NOVEMBER 29, 2024

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We pray that this newsletter and its contents that we share will help you on your daily journey with Christ, causing you to grow in the ways of the Lord.

The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity. This is why we teach so that you can grow stronger in your faith until unity comes in the body of Christ.

Take what you have learned and share it with others so that we can further the kingdom for Jesus Christ.

Russell and Helen Sanders

Spirit of Life Ministries International, Inc.

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"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15 KJV





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During Israel’s forty years of wandering in the wilderness they would journey to a location and camp there for a period of time. Then they would break camp and move on their journey to another location and camp there.

How did they know whether to stay put in a camp or to break camp and continue the journey? Did God simply tell Moses when it was time to move on? No, we find the answer at the very end of Exodus (Ex. 40:34-38.)

They had just finished building the tabernacle and completely furnishing it the way God had specified. Moses and Aaron finished by lighting the lamps and completed the dedication of the tabernacle. They came near to the altar in the court in front of the tent “of the congregation.” that covered the most holy place where the ark of the covenant was located.

Then a cloud covered the tent that held the ark. The glory of Jehovah (v. 34) covered it and filled the tabernacle. Moses was not able to enter the tent because of the fullness of the glory of Jehovah filled the tent. Thereafter the only one who could enter the tent where the ark of the covenant sat would be the high priest on the Day of Atonement.

Back now to the original question: How did they know when it was time to resume the journey? Verses 36-37 tell us. As long as the cloud of glory sat upon the tent of the congregation, they were to remain in camp. When the cloud lifted off the tent and moved and went above them, they were to pack up and resume their travel. While they traveled, the cloud would remain above them during the daytime and fire was above them during the night.

Sometimes God (Holy Spirit) will give us an assignment. We must “travel” to the assignment. It might involve going someplace for it, or you might remain where you are physically located to “go do the assignment.” The assignment might be brought to you or given for you to do. (Including prayer assignments.)

If the Holy Spirit does not place a thought or “assignment” for you, then it is time to “stay put” and occupy the ground to which He has assigned you. It is critically important to keep our spiritual ears tuned to the Holy Spirit. We must be careful not to get so wrapped up in the events of the day that we lose our sensitivity to hear with our spiritual ears.

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When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness, he had to deal with so many problems it was exhausting him. His father-in-law Jethro came to him and gave him some excellent advice.

We see it in Exodus 18:21 that advice. “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them ,(the millions that departed Egypt) to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee.”

This was excellent advice, and it worked for a long period of time. Samuel was a judge, a prophet, and a priest. In 1 Samuel 8 when Samuel was old the people came to him and told him they wanted to have a king like all the other nations (1 Samuel 8:5.) This displeased Samuel, but it also displeased God. In 1 Samuel 8:7 God tells Samuel, “…for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.”

They did not listen to Samuel as he told them that they would become bondsman to any king. The insisted that they have a king and God let them have their way.

God never has intended for a king or any one person to be in control of our lives. He wants to reign supreme in our lives, guiding and directing us by His Holy Spirit. When we look to man to make a nation strong, we are putting our trust in man and not God. Yes, there are some godly rulers, but God should be our ultimate ruler and no decision outside of the Word of God should ever be the authority in our lives.

Israel had many evil kings that brought them into bondage repeatedly, and ultimately, they were taken into captivity and scattered throughout the world. They did not come back together as a nation again until 1948. 

We should remember this when we exalt any leader over God. Only God can change a heart, a nation, and the world. As the first of the ten commandments says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” If we trust in anyone other than God to bring change that person becomes an idol. It displeased God when Israel chose a king, and it displeases God when we exalt anyone other than him.   

To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here

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What animal can jump over 27 feet in one bound?
The Grasshopper
The flea
The The Kangaroo
The Jumping Spider
I honestly do not know the answer



What shark eats veggies and has over 4,000 teeth?

The Correct answer is:

The Whale Shark

Of those that responded

100% answered correctly with:

The Whale Shark

These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.


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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.




There is restlessness in my children, and it comes because of their focus. Oh, my children if you take your eyes off of me then you will be instantly in a state of restlessness, for there is no peace outside of the peace that I give to you my child. When you focus on those things that are around you, the distractions, the deviant events, and the soon coming events that I have told you were coming, you will find that your peace lifts. Yet, if you leave them aside and come into my presence you will not feel restless. For many are hesitant to do the things I have called them to do, knowing that there are many obstacles. This is causing you a restlessness that only can be changed through focusing on me and my promises. Come aside often, even many times an hour and you will quickly feel my peace. For in this season there are many elements both physically and spiritually that will distract you if you focus on them. There are many things that I want to tell you, my child, but you must set aside your fear and know that I will be with you through all the days ahead and chaos that is coming. There is a season of war coming, but as of old, I was with my people, and I will be with you. Trust me now more than ever that my plan for you is good. I will reveal the plan as you sit at my feet and listen. Turn off those things that are bringing confusion and restlessness and come aside with me. I will bring you peace when you do. Now, know for certain that I will never abandon those that spend time with me, for they are like David of old, a man after my heart. Now take a deep breath, let go of the cares and come aside with me saith the Lord.



Remember how Ruth in the Bible was first doing hard labor out in the field; But that same unknown and little noticed young lady went from sweating out in a field…To being part owner of that entire field. So you too can trust God throughout this difficult time you’re going through; But don’t ever underestimate how fast God can end up turning things around for you on this your journey as well



Friday Thought For Today

And the Lord said: “you will see the path to walk on with clarity and peace when you come to Me with a repentant heart.”

What a precious reminder the Lord gave that He is full of mercy and compassion for His children.

Maybe you have been struggling, just not feeling like you knew what to do. Just know that God has not left you. Spend time with Him. Praying, reading scripture, and being quiet as you pray so you can hear Him when He speaks. His voice is calm and full of peace.

“But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

 To Love, and Love Sin? HCC



To love others but also love their Sin??

That’s a mix from the Devil. You don’t ever love sin

You love the Sinner, not the Sin. Look in God's,

Word, all that is true. When someone has lost

Morality, when someone is Transgender,

Homosexual, yes, love the sinner, but hate sin.

And say so, with love. They have lost their way.

And Satan looks on and smiles. He smiles for

Confusing you. Don’t be confused. Love, but

Don’t condone sin. That is not love,

That is wrong thinking. Look to your Bible

To see what sin is.

To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here


For those of you that believe taking the jab or the flu vax is against your personal Christian convictions: We can provide an exemption.

Email us your physical address so we have it on file and we will mail it to you signed and with our corporate ministry seal.


What man anointed Saul to be the first king?
I honestly do not know the answer


What man, called to be an apostle had been a Pharisee before his conversion?

The correct answer is:

The Apostle Paul

Of those that answered:

100% answered correctly with:

The Apostle Paul

These bible challenges are for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results

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