Thursday, October 3, at sundown (or 6:00 p.m.) marks the start of the God-given (Biblical) Feast of Trumpets. The Jews also call it Rosh Ha Shanah or Yom Teruah.
· Rosh (Head or Beginning) Ha (the) Shanah (year)
· Yom (Day) Teruah (Trumpets)
It is on the first day of the civil new year, the month of Tishri, which falls mid-September to early October on our Gregorian Calendar (or Julian Calendar). It is also the first day of the seventh month on the Jewish religious calendar that was established by God at the original Passover (Exodus 13:4), the month of Abib, better known today as the month Nisan.
Rosh Ha Shanah is their “New Year’s Day,” but it is not a gleeful celebration like our New Year Day. It is a very somber day which begins a period of introspection, repentance, restitution, and good deeds. It is a holy convocation, set aside for God’s purposes.
· A calling together; an assembly by a summons
· An assembly; a number of persons met in answer to a summons.
Certain offerings and sacrifices were to be made above and beyond the usual ones. They were to sacrifice by burnt offerings a bullock, a ram, and seven lambs, along with meals (bread) for each of the animal sacrifices. Then they were to sacrifice a kid of the goats as a sin offering to make atonement for their sins.
The trumpets used were ram’s horns, known as a shofar. They were to be blown throughout the day in a series of specific blast patterns. Shofars (a/k/a/ trumpets) were used at various times of the year and for specific communication messages or signals, including battle signals at war. There were a few occasions where silver trumpets were used, but the shofar is the most commonly used trumpet.
Rosh Ha Shanah according to the Jews is not only the first month of the civil calendar and seventh month of the religious calendar, but they regard Rosh Ha Shanah as being the first day of creation from Genesis. Some Christians (but not all) think that prophetically it links to a pre-tribulation rapture of the church. I am not one of them.
Rosh Ha Shanah is the first day of Tishri based on the new moon. That is why the date on our calendar varies so greatly from early September to early October. The tenth day of Tishri is the Day of Atonement. The eight days in between are rather unique in Jewish custom.