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September 20, 2024


This week's note from Rev. Ben Richards

Defense Delayed

One of my favorite poems is Jack Gilbert’s “A Brief for the Defense”. I don’t often share that because most people don’t care that I like poetry. That, and many that do are upset that I like that poem.

For the third time since I’ve had a weekly blog to utilize, this week I set out to write something of a defense for “A Brief for the Defense”, but it’s just too lackluster – my stuff, not the poem – and so maybe I will try another time. Consider this an invitation for the poetry enjoyers among you to check it out and let’s talk about it. Whether or not you like it.

When hitting a wall with something like this, I like to read essays or interviews to connect with what I’m working on. In one of those, Gilbert shared a then unpublished poem I’d never heard of.

The title, “The Great Debate”, initially had me wondering if it was somehow in conversation with the other, if perhaps this was the moment when it would all become clear. I would have the poet’s own words to defend my defense of his “Defense”. But instead, it’s just a delightful poem, and worth sharing.

Who would want to be thinking day and night?

the young man said, eating his chicken

in the beautiful cool shade. Me, I said

before I could stop myself. Heard how it sounded

but knew what would happen if I qualified it.

Me, I said again, but he was already talking

about how a doctor had cured his knee with magic.

In our current worship series, Uncommon Wisdom, the invitation has been to consider how scripture might speak to us in new ways. How might we encounter it anew? Is it truly – not just in theory, not just in name – a living Word that continues to embrace us, move us, and challenge us? And for that to be true, scriptural wisdom needs to be more than just uncommon, it needs to be ongoing.

One of my goals is to be a lifelong learner. I hope to never be content with what I know or understand or appreciate, at least not to the point of affecting my curiosity. The temptation of ignorance or apathy is real, it’s one way the “deadly sin” of sloth is sometimes described. A sinful neglect of reality not only practices brokenness but hinders our capacity to recognize the truth of others, and even ourselves.

One of Jesus’ more quoted sayings is from John 8.32: “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” To this, his disciples offered a very characteristic, “Huh?” And I love them for it. Because it’s a reminder that we need to be reminded, not just of what Jesus continues to clarify, that we are enslaved to sin even (and especially) if we aren’t aware of it, but that there was still more to learn by those who got to walk and talk with Jesus, so complacency for us is probably not a good idea, either.

Fortunately, we have a living Word available to us, a community that is a Body of Christ to share in the journey, and a God whose love for us always meets us our shortcomings with grace. Thanks be to God.


Service for September 22, 2024

Link for September 22, 2024 Live Service

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 3 pm

You are invited to join us every Wednesday at 3 pm in the church office for Bible study. All are welcome to be a part of this small group, facilitated by Rev. Ben Richards, as we explore our faith together.

First Bonita is thrilled to welcome our new pianist,

 Emily Buikema

My husband Matt and I are celebrating 45 years of marriage this year. We have three sons and five grandchildren with one more expected soon.

Since my teens, I have been playing the piano for church, school, and various choirs. After a lifetime of living in Michigan, we recently bought an acreage in Alabama to be nearer to family, although we spend the majority of our

time in Naples. When not playing golf or the piano, I enjoy spoiling my little dog Josie.

I am happy to be able to contribute to the services at First United Methodist of Bonita Springs and look forward to meeting everyone.

It’s Potluck Time - October 27 

As we enter the season of Autumn (yes, we know it’s not much different here in Florida), it’s time for a Harvest Celebration. And what could be better than a church-wide potluck dinner/lunch? This food-fellowship event will take place after worship on October 27 instead of coffee fellowship. This will be a time to welcome back more of our seasonal church family, to let more people meet and get to know (and love) our pastor Rev. Ben Richards, a chance to enjoy casual dining with church friends, and a chance to fill up on beef brisket and/or baby back pork ribs prepared by our own Executive Chef Russ Baird!

This is an opportunity to spend time with your church family and invite your friends and neighbors to join us. This is not a fund-raising event… it’s about sharing our love with our church family and guests… and, of course, about having a wonderful meal. Those attending are asked to bring a side dish to share: vegetables, salads, desserts. Although we don’t want to end up with 20 green bean casseroles, for example, it won’t be the end of the world if more than one person signs up for the same food item – recipes do vary. Please utilize the sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary before the event, or you can simply reply to this email and Ben will add you and your dish to the list. 

If you’re unsure what to bring, this might be an opportunity to use the First Bonita cookbook from our 100 birthday celebration in 2021. You’ll find lots of special recipes there, and if you don’t have one, there are more available!

The sign-up sheet will also include a spot for those wishing to help set up or clean up. The event is being organized by the Formational Leadership Team led by Debbie Lane. You won’t want to miss this event. 

Hurricane Ian Repairs in 2024 and the grant that paid for them are excluded

above. Offerings are running well ahead of Plan and Last Year; however,

expenses have also increased significantly. A/C maintenance in particular is way up this year.

United Women in Faith resume meetings

After a summer of monthly lunches at Bonita Springs restaurants, the United Women in Faith resumed our monthly meetings on September 16.  We encourage all women of the church to join us on the third Monday of each month

(September-May) for our meetings in Fellowship Hall at 3 p.m.


 The focus of our meetings, beyond fellowship, is about missions in our community and beyond.

Highlights of this meeting were learning about ways we can help our friends and neighbors at Bonita Elementary School. There is a need for uniforms for the children in all sizes.  The children wear navy or khaki bottoms: shorts, pants, or skorts for the girls. The solid color polo shirts can be of any color.  So, any of our church family who love shopping and bargains can join us in this effort (or we will be happy to shop if you prefer to donate money – we have ladies who love to shop – we see you Ruthann Etzkorn).  Approved uniforms have been found on sale now at Bealls and Target.  Along with this, we also learned from school officials that underwear  is always needed as accidents do happen!  Pre-K or kindergarten children need underwear sizes 4-5.  Underwear for the older girls in sizes 10-16 is also needed.

Another local mission project we are very excited about is our Newborn Diaper Bags.  This is a new project that developed when we realized that pregnant moms who attend our church’s monthly breakfast would love to get a few beginning supplies for when a baby arrives.  The bags are in both boy and girl versions.  Thanks to Ginny McIntosh and Julie Kampmann for the idea, shopping, and organization for this project.  The group organizes mission projects throughout the year.  We are always looking for needs in our community and ways we can help.

The Bonita Springs UWF group will be hosting the Southwest District Meeting on October 19.  This is the first in-person meeting of the group in over a year.  Our group will be providing coffee and pastries for the women from throughout the district at around 9:30 that morning in Fellowship Hall.  The meeting, conducted by district president Bev Emonds of North Naples Church,  will include awards and recognition of members who have passed during this year, and a communion service.  Our Pastor Ben Richards will be presiding for that.  In addition, the guest speaker will be a woman who served as a missionary in Cuba. 


The next meeting of United Women in Faith in Bonita will be October 21 at 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  All women are invited to join us on the mission field!  See any officer if you have questions: Susan Atkinson, Jaci Colombo, Jann Mier, Kathy Schmitt.

October Book Club Selection

First UMC Book Club will return to America for the October 2 selection Demon Copperhead: A Novel by Barbara Kingsolver. The group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 1:15 to enjoy lunch and/or ice cream at the Royal Scoop and to discuss a novel.  All are welcome to join us.  These books are part of a kit available from the Bonita Springs Public Library

The October selection is set in the mountains of southern Appalachia.  It is the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother, with “no assets beyond his dead father’s good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival.”  Reviewers say the character Demon is “a voice for the ages – akin to Huck Finn or Holden Caulfield – only even more resilient.”  A Washington Post reviewer said the book is “equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking.” Relayed in his own voice, Demon braves the perils of foster care, child labor, bad schools, addiction, and more.

The character Demon Copperhead speaks for a generation of “lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can’t imagine leaving behind.”  Books will be available before and after church.  See Susan Atkinson for a copy, or text her (239-405-9078) if you have questions.

The Upper Room

The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

Click here for Daily Devotional


All information and last names will be kept confidential. Our list is updated weekly. If you need us to keep someone on the list, please send their name to

Come Pray

Fridays at 9:30 am

Zoom and in the sanctuary


Click here to join via ZOOM

Kathy J














Prayer Request cards are on the rack at the back of the Sanctuary.

Please help us to keep the list current, fill out a request for adding or taking off!

Altar Flowers

If you would like to honor family, friends, or loved ones for an anniversary, birthday, or memorial, contact the church office for details.

New Horizons Website

 Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 our church participates with the Meals of Hope to feed over 150 families each week. Right now we have a DESPERATE need for people to come and help out with the initial packing of fresh fruits and vegetables into bags, and then taking them to the cars as the clients come through.      

Meals of Hope Website
Click for Bonita Assistance Website

FUMC Bonita

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 12 PM

27690 Shriver Avenue, Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Office: 239.992.1312

Rev. Ben Richards, Pastor