And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle, unto akll men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."
2 Timothy 2:14-26 KJV
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For those of you that believe taking the jab or the flu vax is against your personal Christian convictions: We can provide an exemption.
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Jesus often taught lessons that people could understand, using real life examples. We call them parables, and they are teaching tools to aid our understanding.
Solomon also used real life examples in his proverbs. Let us look at one such example in Proverbs 14:4 and what it could mean to you, me, and the church.
It reads, “Where no oxen are, the crib is clean [empty]. But much increase is by the strength [work] of the ox.”
Ancient Israel was an agrarian [agricultural] society. Farming provided their livelihood. The oxen were vitally important for plowing the fields and pulling the wagons that would bring in the harvest. Grains and grapes were ground in the mill, the grinding stone being turned by the oxen. Often oxen were sacrificed [sanctified] unto the Lord.
Jesus said in in John 4:35 “that the fields [souls of men] were white unto harvest,” ready to be brought into his kingdom, and then in Matthew 9:37 he said, “that the laborers [harvesters] are few.”
We could be called the oxen [harvesters] in His field, harvesting souls of mankind. He depends upon us [you, me, all believers] to reach those souls and harvest them for the kingdom.
Once harvested, we are also the oxen at the grinding mill that will prepare [teach and disciple] those newly harvested souls. Where there are no harvesters [oxen], the crib [church] is clean [empty].
Lord, please strengthen our resolve to harvest more souls for your kingdom. Let us fill God’s crib with souls.
To read more of Russell's Daily Messages
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It is easy to say you trust someone, even God, when you have no clue as to what God wants you to do next. Trust is developed. I have learned over the years that I can always trust that nudge from God when he wants me to speak or be silent. I can trust Him when He says change is coming, that it will be for my own good. I can trust him when he says go somewhere, and do a certain thing, when no one believes that he was the one speaking.
Mankind often will let us down, and it can cause trust issues.
Many of you reading this have had extreme hurt from those that you have loved and trusted and those that you allowed into your inner circle that betrayed you. Because of those hurts you may even find it hard to “trust God.” Yet, because God is omniscient [knows everything] we must believe that He alone knows what is best for us.
In Jeremiah 29:11, it says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” This verse was written before Israel went into captivity. It was written while they were deep into idolatry and had turned from God. God’s great love for them is shown through this verse. He is not a God that wants to destroy us. He is the God that draws us back to himself with cords of love. This does not mean that we do not have consequences for our sin. God hates sin, but he loves the sinner. He wants to give us hope.
We can trust God even when we have failed that He has a plan that will turn out for good for us. Oftentimes we blame God for the bad things that happen in our lives, but we must remember that bad things do not come from God. John 10:10 tells us that, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”
If you have trust issues, then ask God to forgive you. Study his word and believe his promises for you and your family. Satan wants you not to trust God. It started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Don’t let his lies deter you from trusting the one that knows what is best for you, and that is God Almighty!
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We want to introduce to you our friends Stephen and April Robbins. They have developed a wonderful coffee product. If you ask Russell how good it is he will rate it with five stars.
Check out their website, and support this Christian company. We know you will enjoy their products! Use Discount code "Family 25" and receive 25% off your order. Tell them we sent you!
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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This word was given to me almost 19 years ago, but the Lord said it is a NOW word for many. As always, read it and let it minister to you. When God uses the word "man" he is speaking to mankind.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Behold, I am raising up warriors like men of old – as Daniel, who will stand with me, and for me, and who will not depart from their faith when adversity, affliction, and fear come. I will uphold them with my right hand. Mine eye searcheth the earth to and fro looking for such. My Spirit shall be upon them, and in them. They will be of such faith that my light shall pour out of them. They shall do great exploits in my name. Fear of God shall fall on men as these warriors come into their presence. Who is on the Lord’s side? - He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his voice unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. Yes, I will put my Spirit upon that man, and he shall do mighty exploits in my name - he shall not fear in the day of trouble, for he stands for truth, and I will uphold him with my right hand. Fear not, saith the Lord, for I am with thee. I am with thee – YEA, I AM WITH THEE, saith the Holy One of Israel. Have you not prayed for this hour? – shall ye not see it with your own eyes? Yea, I shall bring them into my Kingdom with a mighty show of my power. Ye shall see it! Ye shall know it is I that bringeth it to pass. Fear not, for I am your keeper, I am your shield of protection. I am that I am. Be strong saith the Lord, for it shall happen soon. Look not to the left or right. Look unto me, saith the Lord, for I am your deliverer. I am your shield. I am your light. Keep close to me, and ye shall surely see it come to pass saith the Lord.
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Indeed LIFE is 10% what you MAKE it...But it really is 90% how you TAKE it. Yes, your ATTITUDE will put you OVER or it can take you UNDER. The truth is it ALL depends on how you TAKE the THINGS that are DEALT to you in this life! So have a blessed day and let’s all remember to…Check our attitude.
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Friday Thought For Today
There are three things that we consistently see God do in the Old Testament. He heals His people; He provides provision for them; and He delivers them.
2 Chronicles 20 delivers them
2 Chronicles 30:18-20 heals them
2 Kings 4 His provision
As time goes on, many of us will see first hand the provision of God, His healing power, and our deliverance.
Now like never before is the time to draw close to God and His Word.
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Gods Will! HCC
Are you living the will of God? I know I am
Really trying, trying to do what I think God
Would like. The will of the Father, no matter
What it is, is always the right answer.
God sees behind, during and ahead. What a,
Awesome God we serve. The “We Serve” is the
Important thing. As we bow our heads
We pray to God the Father, to do his will,
His direction. Praying as we go.
When we make a mistake, we go to him and say
We’re sorry. Forgiveness is right there,
For he loves us.
Who can you forgive today, who can you love?
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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