New Hoist ROC-IT Machine Weight
Free Intro Classes!
Learn how to properly and safely use our new Hoist equipment.
Have all your questions answered regarding adjustments,
proper form, intensity, progression and more!
Dynamic adjustment is the essence behind the design of the Hoist selectorized ROC-IT line. The machines constantly adapt to make adjusting the position of the user in relation to the moment arm of the machine.

The ROC-IT line represents a training technology optimally suited to meet the training needs of diverse population groups ranging from the de-conditioned and sedentary to the more conditioned and athletic. Ready to learn more and make the most of your workout?

Register Below:
Wednesday, March 20 th

Wednesday March 20 th 

Thursday, March 21 st

Thursday, March 21 st

Friday, March 22 nd

Saturday, March 23 rd

Monday, March 25 th

Tuesday, March 26 th

Tuesday March 26 th 

Wednesday, March 27 th

Please note the following:
  • Sessions are 1-hour long and space is limited.
  • Sessions are open to all One to One members,temporary members and guests.
  • If a session is closed, email to be placed on the wait list.
  • Sessions are free! However, there is a $5 late cancellation (within 12-hours) or no show fee.

One to One Fitness Center
216.368.1121 | E-mail | Website
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