
The voice for pharmacy compounding │ 21 April 2023

From APC's CEO

Something’s coming. Something good. 

In just a few weeks, we’ll be launching a new APC service that has been three years in the making: A 15-hour online CE certificate program on the ethical, legal, and regulatory foundations of pharmacy compounding. 

It’s intended to stake a claim as essential basic training for new compounding pharmacists and technicians. And with a price point under $500 (and well under that for PFMs), few owners can’t claim it’s not affordable. 

Before you yawn, think about it: Lots of trainingincluding on-the-job trainingcan prepare your team members on how to compound. But there are fewer affordable resources out there to provide your team members front-end training on the laws and rules and regs and standards and GFIs that form the regulatory framework for compounding ethically and compliantly.

That’s what our certificate is designed to do: To help you assure your compounding team know their stuffnot just the how, but also the why

By the way, “we” in that first paragraph above is APC plus the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation and the Virginia Commonwealth University College of Pharmacy. We’re delighted to have such extraordinary partners in this project.

For now, stay tuned. It’s coming. And it’s gonna be good.

Read on for this week’s news.

– Scott

Scott Brunner, CAE, is APC’s chief executive officer. Email him at


Catch up on these recent stories that you might've missed:

This week

Hey CVM, we have a few more questions…

APC this week asked FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine to provide additional guidance on compliance with its GFI 256 on animal drug compounding. In a letter to the CVM’s Dr. Bill Flynn, APC raised several issues that have come up in our training sessions for members. 

The letter asks CVM to clarify whether compounded drugs should be allowed when a drug is not available due to supply chain issues or backorders. The FDA had previously said that compounders should contact the agency in case of a drug shortage but that the agency does not provide blanket enforcement discretion for compounding copies of drugs in shortage.

The letter also takes issue with CVM’s assertion that compounders are expected to know what ingredients may be harmful or cause side effects to the species for which the drug is being compounded. 

“Because they are not listed in the approved package insert, it simply is not possible for pharmacists to know the excipients in manufactured animal drug products,” the letter states. 

GFI 256 Compliance Webinar available on-demand until June 15

Such a lovely place: California board rejects further changes to proposals

The California Board of Pharmacy met yesterday to discuss proposed regulations on non-sterile, sterile, and hazardous compounding.

Numerous comment letters, including one from APC, had been submitted to the board for consideration, along with a host of live public comments from attendees during the meeting. Just as APC’s letter did, several commenters urged the board to demonstrate how the proposals improved patient safety and were rooted in science.

Nevertheless, the board made no further changes, and voted unanimously to move the proposals into the rule-making process, with an anticipated enforcement date of November 1, 2023. Under California law, that process will include opportunities for additional stakeholder input.

Pharmacy owners: You’re gonna need this bucket

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Looking for a way to enhance your compounding pharmacy or facility's capabilities, keep your team up-to-date on industry developments, and connect with fellow compounding professionals? 

Look no further than our Pharmacy/Facility Membership category.

Check out the list of your peers who are PFMs

As a PFM, your entire pharmacy team becomes APC members. Every team member gains access to a bucket full of services, including exclusive educational materials, regulatory compliance and quality assurance tools, and opportunities to participate in advocacy efforts that support your practice.

You can also connect with a community of like-minded individuals and organizations who share your passion for high-quality, patient-centered compounding. Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge, network with peers, or make a difference in the industry, PFM is the perfect choice for compounding pharmacy owners looking to take your practice—and your team—to the next level.

Save these dates

Now available on-demand: The FDA Compounding Quality Center of Excellence is announcing the availability of two self-guided, online courses:

May 25: An APC webinar, IV Nutrition in Compounding. More details coming soon.

June 1: APC Fellows Program application deadline

June 6: An APC webinar, Popular Compounds and Unique Ingredients for Cosmetic Compounding.

June 29: An APC webinar, Trends in Veterinary Pharmacy: What Compounders Need to Know. More details coming soon.

September 19–20: APC's Compounders on Capitol Hill 2023; Hilton National Mall; Washington, DC


April 4-6: Owner Summit, La Jolla, CA

Short takes

Where in the world was APC's CEO this week? In Montreal, visiting APC partner Medisca! In addition to meeting with the executive team there, he also provided an issues briefing to Medisca's sales team. We're grateful for Medisca's long, strong support of APC.

Heads up on HIPAA enforcement. Starting May 11, the HHS Office for Civil Rights will begin enforcing important security measures in technologies that pharmacies and other HIPAA-covered entities use all the time for vaccine scheduling, telehealth appointments, or storing and transmitting protected health information. The 90-day transition grace period will expire on August 9.

FDA authorizes changes to simplify use of bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Earlier this week, FDA amended the emergency use authorizations of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 bivalent mRNA vaccines to simplify the vaccination schedule for most individuals. The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.

And speaking of FDA... The agency has updated the compounding Know Your Bulks and Excipients Suppliers webpage to provide guidance, resources, examples of quality issues with bulk drug substances and excipients, and FDA actions against manufacturers and re-packagers of active pharmaceutical ingredients because of significant violations of current good manufacturing practice requirements. 

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Quick links

APC Career Center

• Job seekers

• Employers

APC's Code of Ethics

Compounding Connections archive

Compounders on Capitol Hill

Continuing education

• Live webinars

• On-demand webinars

Current issues:

GFI #256 on animal compounding

Urgent-use compounding

Prohibition on peptide compounding

La Vita Case amicus filing

Insanitary Conditions amicus filing

EduCon 2023

Owner Summit 2023

Prescriber Briefing Resources


Invest in APC efforts

• CompPAC

• Campaign to save cBHT

• OneFund


• Renew

• Pharmacy/Facility Membership (PFM)

• APC Logo agreement for PFMs

• APC Logo agreement for individual members

Affinity service providers

Accounting & Tax Services: Rx Advisors

Audible Sunshine

Office Equipment: TUI Solutions

Online Payments Platform: HealNow

Patient-Reported Outcomes: OutcomeMD

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

• Shipment Trackers, a shipping costs auditor  

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