April 27, 2022 | Issue 24
We are excited to kick off the Find Your Fit. Find Your Y. Spring Challenge on May 2! The challenge is a way to increase member engagement at our Y and have our members meet new people and try new activities. And since our Y staff are members, you are welcome to participate in the challenge as well.

The challenge will last 5 weeks, ending June 5, 2022. Throughout the challenge, participants will gain points as they complete weekly challenge cards, which will be available at the Welcome Center. At the end of 5 weeks, the participants with the top 3 scores will win a fantastic prize. A tie breaker will take place if there are tied scores at the end of the challenge.

1st Prize: $250 American Express Gift Card
2nd Prize: Two free months Y membership (or 2 free 45-minute personal training sessions for staff)
3rd Prize: Two free 45-minute personal training sessions

To join the challenge, simply pick up a challenge card on Monday, May 2 and submit it back at the Welcome Center at the end of the week. Once it starts, you can also follow along with the challenge in its closed group Facebook page.
We're waiving our Joiner's Fee from Healthy Kids Day through Mother's Day. When new members join between April 30 and May 8, they pay a $0 Joiner's Fee, a savings of up to $100!
REMINDER: We're hosting a YMCA Job Fair this Saturday, April 30 from 12-3pm. We'll be conducting on-the-spot interviews with prospective employees for a number of departments including: Camp, Child Care, School Age Child Care, Aquatics, Membership, Fitness and Wellness, and Sports. If you know someone looking for an immediate or summer job, please let them know about this great opportunity. View all our open positions online here.
Eggs are still available from our Egg-Stravaganza last week. Just stop by one of the directors' offices and receive yours (while supplies last). You can win small gifts from candy to gift cards.
We are now less than a month away from our Colors for Courage 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run. Don't miss out on early bird registration fees!

Through May 1, the 5K costs $30; after May 1, the 5K will cost $35. Before May 1, the 1-Mile Fun Run costs $25; after May 1, the 1-Mile Fun Run will cost $30.

During both the 5K and Fun Run, participants will be spattered with colorful powder as they pass certain
markers. There will be an option for those who wish to forgo the color powder.

If you have any runners in your life, or know those interested in supporting local community organizations and mental health awareness, please let them know about the race.

In addition, we are looking for race sponsors. For information on sponsorship opportunities, click here.

Proceeds from the race will support a PTA Scholarship for a graduating senior entering the health and wellness field as well as YMCA initiatives that support mental health programs in the Y’s 7th Grade Initiative program and the Y’s
LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA program, a free program designed to help cancer survivors reclaim their physical health and mental well-being.

Learn more and sign up today at
This May - National Water Safety Month - brush up on your water safety knowledge and keep your friends and family in the know about how to be safe in and around water.

Here are a few quick tips on being water safe:

Never swim alone or without a water watcher. When children are swimming, make sure they are actively supervised at all times. Teach your children that they should only swim in locations where a lifeguard is on duty, or where a responsible adult agrees to watch the children in the water without distractions.

Don’t engage in breath holding activities. Children should not hold their breath for a prolonged amount of time while swimming, as this can cause drowning and has several other severe physical side-effects.
Wear a life jacket: Inexperienced or non-swimmers should wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket. 
Don’t jump in the water to save a friend who is struggling in deep water. The Y’s Safety Around Water program teaches the “reach, throw, don’t go” concept of using a long object to reach for them and pull them to safety. By using this technique children can help their friend without compromising their own safety.
Our Y is made up of people from all walks of life who are joined together by a shared commitment to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. The diversity of our staff, members and community is a huge part of what makes our Y such a wonderful place to work and belong to.
In our April newsletters, we are highlighting National Volunteer Month and spotlighting some of our fantastic teammates who are making a big impact in our local community.
Meet Christine, one of our amazing Child Care teachers and sports instructors.
Christine started coming to the Y for swimming lessons and gymnastics classes when her boys were younger. She then began working in the gymnastics department teaching My Friend and Me Gymnastics and preschool classes. Over time, she began teaching Ninja Warrior classes and helped develop our Y’s elementary school track program. When our Y reopened following the COVID-19 pandemic, Christine began working in the Child Care Department. “Working at the Y these last 15 plus years has given me flexibility and opportunities,” she said.

At the Y, Christine enjoys being part of a team and the people she works with. And, as a runner, she has especially enjoyed helping to develop the elementary school track program. “Sharing my love of running with kids and seeing them develop new skills (is a career highlight),” she said. “I love working with children and seeing them reach their potential.”  

Outside of the Y, Christine enjoys running with friends, baking and being involved in social issues. When her children were younger, she was a Den Leader and Cubmaster for Cub Scouts. Currently, she volunteers as a Sandy Hook Promise Leader. Sandy Hook Promise is a nonprofit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. The organization’s intent is to honor all victims of gun violence by turning their tragedy into a moment of transformation. Christine has run and raised money for Sandy Hook Promise as part of the New York City Marathon for 3 years and will run it again this year.

“I became involved with them because I could not idly stand by without feeling like I was doing something to bring about change that is desperately needed to make the world a better place for children,” Christine said. “My professional life intersects with my volunteerism as it is always about creating an environment that will help children grow to their full potential and allowing children to thrive.”

In addition, Christine volunteers with Icing Smiles, a nonprofit organization that provides custom celebration cakes and other treats to families impacted by the critical illness of a child. When requested, she provides a cake to a family so they can celebrate a special event. 

Christine added that she believes volunteering is an important part of being in a community. As the saying goes many hands bring light work, she said.

“I have also gotten so much more out of my volunteer activities than I have given - a sense of purpose, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of joy in helping others - be it getting involved as a Cub Scout leader, a Sandy Hook Promise Leader or any of the ways so many of us step up to make a difference,” she said. “Lastly I believe that it is 100% true that you get more out of giving than receiving which is why giving back as a volunteer is so rewarding especially when it involves making the lives of children better.”
Meet Sara, one of our wonderful swim instructors.

Sara is the mom of four boys and when they were small, it was hard to find time to exercise so she started swimming at the Y. “It was perfect for me because I would swim and shower and be home before they were up and running,” she said.

In 2008, she was approached by a Y staff member who asked if she would be interested in teaching swimming and Sara said “yes.” Her first official classes were Parent/Child and Preschool swim lessons. From there, she went on to teach adult beginners, pre-swim team, and classes for individuals with special needs. Currently, she is teaching Preschool classes, Water Discovery, Stroke Development and Stroke Mechanics. Teaching swimming also opened the door for her to be an assistant FSPY Swim Team coach for the 8/unders and the Head Coach at Highland Swim Club for three summers. One of her favorite parts of the job is watching the progression of members learning to swim. 

Plus, she said: “I love walking into the Y and pretty much know everyone on my way to the locker room. I also like that the Y is home to people of all ages with a myriad of different backgrounds. It’s fun to get to know people and their story.”

Working at the Y has also given Sara the opportunity to be on the Y’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. The goal of the committee is to support equity at the Y and to ensure that everyone has a sense of belonging.

In addition her work at the Y, Sara volunteers out in the community in several capacities. She is on the Board of the NJ Masters Swimmers, a part of Masters Swimming, a national membership-operated nonprofit that provides membership benefits to Masters (adult) swimmers across the country. Sara is also the Editor/Designer of the Fastlane Newsletter as well as a Masters Certified Coach and Adult Learn-to-Swim Certified. 

In addition, she is on the Board of the Fanwood Community Foundation, which raises money through donor donations and gives back to the community by the way of grants and donations. This past year, the foundation gave grants to organizations like Jam Cancer in the Kan Foundation and Wolves Basketball Academy, raised money for the NJ Food Bank, and donated directly to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Food Pantry. 

Sara also volunteers with the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Service League, an organization that raises money through the Scotch Plains Thrift store on East Second Street. The proceeds go back to the community through grants and scholarships. Sara volunteers in the store and is on the scholarship selection committee. 

“Volunteering is a great way to connect and have a positive influence on our community,” she said. “The benefits to the community can’t be measured but it’s a good feeling knowing you are helping to leave a lasting impact. No experience necessary, anyone can volunteer!” 
Meet Diane, one of our fantastic Child Care team members.

Diane has worked for our Y for 8-and-a-half years. She started as a substitute in the Preschool and Kinderwrap programs, and then eventually started teaching enrichment classes like music, science and gym to our Child Care students. One of her favorite parts of working for the Y is the people.

“I enjoy working with my co-workers each day as we strive to provide the best environment for each child to grow and develop socially, emotionally and academically,” she said. “I also enjoy getting to know all the families in our Child Care program. The families have been so supportive as we all navigated our way through the pandemic.”

Diane also enjoys when the children get excited while learning, whether it’s from their favorite song, a gym game or science lesson. “Their excitement and knowledge of concepts is very rewarding to me,” she said.
Outside the Y, Diane is active with Girls Scouts and has been a leader for 14 years, having two daughters who have been involved with Girl Scouts. As a leader, she helps to guide girls in many ways, including personal development and service-oriented community outreach projects. For her work with the Girl Scouts, Diane received the Girl Scouts Volunteer Recognition Award. “This was an honor because I was nominated by my peers and supported by girls in my troops,” she said.

Diane also volunteers with Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and currently serves on the Pastoral Council and the Hospitality Committee. In both capacities, the groups are striving to assist with recovery following the pandemic and serve as a welcoming place to all in our community, Diane explained. “Our food pantry is one of the ways that we help others, and the need has increased during these tough times,” she said.

In addition, Diane has volunteered with the Union Catholic Parents Council, which helps with events that support the school and the community. When her children were younger, she was very involved in the Coles School PTA and taught religious education classes at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.

“I enjoy helping others especially in their personal growth and development because with inner strength and confidence, we are better able to handle life’s challenges,” she said, adding, “My parents were volunteers in our community so I saw at a young age the importance of getting involved.”
Thank you for participating in our poll series aimed at celebrating the diversity of our staff in all its dimensions. Here are the results from our last question:

QUESTION: What is your favorite springtime activity?

33% said outdoor running/walking
17% said barbecues
17% said bike riding
17% said relaxing in the back yard
8% said visiting area parks
8% said other

Please answer this newsletter's question below. As a reminder, some questions are silly, and some are more serious.
What is your prefered form of appreciation for a job well done?
A handwritten note
Public acknowledgement
A small token of appreciation
As a reminder, please consider filling out our anonymous and quick staff survey from our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. You can access the short survey here.

Plus, help us celebrate the wonderful diversity of our team members! If you celebrate a certain holiday that you'd like recognized, would like to share a certain tradition with us, or have an interesting fact about one of your dimensions of diversity you'd like to share, please email Andrea Ganzman at

We're also still looking for FSPY staff members to join our DEI Committee. If you are interested, please fill out this short form here.
There's so much happening at the Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA! Here's a quick look at what's going on:
THE DOCTOR IS IN: On Tuesday, May 10, second and third year Family Medicine Residents from the Overlook Family Medicine Residency Program will be talking about "High Blood Pressure Education" in our lobby from 9:00-11:30am. Stop by the MD on Call table to learn more and brush up on your health.

KIDS NIGHT OUT: Parents will have an opportunity to go out without the kids, while the kids have a blast at our Y during our next Kids Night Out program on Friday, May 13 from 6:00-9:45pm. Kids will watch a movie and have some popcorn, enjoy a pizza dinner and participate in free swim. Kids Night Out is open to active FSPY members in grades K-4. Learn more about this program here.

MEDICARE WORKSHOP: If you are turning 65 or are already on Medicare, our upcoming worskhop may be for you! Join us on Wednesday, May 18 for a Medicare Lunch and Learn with local life and health insurance agent Cheryl Dickscheid. You'll learn when and how to sign up for Medicare and when you can make plan changes.
Learn more here.
Presented by YPN Chapter 17 and Metro YMCA of the Oranges in partnership with the NJ YMCA State Alliance: Please join WNJY host Nya Noziere for a conversation with the Jersey 4 about the trauma of racial injustice, Y connections, and how they've turned tragedy into triumph for the benefit of their families and community.

On April 23, 1998 Rayshawn Brown, Jarmaine Grant, Keshon Moore and Danny Reyes, known as the Jersey 4, were driving south on the Turnpike to basketball tryouts for North Carolina Central University when they were racially profiled and pulled over by state troopers. Police open-fired into the van, severely injuring three of the four men, ending all four's basketball dreams right there and then.

The ZOOM Webinar will be held Monday, May 2 from 7:00-8:00pm. Register online here.
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The Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA is dedicated to improving the quality of life of the individuals, families and communities we serve through programs and services that build wholeness of spirit, mind and body. The YMCA is a not-for-profit organization founded on Christian principles, serving people of all ages, races, faith, cultures and socio-economic conditions.