Heard of USP’s Medicine Supply Map? Neither had we until last week. It’s “an early-warning system for possible drug shortages" and helps enhance “visibility into the upstream medicines supply chain to help governments, manufacturers, distributors, and providers identify and address vulnerabilities, lessen quality risks, reduce the frequency and duration of potential drug shortages, and protect patients.” Intrigued? Give it a look.
APC expresses support for NY bill. This week APC submitted a comment letter to the New York Assembly Higher Education Committee regarding State Senate Bill 2314, which allows compounding for veterinary office stock that is currently not permitted in the state. In the letter, APC expressed support for SB 2314.
Scientists are making babies. Well, kinda. It was recently reported that synthetic, human-like embryos are being developed through a joint US-UK research study. The article thankfully acknowledges that the existing and potential legal and ethical concerns are thick on this one even though the embryos don’t have hearts or brains.
Next Covid-19 booster is in the works. Confirming that the virus is going to be an ongoing threat, FDA advisers met this week to determine which strain (or strains) the fall-issued booster Covid shot should target.