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Ministry School
3rd Edition
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As we look now at the life of Samuel, keep in mind that during this period of time, Israel had no king or governor nor any political system. So, how were their affairs managed? They were managed by judges that were raised up by God. Samuel was both a judge and a prophet. His story began with his godly parents.
His father, Elkanah, was an Ephrathite. Ephrath was the ancient name of Bethlehem, a place hallowed by God. Elkanah was a godly man who went to Shiloh every year to worship God and offer sacrifices. He had two wives, Hannah, and Peninnah. Hannah was barren, which was looked upon as being shameful. Peninnah had several children, both boys and girls.
Each year as Elkanah went to Shiloh, he gave “portions” to Peninnah and to each of her children. He also gave a good portion to Hannah, but since she had no child, it grieved her sorely to tears.
Hannah rose up at Shiloh and while fasting in the temple, she shed bitter tears unto the Lord. The high priest, Eli, thought she was drunk and rebuked her. She let him know that she was pouring out our soul and petitioning the LORD. Upon hearing this, Eli blessed her and said her petition would be granted. She then returned home and conceived a son whom she named Samuel, whose name means “asked of the LORD.”
After Samuel was weaned, she took him to the LORD’S house in Shiloh and in 1 Samuel 1:22 said, “that he may appear before the LORD and there abide forever.” She gave Samuel to God at Shiloh, letting Eli, the high priest, raise him. She told Eli in 1 Samuel 1:28, “I have lent him [given] to the Lord. As long as he liveth he shall be lent [given unto] to the LORD.” She prophesied over Samuel, who then stayed with Eli and ministered unto the LORD as he grew up.
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There will be times that God leads us to a desert place just as Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit immediately after being baptized by John.
A desert place is a place of dryness. It will seem that you can hardly function. You are dry in the physical and dry spiritually.
In looking at Jesus as our example, we see in Luke 4 that he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. It says in Luke 4:2, “Being forty days tempted of the devil, and in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.”
In that wilderness place, Satan tempted Jesus by misquoting scripture. He defeated him by quoting the true Word of God and Luke 4:13 says after this Satan departed for “a season.”
You can be sure when we are led into a desert place that we will be severely tested just as Jesus was. But we must remember that our victory comes through quoting the word, fasting, and trusting God, just as Jesus did.
You might ask why God allows this. I would have to say it is to build our faith. When we can do things in our own strength then we do not rely upon God’s strength. When we are dry, he becomes our living water. When we are without strength, he becomes our strength. We learn about the fellowship of his sufferings in the desert place.
We can choose to go to the dry desert place like Jesus did, and come out of it stronger than ever, or we can choose to resist it and be shallow in our walk of faith. The choice is ours.
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Helen Sanders
Prophetic Exhortation
As we see the New Year start with terrorist attacks, we know that the enemy is trying to bring fear into our nation and our individual lives. You must remember that you have more power in you than the enemy has. Through the name of Jesus we can move mountains, heal the sick, stay the hand of terrorists and live victorious. We know that chaos is upon our nation because of sin in our land, but we also know that this is our time to not let fear control the remnant. Do not be afraid to go where God leads you. Listen to the Holy Spirit, and you will live safely. As the old adage goes, "Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered, and no one was there." Let your life be filled with faith and not fear!
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Now we all know the sun will set and go down and away every night; But it WILL come back up every morning. The way I see it...IF you really want to have a beautiful rainbow then you’re gonna have to put up with some rain So get ready because a bit of rain must fall into EVERY life. Here’s a great scripture to help you through today and everyday found in Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go”. I pray you’re greatly blessed as you go about your day; And I hope you always know and believe that God IS there with YOU and He WILL order your every footstep. Just remember to LISTEN for, accept the fact and know that; At times some rain WILL fall in your life; But you keep your eyes on Jesus for the sun WILL shine again…And just like our faithful Father God the rainbow WILL always show up for YOU just in time!
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Friday Thought For Today
There are times when self-examination can be good. So when you read this passage think about your relationships with others. Family relationships can be tenuous at best. Let us pause to consider how God sees each of us!
James 4:1-3 NLT
“What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you? You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.”
Remember God loves us and He knows our weaknesses. So even when we screw up, He is waiting for us to turn back to Him with a repentant heart.
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The Brave! HCC
Brave ones, take a stand! Church speak out,
Speak up! God works through people. If you
Belong to Jesus, stand up for him in all you do.
The culture today has left God, that is why you
See so much hate and devastation. It will only
Increase, if we don’t take a stand and cause,
A revival in our land. As you see the leaves turn,
And Fall, let these leaves reflect what you should do.
Turn, Turn, to God and fall in love, with the
Christ, the Jesus, the Savior. And speak it to all.
Help those that do not know, and pray for others
That are blind. Be brave, as you love!
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