TopJanuary 2019 
A monthly newsletter from Field Street Baptist Church

We exist to make CHRIST known by proclamation and living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


In This Issue
Music Ministry
Children's Ministry
Student Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Monthly Budget Statistics
Mission Offering
 for International Missions
FSBC Goal: $65,000
Giving to Date:  $72,720
January 20, 2019
5:30 - 7:00 pm  FLC 
All church members who have
 a leadership responsibility/role

Dennis Lee Family Night
January 25, 6-8 PM

CPR Training Class
Saturday, January 26
No cost for the training
Class Limit: 20
Click here for more information

Special GriefShare Seminar
January 30
5:45 pm  Parlor

February 12 -- 5:30 PM

Daddy-Daughter Date Night
Friday, February 15
6-8 p.m.
Weekly Schedule
FSBC Ministerial Staff

Bible Study

Attendance Averages

Worship Attendance Averages
Financial Statistics
Like us on Facebook

To God Be the Glory!
  Wow! As of Sunday, December 30, the generous people of Field Street Baptist church have given $72,720 to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. God enabled our people to excel in giving to this significant offering. Thank you, church! To the best of my knowledge, this is the highest offering to the LMCO in the history of our church. To God be the glory and may these generous expressions of love be used to make Christ known among the nations!

Speaking of Giving
  By God;s blessing and favor, we ended the fiscal year quite strong. Our end-of-year giving was extraordinary. Again, thank you for being such a generous church. Please take a moment to review the end-of-year giving statistics in this version of the eFocus and rejoice in God's goodness and provision.

Calling All Men
   I would like to invite the men of our church and their friends to join us on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 a.m. for R.U.T. Men's Bible study. R. U. T. stands for Reliable, Unswerving, and Trustworthy, from 2 Timothy 2:2. We meet in the dining room. We serve complimentary coffee and donuts. We have good fellowship, prayer, and study of the Scripture. Beginning Tuesday, January 15, we will begin studying the very practical New Testament book of James. To date (since the inception of R.U.T. in September 2017) we have studied 1 Corinthians, The Attributes of God, Leadership Lessons from Bible Personalities, 1 Timothy, and Giants from Church History (Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon). We would welcome additional men to join us in our weekly studies! There is something really good and healthy about men coming together to study God's Word and pray. Perhaps you would make this gathering a part of your weekly commitments.

Upcoming Sermons-The Book of Revelation
  Lord willing, I intend to finish the sermon series on Galatians the first week of March. Then, I plan to launch into a series of messages through the book of Revelation. Admittedly, I have steered clear of preaching through the book of Revelation because of its complexities and interpretive challenges. However, I believe God has clearly put it into my heart and mind to prepare to preach through this book. I read Revelation in its entirety recently and began to see the book with more clarity. I look forward to preaching through this revelation of John regarding the triumphant Christ. I would ask for your prayers regarding my preparations. I believe this series will prove to be meaningful to our church. Further, I would ask you to begin reading through Revelation on your own so that your heart and mind will be thoroughly saturated with this portion of God's Word.

Take a Moment
  Please take a moment to read through this January copy of our e-newsletter. We have a great spring planned and in front of us. May the Lord be pleased to give us growth and fruitfulness in many areas of our church life together. I am praying that 2019 is a great year for Field Street Baptist Church!


     With much affection,  

     John Hall, Pastor
Music Ministry 


   My heart is so full with thanksgiving to so many who sacrificed of their time and talents to pull off the Living Christmas Tree last month. As I look back over my own spiritual development, being a part of church productions and other productions such as "The Promise" helped me to grow as a follower of Christ. I was part of a Christian community who worked together to create something larger than any one of us. the experiences I had were always rewarding. Thank you to the choir and the entire team of people who worked hard to pull it all together.


   A new year brings the start of another semester of ministry. Here is a list of upcoming items in the area of music and worship:

1.  Baylor Festival of Youth Choirs presented by Youth CUE--February 22-24.        Only a few rehearsals remain!

2.  Children's Choirs resume on Wednesday, January 9. Children's musical            will be Sunday, May 5.

3.  Summer Concert Series: June 2; July 7; & August 4 at 6:00 p.m. Artists           featured will include Adam Crabb, Blackwood Quartet, and the Joshua           Experience--God's Big Band.

4.  Resurrection Celebration with the Jesus Painter on Palm Sunday, April 14        with music from our band, choir, and orchestra.

 Finally, I have some ideas for our weekly worship experiences that will require a strong group of singers in both our choir and praise teams to help create engaging worship experiences for our church and community. Will you consider joining the choir? I will have recordings and other tools available to help even the most average of singers learn the music and contribute to each experience. I hope to see you at rehearsal on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in the choir room.


Thank you for allowing me to serve Christ with you!


 --Billy Woods


Education Ministry

This year's banquet will feature David Ferrell. David is a Christian comedian who travels the country speaking in churches, as well as entertaining and motivating groups ranging from hospitals to non-profits to Fortune 500 companies.
Everyone is invited to attend. A meal will be served. Join us for this evening of fun!

"God and the 12 Steps"
Wednesdays, beginning January 16
6:30-7:30  in the Christian Women's Job Corps Building
Everyone has heard about all the "12 Step"  self-help programs that now abound; from Alcoholics Anonymous to Overeaters Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous, etc.

On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 we will begin an ongoing biblical study for those who face various hurts, habits and hangups, and would like support or fellowship with others. Or perhaps there are those who are already in some twelve step group and have not yet discovered the biblical truths behind the twelve steps.
Those whom the Son sets free are free indeed .    JOHN 8:36

CPRCPR Training
Saturday, January 26
9:00am - Noon
Our Boomer Ministry is sponsoring a CPR training class that will include both "Hands Only CPR" and "Stop the Bleed" instruction. To register for this class call the church office, 817-645-4376, or CPRRegistrationclick here to register online.

Registration is limited to 20 people. 
This is a "basic knowledge" class, NOT a "certification" class.

We are hosting a special seminar, " Loss of a Spouse ," on
Wednesday, January 30, at 5:45 pm
in the parlor. If you, or anyone you know, have lost a spouse recently or anytime in the past, plan on attending this special seminar.
New semester of GriefShare 
A new semester begins Wednesday, February 6. We will continue to meet in the parlor each week at 5:45.

--Jerry Melson 
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Children's Ministry 
All Children's Choirs and AWANA will resume on January 9. We have great opportunities for children and parents each Wednesday night, including Children's Choirs (4 years-6th grade) at 6 p.m., Coffee Talk for parents at 6:00 p.m., and AWANA ( 3 years-6th grade) at 6:40 p.m.
Car kits for our T&T AWANA grand Prix (3rd-6th grades) are now available at no cost. Please see Jennifer Howington to sign up for your child's kit. Our Grand Prix  will be held on Sunday, March 3, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. In conjunction with this, our Sparky Drive-In will be held on Friday, March 1, from 6-8 p.m. for students in K-2nd grade. Students will paint and decorate their own cardboard box to resemble a car. Boxes need to be large enough for the child to sit in while they watch a movie that evening. Start collecting your boxes now and get an early start. March will be here before you know it!

MOPS: Better Moms Make a Better World
is a new ministry to Field Street Baptist Church! All moms of preschoolers and school-aged children are invited to attend. For information about upcoming events and how you can get involved, please join our Facebook page at "Field Street MOPS".

DennisLeeMark your calendar for Friday, January 25, from 6-8 p.m. for our annual
Family Night with Dennis Lee. Dennis Lee is a renowned comedian, ventriloquist and singer.  He will be accompanied by his famous sidekick, Mickey, who loves Nana Puddin'. You don't want to miss this exciting opportunity! All ages are welcome! Tickets are now available in the the church office for $5 per person with a family maximum of $25.
 Preteens & Youth!! Mark your calendars for Friday, February 15, 6-8 p.m. for our Daddy Daughter Date Night! Tickets will be available soon at $10/person. Dinner will be provided. Robert Burkhart will be our guest entertainer.

Our 7th Annual Preteen Disciple Now: Mission Challenge Weekend will be held on March 29-31 at Mission Waco. This will be a unique opportunity for all 5th & 6th graders to participate in working with a homeless shelter, conducting a Backyard Bible Club and attending Church Under the Bridge. Cost is $75/person.
Family Night with Dennis Lee --January 25, 6-8 p.m.
Daddy Daughter Date Night (Preteens & Youth)-February 15, 6-8 p.m.
Sparky Drive-In--March 1, 6-8 p.m.
AWANA Grand Prix--March 3, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Preteen Trip to Mission Waco--March 29-31
Kids Camp, Riverbend Retreat Center, June 6-10
Vacation Bible School--June 16-19
Thank you for your support and participation in our preschool and 
children's ministry. What a joy it is to serve our Lord and Savior 
Field Street. 

--Jennifer Howington
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Student Ministry
Our student ministry and preteen ministry are coming together to put on a daddy-daughter date night, coming up Friday, February 15. This will be open to all daughters 5-12th grade and their fathers or father figures. This special evening will take place in our children's building and include dinner, entertainment provided by Richard Burkhart, and most of all, the opportunity for fathers and daughters to have an evening of quality time together. Tickets will be $10/person and available online very soon.

January 11-13--Leadership Retreat
January 25--Lock-In
February 3--Dessert Auction
February 8-10--DiscipleNow Weekend
February 22-24--YouthCue

I you would like to serve at one of these special events or serve our student ministry in any way, please contact me at

--Taylor Dunn 
Discipling Teens to Own Their Faith

Senior Adult Ministry 


BY THE TIME. . .  you receive this edition of the eFocus, a lot of  things will be back in "motion" for the New Year.


TUESDAY, JANUARY 8-- was quite busy! We began with our first Joyful Sound rehearsal for the new year--9:30-10:30 AM in the choir room. At 10:45 that same morning, Young at Heart began their monthly meetings for the new year. 





THURSDAY, January 10--First Homebound Ministry meeting for 2019!   8:30-9:30 AM in the Dining Room.




SeniorAdultBanquetSENIOR ADULTS, please mark this date on your 2019 calendar:


This is the night for our Young at Heart Valentine Banquet. It will begin with a meal at 5:30 PM followed by a great program. Our special guest will be Nathan Burggraff. He is a professor at Southwestern Seminary and a gifted pianist. We are so pleased that he will be with us for the banquet. After our meal, we will adjourn to the Worship. Center for the program.


One of the "highlights" for the spring will be April 28-May 1. Those are the days for our SENIOR ADULT REVIVAL. Dr. James Hancock will be our guest preacher. We will be sharing more information about Dr. Hancock as the time for revival draws near.


  --John Glover

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