Click the video below to watch your FREE recording!

As a promotion to Dr. Lund's series, "Building Stronger Relationships in Fun and Healthy Ways", we are sending everyone the FREE recording of lecture 1 out of 9 lectures. 

This 1st Lecture Topic is "Saying What You Mean and Meaning What You Say!"  

If you would like to register for the rest of his series to stream live, attend in person or view recordings, please respond to this email or call (801) 916- 7677. His next lecture is THIS Wednesday, November 9th at 7:00PM.

Please feel free to forward this email to friends and family that may be interested! 

Dr. John Lund


“Building Stronger Relationships in Fun and Healthy Ways!”

November 9th, 2022: “Love Language – Learning to say, “I Love You” In Ways That Your Loved Ones Understand.”

December 7th, 2022: *7:30PM “The Blind Spot that Robs you of a Happier Life!” 

January 18th, 2023:  “The Myth of Perfection – What does Perfection Really Mean?”

February 22nd, 2023: “How to Give Apologies and what does forgiveness really mean?”

March 22nd, 2023: “Take Your Frustrations to the Lord & your Love to your Family!”

April 19th, 2023: *7:30PM “How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing with Toxic and Difficult to Love Personalities”

May 17th, 2023: *7:30PM “Why Grandparents and Grandchildren are Natural Allies, They Share a Common Enemy, Understanding the Values that Govern Our Lives at Different Stages of Life!”

June 14th, 2023: *7:30PM “What Science Tells Us About Why Men and Women are Different!”

November's Upcoming Lectures

Dr. John Lund

"Building Stronger Relationships in Fun and Healthy Ways"

(This is lecture 2 of a 9-Part series)

This Wednesday, November 9th, 2022, 7:00PM "Love Language-Learning to Say I Love You in Ways Your Loved Ones Understand" 

Robert Millet

"Facing Hard Issues During Troubled Times"

(This is lecture 8 of a 9-part series)

November 16th, 2022, 7:00PM: "The Sensitivity of Sustaining Fallible Church Leaders"

*Robert Millet's 2023 series topic and lecture dates will be announced next week!

Robert Millet.jpg

Lecture Pricing


Single Ticket: $6

10-pack: $55

20-pack: $100

Live Streaming or Recordings

1 Household Ticket: $10

10-Pack: $90

Our Jordan Event Center can hold up to 90 people, so reservations are REQUIRED to accommodate everyone who is attending even if you are paying at the door. Jordan Event Center is located at 9112 South Redwood Road in West Jordan (behind Cruise Lady office).  


Call, text or respond to this email to reserve your seat or to sign up for streaming with the following information:

  • First and last name of people attending
  • Method of payment - previously saved card on file, a new card over the phone, or lecture credits on file.
  • Email Address 
  • Method of Attendance - Streaming, watching recording or attending in-person.

We ask that everyone please try to book by the day before the lecture. Please note any cancellations the day of will not be credited back. We are unable to take any live streaming reservations after 4PM the day of lecture.

*Please forward this email to friends and family who would also be interested in these popular series.

Event Center.jpg

Please call/ text or respond to this email for in-person reservations, live streaming reservations, special viewing times, or any questions: 


9112 South Redwood Road West Jordan, UT 84088

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