There are many things I admire about Emily Rodger, a high-performance athlete, including her strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

But I have to say it’s Emily’s authenticity that is wonderfully impressive – the fact that she presents herself with no pretense or artifice, with an open, welcoming approach to life and the world. 

She is truly inspiring, with an amazing story to tell of personal triumph that is uplifting for everyone.

Raised in New Brunswick, Emily is well-known in athletic circles for her success in cycling and the triathlon. She loves cycling -- it is a sport that has given her great personal satisfaction and success. 

As a cyclist, though, Emily has twice been involved in horrific crashes with vehicles, resulting in multiple broken bones, a brain injury, and extensive soft tissue damage. 

She has fought back bravely from both accidents and the experiences have shored up her inner strength and determination.

Danae Johnson was running hard as an HR executive in a company with a workforce of more than 15,000 when a session with a leadership coach changed her life.

It was a moment of revelation.

“I was being coached on the challenges of the day and then the coach asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks: ‘If you could do anything you wanted today what would it be?’ ... I remember letting that question in, and I remember where I was sitting, in an office on the 14th floor, and asking myself ‘How did I get here?’” she recalls. 

“Within a year, I made a change and had started at Royal Roads studying executive coaching. I had loved working at Intrawest and the incredible people I had met but I wanted to learn more about coaching and conversations that could have such a profound impact.”

Today, Danae is among our top-flight leadership coaches on the Vision Coaching roster, having the same kind of profound conversations with clients.

I first met Danae in 2005.

I was fortunate recently to speak to Andy Clark and explore his innovative system for helping businesses.

In a free-wheeling discussion on The Boiling Point podcast with Greg Hemmings and I, Andy discussed his own career moves that took him from the practice of law to helping small and medium businesses achieve their goals.

Along the way, he has developed a framework for successful business management, calling it the Whole PIE – Profit, Impact and Enjoyment.

Andy, president of Clarkie Consulting, says those three areas are the cornerstones of success in business. He says Profit goes without saying because all companies need to make money. He says Impact can come in many forms – from benefiting employees or the community at large, to the type of product being developed. As for Enjoyment, he says “you have to enjoy the process of building your business.”

To gain more insight, listen in to The Boiling Point episode here.
Forbes has Use Shared Leadership To Strengthen Team Results, an interesting piece that discusses the concepts of strategic doing and shared leadership.
Harvard Business Review
From the archives of the Harvard Business Review, You’re Never Going to Be ‘Caught Up’ at Work. Stop Feeling Guilty About It has some important reminders and interesting insights for all of us.
Inc. features What Separates Successful Leaders From Others Really Comes Down to One Word. Spoiler alert: it’s empathy.