NEFEC's Title IV grant is a student support and academic enrichment project intended to improve student academic achievement by increasing state and local educational agencies' capacity in the following areas:
• Providing all students with access to a well-rounded education;
• Improving school conditions for student learning to support safe and healthy schools; and
• Improving the use of technology in order to advance the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
Those are fancy words for finding ways to support kids in need. Examples of services this year include: a regional college and career fair with over 600 students from five districts attending, 1,400 hygiene kits distributed to all member districts, Organwise Guys placements for elementary students, 1400 backpacks distributed to all member districts, support for industry certification programs, and much more. Over $77,000 in resources and supplies has been disbursed in FY 2021-2022 so far.
Way to go NEFEC Title IV! Thanks for all you do to support these kids.