Fall Grape Leaf
Dear Friend,

It has been a year of angst and awakening, burdens and beauty, challenge and creativity. Ultimately, many of us have recognized that we are being offered an amazing opportunity for transformation, both personally and globally. In this Fall season, we at the FSS feel humbled and grateful for the harvest now coming to fruition. A full lineup of online workshops has been added to the Foundation's authentic and powerful in-person training in core shamanism. This has forged connections with a community of shamanic practitioners around the world, introducing remarkable new ways of bringing the power of shamanism and the compassionate spirits to our world. And, there is a delightful feeling of anticipation in looking forward to resuming our in-person workshops in 2022. The work goes on. We each have something to give.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
Leonard Cohen, Anthem

In gratitude,
Susan Mokelke 

ONLINE WORKSHOPS. This month, the FSS released Core Shamanism Healing Practice, the final workshop in the online Shamanic Healing Training Program. The workshop is the culmination of the fundamental shamanic healing methods presented in the series: power animal retrieval, extraction healing, psychopomp work with the spirits of the deceased, and power soul retrieval. Completion of this workshop and its prerequisites qualifies participants for the Certificate of Completion for the online Shamanic Healing Training Program. Index of all FSS online offerings.
The Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Living Treasures of Shamanism. Kapi Waurá is a female shaman of the Wauja people from the Amazon of Central Brazil. She became a shaman when, after suffering a lingering illness, she spontaneously had a vision and saw spirits associated with certain animals. MORE about Kapi

Saintsetseg is a Dukha shaman from the Siberian frontier. She lives among a small band of nomadic reindeer herders, and comes from a lineage of famous shamans whose traditional practices represent the oldest variant of shamanism found in Mongolia. MORE about Saintsetseg

Kapi Waura & Saintsetseg
Kapi Waurá (left), photo by Yaukuma Waurá. Saintsetseg (right), photo by Susan Grimaldi.
Global online event sponsored by FSSE, November 19-20, 2021
In the summer of 2020, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe began a process dedicated to the exploration of change and transformation through research, experiments, ongoing spiritual practice and ordinary reality action. This new 24-hour event offers an opportunity to continue this exploration through lectures, presentations, arts, and practical shamanic work.

Registered participants can take part in single sessions or all of them, according to individual need, interest, availability and focus.
After a long hiatus due to the pandemic, the FSS is now hopeful that our in-person residential programs can safely resume in 2022. The FSS places a high priority on both the safety and the unparalleled quality of these programs. For the latest information on the status and schedule of the residential programs, visit the FSS website:

IN-PERSON WEEKEND WORKSHOPS. We are looking forward to resuming the FSS weekend workshops in the USA and Canada early in 2022. Visit the in-person workshops index page (scroll down past the yellow banner) for information, index, and links for our authentic and time-tested workshops in core shamanism.

Sámi people request return of shaman’s drum, confiscated in 17th century
Norway’s Sámi people are asking for a sacred drum confiscated by Denmark after a witchcraft trial in 1691 to be returned to them permanently, and they have asked the Danish queen for help. (Photo: Sámi style drum)
The original drum belonged to a Sámi shaman, Anders Poulsson, who was arrested and imprisoned, according to court records. It was confiscated and became part of the Danish royal family’s art collection before being transferred to Denmark’s National Museum in 1849. See the story as reported by The Guardian. Submitted by Lois Sweet, Three Year student.

Ceremony, a spiritual journey among shamans in Northern Mongolia
Sas Cary is a registered nurse, energy healer, educator, author, and filmmaker who has been researching Mongolian culture, medicine, and shamanism for two decades. She is the founder and director of Nomadicare, which supports and preserves traditional Mongolian nomadic culture through healthcare, films, and stories.
In her recently released documentary, Ceremony, Darhad and Dukha reindeer herding shamans introduce us to their teachings, and invite us to witness a shamanic healing ceremony. Included also, are interviews with various shamans in the Taiga area of northern Mongolia. View the trailer for this remarkable 45-minute film. The complete film is available to rent for a small fee.
Tribal Trust Foundation helps preserve indigenous knowledge & culture
We were recently contacted by Barbara Savage, founder of the Tribal Trust Foundation, about their important work in supporting indigenous people around the world. One of their projects involves the Monpa people of Bhutan, whose shamanic tradition and knowledge is at great risk. Find out more about the people of this hidden Himalayan kingdom. 
FSS POLESTAR: The Shaman's Song and Helping Spirits

A podcast with Susan Mokelke

From the series, Curious and Curiouser 
with Robin Johnson: a Great Mystery Podcast Series, October 25

This informative interview opens on a personal note, as Susan Mokelke tells the story of her path towards shamanism. It continues with discussions of some of the most widely asked questions about shamanism: the prominent role of songs and drumming; children and their animal spirits; shamanic healing in nature; and the innate ability of all humans, with training and practice, to access the worlds of the compassionate spirits.

For more from Robin Johnson, visit her website: greatmystery.org
Dedicated to the study, preservation, and teaching of shamanic knowledge for the welfare of the Planet and its inhabitants.
Distributed by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Editor: Susan Mokelke
Assistant Editors: Narrye Caldwell & Robbie Staufer
Editorial Assistant: Noelle Burch