March 10, 2021
Community Connections
Community Conversation

Please join us for our remote Food Coalition Community Conversation, where we will discuss Voices and Views for Archuleta County, a project sponsored by Metro State University.

Date: Thursday, March 11, 2021

Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm Mountain Time

Metro State University Denver would like to provide youth an opportunity to share their experiences during COVID 19. Children and Adolescents who participate in the program will have access to free art supplies and prizes will be awarded as gift cards for grocery stores. MSU Denver would like to start this project in Archuleta county. Afterward, they will open the opportunity across the state. They appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with our community.

MSU flyers for the program are available on the Coalition's website.

Call in Number: 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 844 3128 3863
Updates on current efforts
After-Hours|Mobile Food Distribution
As the result of the strategic planning efforts held on February 25th, community stakeholders have decided to move forward with a phase 2 pilot implementation of the after-hour mobile pantry efforts. The FS|FE Coalition will partner with the Archuleta Food Pantry Network and two local transportation service providers to provide mobile pantry services to 4 new locations within Archuleta County including Highway 84, Highway 160, and uptown and downtown locations between April and June 2021.  

This phase 2 pilot continues to directly serve clients in areas of high need in an effort to supplement other hunger-relief efforts in Archuleta County. At these new mobile pantry locations, a limited supply of non-perishable food will be distributed to clients in pre-packed boxes. This effort expands the capacity of the Archuleta Food Pantry Network to make food more accessible in underserved areas of the County where people with limited financial resources may not be able to access food through traditional grocery stores or during normal food pantry hours.
We Are Pagosa: Non-Profits Rising up in the Pandemic
The Pagosa Chamber of Commerce is celebrating the community through a series of videos highlighting the work of various community organizations during the pandemic. In today's video, the Chamber is highlighting non-profits serving our community. View the video here.
Upcoming Events
Cooking Matters Wednesday Lessons
Join Cooking Matters for Free Weekly Classes on Wednesdays at 12 pm.
Each session has a different topic, is 40-60 minutes in duration, will feature a live recipe demonstration, and all participants receive a $10 gift card to City Market. You can sign up for one, or as many classes as you like.

3/10 Hack Your Snack
Discuss ideas for homemade snacks, ideas for saving time and money when buying and preparing healthy snacks, and how to involve kids in snack preparation at home.
Registration Link:
Cottage Food Training in Spanish
¡Haga que su producto alimenticio llegue al Mercado!
Entrenamiento de seguridad alimentaria para productores de
comida casera
Inscripción de formación en línea
Del 17 de abril a las 9 a. m. a 12 p. m.
Del 15 de mayo a las 9 a. m. a 12 p. m.

Cuota de inscripción: $40 
Envíe sus preguntas por correoelectrónico al 970-319-9377 o envíeun correo electrónico acarla.farrand@colostate.edu. 

Esta capacitación cubre aspectos específicos dela Ley de Alimentos de Colorado Cottage y comooperar con seguridad un negocio de alimentosdesde una cocina en casa.
  • Seguridad alimentaria básica, incluida la higieneadecuada; prevenir la contaminación cruzada y elcontacto cruzado de los alérgenos alimentarios;Control de temperatura para la preparación,almacenamiento, transporte y venta de alimentosseguros.
  • Alimentos permitidos en Colorado Cottage Food Act
  • Etiquetado de ingredientes y requisitos de relevo deresponsabilidad.
  • Consideraciones especiales para la preparación dealimentos a altitud
  • Al terminar de esta capacitación satisface lacapacitación sobre seguridad alimentaria del estadode Colorado para vendedores de Cottage Food.

Si tiene alguna discapacidad y necesita un espacio, por favor comunicarse con nosotros 5 días con anticipación al evento, Extensión de la Universidad del Estado de Colorado, U.S. Departamento de Agricultura y en cooperación con el condado del estado. Los programas de la extensión estándisponibles para todo publico sin discriminación.
Your contribution to an equitable community-based food system makes a world of difference
Please add fsfearchuleta@gmail.com to your Safe Senders list. If you have trouble viewing this message, click here to view it online