Dr. John Lund
“Building Stronger Relationships in Fun and Healthy Ways!”
November 9th, 2022: “Love Language – Learning to say, “I Love You” In Ways That Your Loved Ones Understand.”
December 7th, 2022: *7:30PM “The Blind Spot that Robs you of a Happier Life!”
January 18th, 2023: “The Myth of Perfection – What does Perfection Really Mean?”
February 22nd, 2023: “How to Give Apologies and what does forgiveness really mean?”
March 22nd, 2023: “Take Your Frustrations to the Lord & your Love to your Family!”
April 19th, 2023: *7:30PM “How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing with Toxic and Difficult to Love Personalities”
May 17th, 2023: *7:30PM “Why Grandparents and Grandchildren are Natural Allies, They Share a Common Enemy, Understanding the Values that Govern Our Lives at Different Stages of Life!”
June 14th, 2023: *7:30PM “What Science Tells Us About Why Men and Women are Different!”