
Monthly News & Updates

June, 2022

FTHA Amends Organization's Bylaws

During its June 2 Meeting, the FTHA Board voted unanimously to amend the bylaws of the organization. Changes were made to allow Board Members to fully participate in Board Meetings electronically, including voting privileges, and to ensure that the organization can conduct business even when the maximum number of 15 Board seats are not filled.

"Our Bylaws Committee spent quite some time reviewing the current bylaws and making recommendations to bring them into line with what is now common business practice," FTHA Bylaws Committee Chair and Treasurer Tom Cannell said. "We are confident the new bylaws will help our organization function to the best of our ability."

Other revisions include recognizing the new Florida Gaming Control Commission, which will begin operations July 1; formalizing the organization's name change; and removing the requirement for signed membership cards.

Click the links below for the amended FTHA Bylaws, and for the redlined version.

FTHA Amended Bylaws

FTHA Amended Bylaws (Redlined)




HISA Registration is required of all licensed owners, trainers and backstretch workers, as well as anyone who has access to the barn area. Trainers must also register all of the horses in their care. Click the link below to register now. If you need help with registration, please stop by the FTHA Office and we will assist you.

HISA Registration


Click here for the HISA Safety Rules that go into effect July 1, 2022. We have also compiled a one-page sheet on the biggest changes to the way horsemen do business.

What’s New Under HISA

Que Hay de Nuevo Bajo HISA


Backstretch Recreation Jungle Queen Cruise

Thank you to Father Tom and the His Place Ministries team for organizing a trip to the Jungle Queen Riverboat in Ft. Lauderdale last month! More than 30 members of the Backstretch Community and their families enjoyed a cruise and dinner on a beautiful South Florida day. We are so happy to sponsor trips for our dedicated workers as part of the Backstretch Recreation Program, and we are so grateful to Father Tom and his team for making them happen!



Click here for the HISA Announcement

Spotlight On: FTHA Board Member Teresa Palmer

For Teresa Palmer, the concept of family goes far beyond the bond of common ancestry. It’s the foundation her family’s breeding and racing business is built upon. The gregarious, long-serving FTHA Board member believes that a family atmosphere creates the teamwork and dedication that are vital elements of the success of Winner’s Circle Thoroughbreds, the farm that she and husband David started from scratch more than 20 years ago. Among the key personnel over the years at the farm, located in Morriston, Florida, are actual family members: daughter Tiffany, who has a degree in nutrition and is in charge of the farm’s feeding, therapy and rehabilitation programs; and son Nicholas, a fledgling trainer who just opened his own operation at Palm Meadows this spring. The Palmers have two other sons, David, Jr., who operates a business in the Palm Beach area, and Thomas, who is graduating in December with a master’s degree in Architecture from the University of Texas.

Born in Cuba, Palmer immigrated to the United States with her mother and two of her brothers when she was five years old. Her father, part of the opposition to the Castro regime, was jailed as a political prisoner when they left. He was released and came to America two-and-a-half years later as the household settled in the Palm Beach area and grew to include Palmer’s third brother. Though the family wasn’t involved in racing and didn’t even follow racing closely outside of the Kentucky Derby and other big races, Palmer says got into the sport because of a passion she shared with her father.

“My dad was a real animal lover and I got my love of animals and horses from him.”

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REMINDER: The email address to contact the Gulfstream Park Horsemen's Bookkeeper is [email protected]

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