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Ministry School
3rd Edition
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We see in 1 Samuel 15 that Samuel told King Saul, by the word of the LORD, that he was to utterly destroy all the Amalekites and all their possessions (1 Samuel 15:3). Saul only partially obeyed that word. He smote the Amalekites, but he disobeyed by saving their king, Agag, and the best of the Amalekites’ flocks of animals.
When Samuel confronted Saul about his actions of partial obedience, Saul defended his actions by claiming that he took the best of the flocks to offer as sacrifices unto the LORD.
In 1 Samuel 15:22 Samuel rebuked Saul, and in my paraphrase said, “Do you really think it is better to give sacrifices or offerings to the LORD than it is to simply obey His word?” Samuel told him in verses 22-23, “to obey is better than sacrifice… for rebellion [against God’s word] is [like unto] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as [the sin] of idolatry.” Samuel told Saul that because of his disobedience, God had rejected him as king over His people Israel.
Samuel then had Saul bring out the Amalekite king Agag whom Saul had kept alive in direct disobedience to God. Samuel then killed Agag himself and cut him up into pieces. Samuel then went home to Ramah and had no more contact with Saul at all. Nevertheless, Samuel mourned and grieved over Saul whom he had loved. [1 Samuel 15:35.]
Saul had only partially obeyed God. Partial obedience is still disobedience, just like a partial truth you tell is still a lie because of its intent to deceive.
God already had Saul’s replacement in mind and instructed Samuel accordingly.
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A prophetic word has been spoken for a while that change is coming. Some former presidents even used that as their motto and brought change, but it was not good change. Change can be good, but it can also be devastating.
A sudden illness that takes a life brings instant change that many are not prepared for. I recall a friend, whose husband was to have minor heart surgery in another town. He did not make it through the surgery. She was devastated. He had always been the one to take care of the finances and everything else, and now she was alone. It was a very difficult time for her.
Others have had the security of a good job and with no fault of their own, their job was terminated, leaving them financially insolvent.
Others may have lived in rented property for a long time, and it was sold, leaving them no choice but to move, losing the security of “home.”
Change is not always bad. Often, God allows change to come so you can grow in faith into the person that He needs for the assignment He has for you. If you embrace change instead of fighting against it, peace will come.
David changed from being a shepherd boy to a warrior and then a king.
Saul changed from a threat to the Christian community to a defender of the faith.
Daniel changed from being one of the finest children in Jerusalem to a conquered slave in Babylon but became second in command under various kings.
Joseph went from being the favored son to the hated brother and a prisoner, then becoming the one that saved the world second under Pharaoh.
Change is coming my friends. Be prepared for it. Do not be caught off guard.
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Do you hear the wind my child? Yes, it is blowing, and it will continue to blow. It will accelerate in many places, and you shall see some things that will bring fear to many, but not to you, for you have learned to trust me through these things. For the wind is bringing destruction, and the destruction is bringing cleansing, and the cleansing will bring restoration. Oh, that my children would have come into the place of repentance before this will happen, but many are content to live in their sin. I am displeased that so many that call me their Lord are living secret lives of sin. The wind will expose many, for in this hour of cleansing it shall bring divine judgment. I have declared for generations that repentance should come, but as Israel of old did not repent, so my church has stood idly by and let sin come into the camp. The wind shall rend, tear up, bring down and pull out sin from my people. I will not allow sin to remain in the house of the Lord. You shall see much more than the wind coming my child, for chaos shall increase. Where those that say that peace and safety are present will see that they are not hearing from me. For I have warned and warned but deaf ears after deaf ears have turned from my voice. Many have even said that God would never do this in America, but yes, I will. For I am a righteous God, and long suffering, but I am also a God of justice. I build up and I tear down. This is a season of tearing down like no other. You shall see signs in the heavenlies and fear will sweep across the land, but know that these signs are all part of the judgment that I am bringing upon America and the entire world. The earth is groaning from the level of sin that is present, and I must bring justice to a climax. Watch and see that those that listen will be spared the worst in this hour but also watch and see that many that have trusted in man instead of me will feel the full effect of what is coming. The winds will increase, and things will change my child, but those that have trusted in me will only see it with their eyes. This is not a season to back down from truth. This is the season to stand firm and know that in standing, you will be rewarded. Those that fail this test will lose greatly. So, stand strong, knowing that I will see you through in the days ahead. Be sober and vigilant my child for the enemy would like to destroy, but I am bringing this judgment not to destroy, but to bring restoration. Keep your ears tuned to my Spirit and watch and pray saith the Lord.
As the Lord gave this word to me, I saw a vision of multiple explosions in cities across America and in Europe. Be prepared! No Fear!
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I hear in my spirit as our Father God is saying, "Hear Me children for I have called out to you in times past; And now as things are escalating around you, I must again say to you with great expectation, do you not hear Me from the place in life that many of you find yourselves? You must know that the time has come and now is the appointed season for a great separation, preparation dedication, saturation, inspiration and a renewal of sincere unity to become even more evident in the lives of you My children. I say to you do not let these words slip away from your heart, your mind, your soul nor from your life; For I your Lord, your God and your soon coming King has spoken to you.“
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Friday Word Of The Lord
Keep your eyes on Me. I have never left you. I am coming and soon all this will be past. I love My people. You are coming into a time where many things will happen. People speak: but it is not Me! So be constant in seeking Me for I have the answer for everything that is occurring in My world!
Such a simple Word but very timely. He is warning us to realize that everything that comes from the media, social platforms is NOT from Him. He will guide you and show you the path to walk!!!
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Turning the Pages! HCC
Don’t be troubled by what you see and hear.
For God is working. He is turning the pages
Of history as he touches lives, and events,
And hearts. Help others the best you can. Tell
Them how to change their life. Help them see
Their sins. Maybe they won’t listen but you,
Have tried. Just keep praying, keep asking, and
Give them to God. One day soon Christ will come.
He will make all things new. Come to him today.
Don’t miss Eternity! Turn your life around, repent,
And come to Jesus!
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