United Women in Faith
Ten ladies from the United Women in Faith here at Bonita First UMC met on Monday, October 21, in Fellowship Hall to reflect on our hosting of the Southwest District UWF annual meeting on the previous Saturday and to look ahead to mission activities here in our community. All women are invited to join us for the regular meetings on the third Monday of each month at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The focus of our monthly meetings is on fellowship and mission outreach.
The next meeting will be November 18.
As hostesses for the district meeting, our group provided breakfast of pastry, muffins, coffee cake, fruit, coffee, tea, and juice to the ladies attending from churches in the Southwest District. Thanks to all who donated and served. This was the first in-person event in several years.
At the October meeting, the focus was on mission outreach and activities. The group gathered school uniforms, underwear, and socks to donate to the children at Bonita Springs Elementary School. Over 40 uniform tops or bottoms, 5 multi-packs of underwear, and 10 multi-packs of socks will be delivered to the neighborhood school.
The group also looked ahead to church-wide activities like the rummage sale scheduled for November 9 from 9 a.m.-1p.m. as a kick-off for the annual summer reserve fund. UWF member Ruthann Etzkorn is organizing the event, and several members of the group volunteered to help with receiving items for the sale and helping set-up for the event on Friday, Nov. 8, at 9 a.m. This sale will include household/kitchen items, lots of Christmas holiday decorations, but not clothing (these are part of the monthly breakfast Clothes Closet).
The ladies also looked ahead to the annual “Baby Jesus Shower” to be held December 8 in Fellowship Hall after worship. At this time, our church family is asked to donate newborn baby items (clothing, diapers, wipes, etc.) which will be donated to area programs serving pregnant women and the newborns. The UWF ladies will provide refreshments for the event. It is always fun to look at the cute baby clothes.