"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see [fear] when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green: and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.."
Jeremiah 17:7-8 KJV
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Only two months out of Egypt and Israel had already seen many miracles since crossing the Red Sea. This included the bitter waters of Marah made sweet, the striking of the rock of Horeb to get water, the food provision of manna and quail, and the military victory over the Amalekites.
Two months in the wilderness brought personal conflicts among these 600,000 men. (Ex.12:37.) They always took their disputes to their leader Moses to have him judge between them. It took a toll on Moses.
A visitor came to Moses. It was his father-in-law Reuel, also known as Jethro the priest of Midian. Jethro is thought to be his positional title as a priest and ruler, while Reuel was likely his personal name. Reuel meant “a friend of God” (Elohiym). (Exodus 18.)
Jethro brought Moses’ wife Zipporah and his sons Gershon and Eliezer to him. After Moses told him of everything that had happened, Jethro declared in verses Exodus 18:11-12 that he now knew Jehovah “is greater than all gods (Elohiym).” He then offered sacrifices and burnt offerings to God.
God had a greater purpose for Jethro than simply reuniting Moses with his family. It was to give wise counsel to Moses. Jethro advised Moses against hearing all the disputes personally from these two million men, women, and children. He said to choose from the people certain men who were honest and godly. Then teach them the laws and ordinances and the proper way to live and get along with one another, then set these men over groups of people to judge their disputes. Only the toughest or most important cases would go to Moses.
This Moses did. It was important to do this, so as to not wear him out. It also helped develop leadership internally among the people which was also important since not all the princes would meet the qualifications.
God sometimes brings messages to us from outside the believers with whom we associate with or from outside the church. We need to listen to such advice, then determine whether it is appropriate for us. Consider the written word to eliminate any issue with it and let Holy Spirit bear witness as to whether or not it is right for you. Sometimes good advice, or even a word from God, may come from the least expected sources.
To read more of Russell's Daily Messages
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You probably already know this, but there are words that are absolute faith killers. Words like it’s impossible; I’m too tired; Nobody really loves me; I can’t go on; I can’t do it; I’m afraid; It’s never going to change, and so many more.
These words steal faith right out of our hearts. They speak the opposite of what God says. You cannot have it both ways my friends. If you want to see God move in your life, then you have to stop speaking unbelief! Start by speaking Philippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue...” You either bless yourself or curse yourself with your words.
God has an answer to every need! Of course there will be trials, but God has the answer to trials. After all, He is the one that made you, so He alone knows how to make things work for you. He has even given you a manual called the Bible to fill yourself up with words that bring life and not death.
Satan will always deceive you into believing that God does not care, but that is a lie! God gave His very best, His Son, Jesus Christ so that he can have a personal relationship with you. He isn’t looking for ways to not be there for you. It cost him everything so you can be sure He is going to never fail us.
Sure, we are put to the test, but that is a good thing, so we can learn to live by faith, and not sight. Sometimes the best thing we can do is tell ourselves to “shut up,” and only speak the Word of God!
You cannot have the blessings of God and curse yourself with words. Do not be robbed by your own words, which leads to stinking thinking, and eventually sinking.
Make a determination to trust God today. He is a know it all and knows just what you need to be all that you can become. If you have been cursing yourself with your words, then repent and choose your words wisely from now on!
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What animal has developed an immunity to venomous snakes? | | | |
What marine mammal can dive the deepest?
The Correct answer is:
the Sperm Whale
Of those that responded
0% answered correctly with:
The Sperm Whale
100% answered incorrectly with:
The Giant Squid
These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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This Word was given almost fifteen years ago, but I was led to share this today because someone needed to hear it.
April 20, 2010
Prophetic Word
as given to Helen Todd Sanders
Favour, divine favour is coming to you saith the Lord, but what a price must be paid to receive such a blessing. You have sought me with your heart and your soul and all of your might. You have gone through the valleys and the dark places where no one was there but I, saith the Lord. You have been in the dessert, and you have been thirsty for me, and so dry that your tongue cleaved to the roof of your mouth, but you kept going saith the Lord. You have held on to the promises that I said were yours. The cost has been high saith the Lord, but you have persisted, and stayed close to the lover of your soul. The cost has always been high saith the Lord, for the prophets of old had to stay close to those with the anointing so they would be ready to receive when their time, yes, I say their time came. They paid the price, and breakthrough came like I had promised. They pressed on and persevered through the darkest of circumstances, but they prevailed. Yes, they prevailed against the enemy of their soul, and they received my favour. You too have seen the cost, and have surely paid the price. The tears shed and the hopes broken have only brought you closer to the time that I would surely poor out the blessing of my son Abraham upon you. Yes, my child, favour is here, and you have paid the price, and you surely shall see it come with your eyes saith the Lord.
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There comes a time while in life’s battles; That you’re gonna have to sit out a round or two. Now don’t think of this down time as a defeat…But rather look at it as simply a brief retreat. Just know that it is okay and it’s even beneficial to stop long enough to catch your breath…As you refresh and refocus. You know you just gotta do…What you gotta do; And there’s no need for any explaining in regards to this your brief refraining. It’s rather obvious that it’s already working for your good…And for God’s glory. So you just sit back and enjoy this delay; As God is not preparing you for another round…But He IS preparing you for a brand new day to live in a new and better way. Now you just rest in knowing that you can trust God to take care of those things you cannot fix…Nor can you control. So have yourself a blessed day and enjoy the journey.
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Friday Thought For Today
Do you believe that your prayers matter that they make a difference? Do you believe that your prayer can heal, cast out demons, turn water into wine, and the list goes on. The answer is yes, our prayers matter and they DO make a difference. As you begin to step out and pray for others you will see God’s Hand move upon His people. ALL we have to do is believe and obey.
“And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” Matthew 10:1 NKJV
If Jesus did this for His disciples, He will do it for us. As it is recorded in John 14.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:12-13 NKJV
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Think Positive!! HCC
Think positive, think of words that speak of Christ
And then the Devil flees. Don’t be controlled by
How you feel. Do what is right, and then you win.
Feelings are of the flesh! Spiritual feelings are
Of the Heart and Soul of God. We live in a sinful,
World, so prayers are everything. Keep in touch
Each day with the God of our Fathers, and
His Son Jesus and stay on course. It is easy to
Sway. Just because you went to college
Doesn’t mean you learned Gods ways.
What is right in Heaven, is the truth. Think it over;
Get into the Word. Get to know your best friend,
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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