Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

Overcome Your Limitations with Dr. Jean Houston

Most people, regardless of age, race, or gender, have fantasized about having magical or “super” powers of some kind…


This is the reason books and movies about superheroes, wizards, mutants, and people with psychic powers are so popular—and embraced by both children and adults alike.


Those characters have abilities we wish we had, and they tap into our core desire to become the best, most skillful and adaptable human beings we can be… 

And with the world undergoing such massive change right now—with so many people in crisis worldwide—it would be really nice to have those powers, wouldn’t it?


Well, my dear friend, world-renowned “Human Potential” pioneer, and bestselling author Dr. Jean Houston has discovered that in fact, each of us has access to 5 “Quantum Powers” that are latent within us.


I’ve admired Jean’s work for decades and during these strange times, I highly encourage you to attend her upcoming free online event to find out all about awakening these dormant powers within you:


The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

While these powers don’t include the ability to fly, turn invisible, or walk through walls, they can allow you to…

  • Profoundly improve your health, energy, and vitality
  • Have a profound impact on people and the world at large, contributing to a collective healing
  • Dramatically expand your creativity 
  • Rapidly accelerate your personal evolution
  • Maximize your time and experience true time freedom 
  • Naturally attract more money and powerful connections in support of the projects that are most important to you


These “Quantum Powers” are inactive in most of us, but some of the most successful people in history have used them to achieve seemingly impossible things.


After mastering these Quantum Powers herself and proving their effectiveness with a private group of students, Jean decided it was time to reveal her findings to the world and begin training others (like you) to unlock the powers in themselves.

Plus, when you claim your spot, you’ll also get instant access to a downloadable guidebook for maximizing your experience in the seminar, AND an exclusive, time-sensitive report from Jean about leveraging “The Power of Quantum Healing and Endless Energy” to thrive during even the most challenging times.

Join Jean for this Online Event at No Charge

Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

If you aren’t already familiar with Jean, she’s an internationally renowned author, philosopher, and scholar, who has written nearly 30 books, including several bestsellers.


Deepak Chopra called Jean “The most important person alive in the world today when it comes to human and social potential,” and after hearing what she shares in this seminar, I completely agree.


Not only that, but she’s worked closely with Margaret Mead, Joseph Campbell, Buckminster Fuller, Bill & Hillary Clinton, and many other world leaders in more than 100 cultures around the world.


Jean also works closely with the United Nations, helping implement their international education and health programs, along with training leaders in developing countries.


Her list of accomplishments is already enough to fill five lifetimes, and now she wants to help you unlock your Quantum Powers so you can become the most evolved version of yourself, too. 

These are the 5 Quantum Powers Jean will be exploring during this inspiring online event:


  • The power to expand time so you can do more in less time than ever before without adding stress to your life
  • The power to experience “sustained fire” to keep you operating at your highest energy level during even the most trying times
  • The power to partner with the energy of the Universe to more easily accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams
  • The power to expand and express your creativity without sacrificing your daily responsibilities
  • The power to attract the money, people and resources you need to move your projects forward and achieve the level of authentic success you’re striving for


Let Jean show you how to overcome your limitations and step into a life of true power, connection, and fulfillment.


Attend The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your Quantum Powers Event at No Charge and receive Jean’s special report right now!

Short on Time?

If your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend the online event live, as long as you sign up to attend, Jean’s team will gladly send you the recording afterwards, so you can listen to it at your convenience.


This event could be the first step in completely elevating your life!


Attend Dr. Jean Houston’s Online Event at No Charge and Discover Your Quantum Powers Now by clicking on the button below.

Unlocking Your Quantum Powers 

Who is WOW?

Women of Wisdom Foundation

is a non-profit organization empowering the dreams and spirit of women through programs that offer healing, spiritual awareness, personal development and community. WOW celebrates the sacred feminine and is creating a new paradigm through a circle structure of shared leadership.

Council Members

 Elena Austin, Ellie Rapp, Kris Steinnes-Founder, 

Lavanya Reddy, Elise Child, Betsy Saneholtz and Paula Randall

 Women of Wisdom Board of Advisors

 Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Sandra Ingerman, Charlotte Sophia Kasl, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Judith Orloff, M.D., Nicki Scully, Susun S. Weed 

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Betsy Saneholtz ~ WOW Enews Editor.

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email me at: [email protected].