BSA/AML Training from the TPPPA!

The TPPPA has developed industry best practices in payments compliance for banks, payment processors, MSBs and merchants. We call our best practices the TPPPA Compliance Management System (CMS). The TPPPA CMS is a set of controls that, when implemented, create a documented, risk-based compliance discipline and demonstrate a culture of compliance in your organization. The TPPPA CMS Control Framework has been shared with federal regulatory agencies including the CFPB, FTC, FinCEN, OCC, FDIC and the Federal Reserve Bank and is consistent with regulatory guidance and guidance from the CFPB and the DOJ.

Our 2023 BSA/AML training series is underway! We are opening up some of these sessions to the general public. Click on the links below to register for the webinars. All courses are eligible for AAP and APRP continuing education credits.
Course Schedule
All sessions occur on Wednesday at 2:00 pm Eastern Time
BSA/AML Responsibilities of Payment ProcessorsMember Only (5/16/23)
BSA/AML Responsibilities of Money Service Businesses (MSBs) - Member Only (5/30/23)

We hope you'll be able to join us for these training sessions!
2023 Training Webinars Sponsored by Our Partner 

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