ins, including when and how often.

how often to weigh-in

Studies show that within two years of weight loss, people generally gain two-thirds of the weight back that they worked so hard to lose. But if you weigh yourself regularly, research suggests, you'll be more successful in losing weight and keeping it off in the long run. You'll not only track your progress if you’re losing weight but also take steps to not gain it back if you don't want it. 

01/ weekly weigh-ins 

This is where the benefits of regular weigh-ins kick in. If you weigh yourself at least once a week, you may have more success with weight loss than those who check in with the scale less frequently.‌

By weighing yourself once a week, you can take note of not only the number on the scale but also the changes in your body fat. You’ll begin to see differences in how your clothes fit as you count up the number of pounds lost.

02/ daily weigh-ins 

If you’re really committed to losing weight, weighing yourself every day can be helpful. Research shows that people who weigh themselves every day have even more success with weight loss than those who weigh in weekly.

One of the biggest benefits of daily weigh-ins may be that you can make small changes throughout the day to help you stay on track. You can catch little ups and downs in weight faster and decide how you want to deal with them. For example, you can choose to exercise more or refocus your diet and eating habits.‌

Another benefit is that you may feel more driven to stay on track when you see small losses throughout the week. A study from April 2015 followed 47 obese men and women who used the same diet and eating plan over six months. 

those who tracked their weight daily

lost an average of 13 pounds more

than those who didn’t track frequently.*

03/ the best time to weigh-in

The thing that’s most important when it comes to weighing yourself, either weekly or daily, is at what time. Most researchers agree that it's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning. That way, you're more likely to make it a habit and be consistent with it.

Weighing yourself in the morning helps especially with age-related gains, which can be more difficult to control. But if you notice the number on the scale creeping up throughout the week, you can choose healthier habits to fight back.

Chances are that your stomach is relatively empty first thing in the morning. So weighing yourself allows you to accept that there will be ups and downs in your weight over the course of your day. Those changes come with normal eating and drinking.

04/ to get the most accurate readings on the scale, follow these tips:

If you’re weighing yourself weekly: remember to do it on the same day every week. Research suggests that the best day for weekly weigh-ins is Wednesday. You perhaps had weekend splurges eating out or drinking a little too much, and may be back on track since!

if you weigh yourself daily:

  • Weigh yourself at the same time of day to get an accurate comparison.
  • Use the bathroom before weighing yourself.
  • Wear as little clothing as possible when you weigh yourself, and try to wear the same or similar clothing each time you weigh in.
  • Put your scale on a hard, flat surface, as a scale on an uneven surface won’t read correctly.
  • Stand still, barefoot, on the scale with your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors

 Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on May 01, 2021

FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

the Weight Watchers program is

for people who want to lose weight.

right from the start, eat your favorites.

"no diet. no deprivation. no kidding!"

–Deb W, General Manager

and Voice of Philadelphia

Dear WW Philadelphia Member,

The Scale: Friend or Foe?

Me: Well, it depends.

Isn’t that the truth! Our whole world can be turned upside down or right side up by a moment on the scale.

I am one of those who avoids the scale at all costs when gaining weight or when I know I’m significantly over goal and out of control. When I’m on the right track, I want to get on every scale and confirm my progress.

I remember being at a department store shortly after getting to Lifetime. The store had a whole aisle of assorted bathroom scales. All plugged in ready to demonstrate. I stepped on one after another being very pleased with my weight. The last scale I stepped on, unbeknownst to me, had a voice. It said, “you have gained 34 pounds since the last time you weighed.” AARG! Well, for one, I had never met this scale before. Two, how rude! And Three, if that scale was at my house, it would have found itself in the garbage bin.

Scales are just a tool and in some ways like a photo. I have many pictures of myself that I’m not crazy about and have even said things like, “I don’t look like that.” However, that is what the camera saw at that moment. Scales in the same way give the snapshot of what is going on with our bodies at the moment. Telling the story of too many carbs, water retention, just plain poor choices or extra servings or 7 days of tracking perfection.

I know a lot of us have scale rituals. Things like wearing the same clothes, right down to the underwear, eating and drinking the same foods the day of weigh-in and of course, completely dry hair. Really not a bad idea, it eliminates some of the variables. What if we set our lifetime goal weights at the number we’re at in the afternoon about 3PM after a normal breakfast and lunch?

Years ago, while still working as a Coach, then called Leader, I heard the most intelligent words about weighing in from a virgin (never before) Member. She joined with two other friends; they were experienced Members. The never before Member was the first to the scale and her two friends were standing behind her. As I’m making small talk with her about joining, we both hear her two friends gasp loudly. I’m thinking her dress must have just split down the back or she’s stepping off the scale and going to fall. She and I both look at her friends, they’re pointing down at her feet. They exclaim, “you left your shoes on!” My beautiful new Member says, “it’s not my shoes’ fault.”

Have a great week WW friend,

Deb Wright

General Manager

Voice of Philadelphia

FREE! Bluetooth Body Weight Analysis Scale When You Join!

pretrack and plan ahead, tracking can help you lose weight

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track activity, visualize your achievements, you’ll add points for doing it

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Large woman very happy with the results of her new diet

a daily or weekly date with the scale is a powerful tool on your journey

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trackers shine a light on your biggest source of inactivity: sleep!

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lose weight—without giving up what you love!

Food, celebrations, and weight loss. It’s all on the table!

mexican bean dip

creamy mexican dip

buffalo wings

sweet potato skins

chicken piccata stir-fry

tenders with dip

red pepper dip

buffalo cauliflower

nachos grande

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The WW Logo, Weight Watchers, Points, and ZeroPoint are trademarks of WW International, Inc. ©2023 WW International, Inc. All rights reserved. ©2023 Weight Watchers of Philadelphia, all rights reserved.

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