First United Methodist Church of St. Cloud
March 2022 Newsletter
From the Desk of Pastor Cathy
Dear friends and family of FUMC St. Cloud!
I am so excited about our new sermon series for Lent called “The Way”. It’s based on the book by Rev. Adam Hamilton. Rev. Hamilton has traveled to the Holy Lands and filmed the sights and sounds of Galilee, Jerusalem, Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee. He has walked where Jesus walked and visited the places where Jesus lived and taught. We will be watching the clips, seeing the historic places and learning new insights about His teachings and ministry! I hope you will join us during Lent for these wonderful messages and videos! Our Tuesday Night Bible Study, as well as our Youth and Children’s Sunday school classes, will also be studying this series.
March 6th - Baptism & Temptation ~ Mark 1:9-13
March 13th - Healing ~ Mark 1:14-20; 29-31
March 20th - Proclaiming the Kingdom ~ Matthew 5:17-30
March 27th - Calming the Storm ~ Mark 4:35-41
April 3rd - Sinners and Outcasts & the Poor ~Mark 5:1-20
April 10th - The Triumphal Entry ~ Mark 11:1-10
April 17th - The Resurrection Story ~ John 20:1-10
Lent is the time of preparation for Easter. It is the 40 days before Easter (excluding Sundays) commemorating the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert and it is marked by prayer, fasting, self-denial and penitence. We will begin Lent on March 2nd with our Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes.
As we begin our season of Lent, let us remember that God is interested in our hearts and not our outward appearances. Take some time this Lent to reflect and pray and fast (whether it be your favorite food, a bad habit, or an attitude). Give your whole heart to God! Joel 2 says, “’Now therefore’, says the Lord, ‘Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.’ So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God.” Joel 2:12-13a (NKJV)
I am blessed to be your Pastor!
Pastor Cathy Thacker
This month we are featuring Myrna Lee.
Myrna is a very active and amazing woman. She is extremely involved in our church and the St. Cloud community. Myrna first came to St. Cloud in 1981 when her parents started coming to the area as snow-birds. Her folks attended FUMC of St. Cloud so she naturally started attending as well. She has been an active member of this church for over 40 years. She does continue to go to Lancaster, Pennsylvania for about five months each year from mid-May to mid-October.
Myrna has three brothers all in their 70s and 80s. She has two step-sons who live in Texas and three grandchildren also living in Texas. Due to Covid she has not been able to visit them for a while but is planning a trip to see them soon.
As an active member of the community, Myrna is involved in several organizations. She has been a member of the Eastern Star in both Pennsylvania and St. Cloud, Florida for 15 years. She is also a member of the Elks Lodge in Kissimmee. Another of her passions is volunteering at the St. Cloud Senior Center where she was the secretary for five and a half years. Currently, she is the President of the Seniorsize Exercise program at the Senior Center.
As a member of FUMC of St. Cloud Myrna wears many hats. She enjoys coordinating the Seasoned Souls small group, which works to meet the needs of the church in various ways. She is a participant in both the Smooth Stones and the Beth Moore Bible studies that are offered at the church. Myrna is even in her second year of serving as one of the church’s trustees. Myrna is very dedicated to helping out at the church. She currently counts the offering and works on the deposit each Sunday along with Barbara Watson. In the past she has substituted in the office when staff members have been out due to illness.
When asked what she likes most about First Church St. Cloud she said that it reminds her of the church where she grew up in that it is a small-town church which feels like home. She also said that the people who attend FUMCSC make the church enjoyable.
It is not surprising that Myrna is so involved in the church and community. She has always been very active. Before retiring she held various careers. She was a French teacher for fifteen years, then ran the office of a large Montessori school for another 15 years, and even worked as a proof-reader during her working years.
Myrna does enjoy being retired though and in her spare time loves gardening, reading, and making beautiful crocheted items. She is a very talented woman. We appreciate all that she does for others.
Guest Liturgist
Reverend Frank Gulinello and his wife, Gwen were our guests on February 6, 2022. Rev. Gulinello is a retired United Methodist pastor from the New England Conference and was visiting the area. Pastor Cathy asked him to be our guest liturgist for the Blended Service.
Generous Donation from the
Kissimmee Elk's Lodge #1873
Presentation of Check to Pastor Cathy by Judy Schmidt
Representing the Elk's Lodge are Judy Schmidt, Myrna Lee, Karen Roper, and Joe Waskelis
On February 6th, First United Methodist Church of St. Cloud was presented with a generous donation of $2,000 from the Kissimmee Elks Lodge #1873. The Elks Lodge donates money through their charity fund within the guidlines of the Elk's National Foundation's (ENF) program to build stronger communities through local organizations which directly assist the community. The mission of the ENF is to help Elks build stronger communities. They fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work by helping youth develop lifelong skills, sending students to college, meeting the needs of today's veterans, supporting the charitable work of the state Elks associations, and funding projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities. FUMC of St. Cloud was chosen because of our dedication in helping the less fortunate in the St. Cloud area with food, clothing, shelter on cold nights and other assistance. The Bags of Love program and other Mercy Ministry programs demonstrate the Love of God to those in our community. The Kissimmee Elks Lodge also has given to other local projects including Osceola County on Aging, Welcome Home for Veterans, foster family assistance and a local domestic violence shelter. We would like to thank the Kissimmee Elk's Lodge for this donation which we was given because of our heart for those in need in Osceola County.
Serving Others with
Our Mercy Ministries
The number of people who come on Tueday and Thursday mornings for Bags of Love is increasing. FUMCSC is always in need of food to fill the bags! You may help supply the need of the Bags of Love lunches by bringing any of these items to the FUMC office; Vienna sausages, canned tuna or chicken, Beanie-Weanies, bags of chips, cookies, peanut butter or cheese crackers, fruit cups, pudding snacks, applesauce, bottled waters. As our numbers continue to go up we thank you for helping us serve the community!
Gently used clothing are also distributed on Tuesday and Thursday when those less-fortunate come for Bags of Love. At this time we are in need of size 32-36 men's jeans.
The Mercy Ministries held a garage sale on February 4th and 5th to support the Bags of Love program and other Mercy Ministries at FUMC St. Cloud. The event was very successful.
Bags of Love volunteers not only serve the community but they also have to pick up food for the program. Photographed below are several volunteers picking up Chick-Fil-A meals to be served to the less fortunate on Tuesday and Thursday.
Our Bicycle Ministry provides refurbished bicycles to those in need so they are able to have much needed transportation.
Click on the image above to go to the Bags of Love Store Page directly.
Elmer's Kitchen
FUMC of St Cloud serves as the host site of Elmer’s Meal Kitchen, partnering with the St. Cloud Ministerial Association. Each Sunday at 2:00 pm in the Family Life Center, a free nutritious meal is served to the unemployed or underemployed by a different church or local group.
First Sunday of month: First Presbyterian Church of St. Cloud
Second Sunday of month: Boy Scouts
Third Sunday of month: Soul City Church
Fourth Sunday of month: Christ the Savior Church
Fifth Sunday of month: FUMC of St. Cloud
Wow! On Sunday, February 6th we were so blessed to have LT. Colonel Thomas Donnelly and the Bulldog ROTC Battalion from St. Cloud High School serve and help with Elmer’s Kitchen! They served 72 To-Go meals to those in need in our community! These young students were kind, professional & worked together so well!
Outstanding News! On Sunday, February 20 we broke the record for number of hot meals-to-go served to the less fortunate through Elmer's Kitchen with 98 hot meals being served!
Osceola County Cold Night Shelters are opened when the temperature gets to 40o F or below. We work with the area agencies to determine the dates. The Emergency Managment Department makes the call based on the National Weather Service. We open our FLC here at the church and the Hope Center rents motel rooms in Kissimmee. During the month of January we had four cold nights blessing several homeless individuals. We receive cots from Osceola County Emergency Management Department and meals from the Council on Aging. Each person must fill out intake forms for the Homeless Services Network and agree to wear a mask. We also provide blankets, sweaters, jackets, socks, etc. We also give them a personal kit to go with a breakfast bar, hand sanitizer, scarf, bottled water and stocking cap.
Love All Mission
The Love All Team will be meeting soon. Several people of our congregation have already shown interest in being on this team and plans are being made to get started. If you are interested please contact the church office. This team will work together as an extension of the UMC Florida Conference. The conference of the United Methodist Church has put forth a call to move congregations toward dismantling racism. The Love All Team facilitated our congregation’s response on January 12th and Februay 9th at our monthly Church-Wide Dinners where the movie, Best of Enemies was shown. Look for more activities in the future.
First Church Gives Back to the Community
St. Cloud Middle School Partnership
FUMC of St. Cloud was excited to announce their new partnership with St. Cloud Middle School and presented them with a check in the amount of $1,500.00 on February 10, 2022. We reach out with the love of God to schools in the community and partner with them to help meet the needs of the students and families and show appreciation for their teachers and staff. One reason St. Cloud Middle School was selected is because our Blended Worship Service Director, Scott Weyrauch, who is their theater teacher.
We will also collect school suppplies for Back to School and help with a special event during the Christmas season providing a dinner and Christmas gifts for the students and families in need. You may contribute to this ministry and outreach by making your check payable to FUMCSC marked for the SCMS Partnership.
Pastor Cathy presented the check to Scott Weyrauch, Theater Teacher and Christina Harrell, SCMS Principal.
Disaster Response Team at Work
On February 17 and 18 the Disaster Response Team of the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church went to Ft. Myers, Florida to help with some tornado damaged mobile homes. Two of our members, Larry Finch and Barbara Watson were joined by team members from Bartow, Lakeland, and Bradenton working for two days redoing the tarps on the mobile homes which were damaged by the tornadoes in December 2021. The team was able to assist four families fix the tarps of their mobile homes which will hopefully last 2 to 3 months until their repairs can be begin. The teams work for a maximum of three days and must have the training by the United Methodist Church Conference to do this. Larry Finch, Barbara Watson and Althea Lee have all been trained by the United Methodist Florida Conference as Disaster Response Team members. We are very proud of them and hopefully more people will complete this training and join the team.
Monthly Church-Wide Wednesday Night Dinner
Each month we hold a Church-Wide Wednesday night dinner followed by an activiity. It is a great time to get to know your church family. Please plan on joining us for the next dinner on March 9 at 5:15 PM. After the dinner participants will enjoy a lively game of Bunco!
Carla, John, Jaynee, & Lou
Robin, Kaleigh, Kathryn, Olivia, Mackenzie, & Jessica
Myrna, Rusty, Gary, Renee, & Martha
Eileen and Jerry with Nikki and her children, Lilly & Finley
Coffee Hour on Sunday Mornings
Beginning on Sunday, March 13 we will be offering a "coffee hour" between church services from 9:15 to 10:00 AM either in the FLC or out on the covered walkway. Rhys Bibeau and Larry Dykes are coordinating and will host each week. Please join your church family for coffee, donuts, cookies, and other treats. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others from our church and have some good old-fashioned Fellowship! Donations and volunteers are welcome! Please call (407) 908-4418 if you are interested in helping.
Another Beth Moore Bible Study Offered
Our first Beth Moore Bible Study was such a success that the participants requested a second study. This time we will be learning from the book of James. The study titled James: Mercy Triumphs provides a personal study experience five days a week plus viewer guides for the 8 video sessions of this in-depth women's Bible study. James, Jesus' own brother, started out as a skeptic. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple. Bible scholars compare James to the prophet Amos. In other ways, James more closely resembles the Book of Proverbs than any other New Testament book. Topics in this study include: joy, hardship, faith, reversal of fortunes for rich and poor, wisdom, gifts from above, single-mindedness, the dangers of the tongue, humility, and prayer.
If you are interested in participating in this study please contact the church office or Jaynee Yocum (407) 922-1613. This two hour study will be held on Thursday afternoons starting on March 3rd begining at 1:00 PM.
by Lou Murray, Music Director
March means the start of Lent, so we'll be taking that into consideration with our music selections this month. We'll also be looking forward to Easter Week services in April, and practicing special music for those. The choir practices at 7:00 Wednesday evenings in the sanctuary. If you'd like to join us, just show up and sing.
Altos: Please come out of hiding, we need you!
I'm always open to suggestions or requests regarding the music. Thanks for listening!
Chancel Choir at the Traditional Service
Our Talented Handbell Choir performs at both the Traditional and Blended sevices
The handbell choir was blessed to receive brand new cases to store our valuable set of handbells. The cases will keep the bells safe and clean for many years to come. These cases were partially funded by a generous donation and the remainder was paid for through the budget. If you would like to contribute to this gift please contact Joyce, our treasurer at the church office.
Praise Team at the Blended Service
Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Events
March 2 - Drive-In Ash Wednesday ~ Noon - 1 PM
(10th Street Parking Lot)
March 2 - Ash Wednesday Service ~ 7 PM
March 3 - Starting the new Beth Moore Bible Study ~ 1:00 - 3:00 PM
March 9 - Church-Wide Dinner ~ 5:15 PM
Regular Meetings
- Traditional Worship Service ~ 8:30 AM
- Serendipity Sunday School Class ~ 9:00 AM
- Coffee Hour (FLC or walkway) ~ 9:15 - 10:00 AM
- Blended Worship Service ~ 10:00 AM
- Newcomer's Luncheon ~ 3rd Sunday Quarterly, 11:00 AM
- Elmer's Kitchen ~ 2:00 - 3:00 PM (FUMCSC - 5th Sunday)
- Power Hour Prayer Group ~ 8:30 AM
- Seasoned Souls ~ 1st & 3rd Monday, 10:00 AM
- Smooth Stones Bible Study ~ 2nd & 4th Monday, 10:00 AM
- Boy Scouts ~ 7:00 PM
- Bags of Love ~ 9 - 11 AM (Hot Breakfast to Go)
Online Bible Study with Pastor Cathy - 7:00 PM; Please join using your computer, tablet or smartphone. use passcode: 62397
- Cub Scouts ~ 7:00 PM
- Church-wide dinner FLC (2nd Wednesday) ~ starting at 5:15 PM
- Youth Group ~ 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- Children's program ~ 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- Adult Choir Rehearsal ~ 7:00 - 8:00 PM
- Bags of Love ~ 9:00 - 11:00 AM
- Beth Moore Video Bible Study (8 Week Study) ~ 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Please Note: Our Church Services can be viewed on
FACEBOOK LIVE on our FB page or later on our YouTube
Channel. Click on the links at the bottom of this newsletter to
find these videos.
New to our Website!
Office Administrator, James Wise has been working hard to update the church website. Past newsletters are available by clicking on the Resources tab and new this month is our Monthly Overview Calendar which is continually updated by James. The calendar can be found by clicking the About tab and then the Weekly Schedule line. Go to to find these great resources or click on the button labeled "Visit our Church Website" at the bottom of this newsletter.
Ash Wednesday Opportunities
On Wednesday, March 2, Pastor Cathy will offer ashes for Ash Wednesday at Noon until 1:00 PM in the parking lot on 10th Street. This will be a DRIVE-IN ASH WEDNESDAY opportunity for those who would like to participate. That evening at 7:00 PM there will also be an Ash Wednesday service in the Sactuary.
Have you been waiting for an opportunity to join others who want to get healthier! The time is now! First Church will be conducting a small group which will be meeting virtually throughout the Lent season. This is a 40-day plan conducted during Lent, intended to lead participants to a healthier lifestyle. We will use the book, The Daniel Plan, written by Rick Warner, D.MIN., Daniel Amen, M.D., and Mark Hyman, M.D. as our guide to a healthy life. The Daniel Plan is far more than a diet. It is a lifestyle program based on biblical principles and five essential components: Food, Fitness, Focus, Faith, and Friends. These last two components — faith and friends are what makes this plan unique. If you are interested in participating please contact the church office to learn more. Go to to learn more about The Daniel Plan and the book.
Meditation for Emotional Cleansing
Do you need 30 minutes Inner Peace? Lou Murray, our very own music director and composer will lead this half hour session of meditation with peaceful music during Lent on Sunday mornings starting at 11:30 beginning on Sunday, March 6, 2022. If you are experiencing depression, grief, anxiety, anger, doubt, fear or or just want to relax come and see what 30 minutes of guided meditation with peaceful music can do. Everyone is welcome! Lou Murray has been teaching meditation on many levels for nearly 50 years and is the author of a series of advanced meditation lessons. She also has been a guest speaker on spiritual topics at many churches. If you have any questions about this opportunity you can email Lou at She also has recorded music which you can find on any streaming serice or at
We finished off the month of February with Pajama Day for the letter P. It is everyone’s favorite day as they have “pig out” parties eating pancakes, pretzels, potato chips, pickles, pineapples….and more in their pajamas! We also had an amazing visit from Wild Florida. They brought Fluffy the Alligator, Red the Boa, and Arthur the Sloth. The children loved hearing all about them and being able to touch them!
March will be filled with celebrations as well with Literacy week and our Dr. Seuss-a-bration. Our VPK Pre-K students will be celebrating the 100th day of school with a parade around the campus. We will be off for Spring Break March 14-17.
In Chapel this month, the children will be learning the story of the Fiery Furnace. We will have a special Ash Wednesday Chapel on March 2.
Enrollment is now open for the 2022-2023 school year. We offer a Preschool class for children who are age 3 by September 1st and completely potty trained. Our VPK Pre-K class is offered for children who are age 4 by September 1st and is free with the Certificate of Eligibility.
We currently have 28 students registered so far for next year!
Ms. Denise
The children of First Church meet on Sunday mornings during the Blended Service after the Children's moment and on Wednesday night for their "B.E.A.C.H. Club" program from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Children's Valetine Party held on February 9th
Our Youth Group also meets each week on Wednesday evenings
from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.
The Youth and several adult leaders went to St. Simons Island, Georgia for this year's Confirmation Retreat on Friday, February 11th through Sunday, February 13th. As you can see from the photos they had a great time seeing the sights of St. Simons Island. They visited the Lovely Lane Chapel, Jekyll Island, the St. Simons Island lighthouse, and Ft. Frederica. They also learned the history of the UMC at the Arthur J. Moore Methodist Museum. Going to the beach and seeing the Christ Church Episcopal Church and Graveyard were also big hits. They stayed at the youth cabins at the Methodist Center where they learned about what it means to be a member of the United Methodist Church. On the last night they went to dinner at the Marshside Grill in Brunswick. After dinner the youth continued their lessons and had Holy Communion in the Tabby House on the Methodist Center's property. On Sunday morning they all attended the contemporary church service at St. Simons Island UMC before the long ride home.
St. Simons Island Lighthouse
UMC's Arthur J. Moore Methodist Museum
& Fort Frederica
Candle making was a big hit.
Worship team at St. Simons Island UMC
March 7 – Ronald Godwin
March 13 – Kevin Sanders
March 13 – Renee Bronson
March 14 – Juan Santiago
March 20 – Patty Crisp
March 22 – Fran Hatch
March 23 – Alan Leavens
March 29 – Todd Gorman
March 31 – Yvonne Allen
Mar. 21 – Patty and Stitch Crisp
Mar. 23 – Nick and Vivian Kravitz
Mar. 28 – Scott and Anna Fritz
Note: We are working hard to keep our information accurate and regret if we have missed our birthday or anniversary. If you know of someone whom we have missed in this birthday or anniversary list please notify the Church Office.
The Word of Our Lord
Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything. Ephesians 5:18b-20a.
Your safety is our No. 1 concern!
We will continue to monitor the latest guidance from the CDC and new COVID cases. We will re-evaluate in-person worship should anything change. For now, we ask that you continue to practice these essential guidelines:
Please monitor your symptoms and if you feel sick, stay home if you feel sick.
- Masks or cloth face coverings are encouraged indoors and optional outdoors.
Every other pew will be closed.
Please maintain at least six feet of social distance.
- Family units may sit together.
No congregational singing.
- No passing of the offering.
Deposit your attendance card and offering in the box at the back of the church when you leave.
There will be no meet and greet.
Ushers will seat and dismiss you.
Please dispose of your bulletin as you leave or take it with you to reference upcoming events.
The Sanctuary is sanitized after every worship service.
Staff Members & Email Addresses
First United Methodist Church of St. Cloud
1000 Ohio Ave., St. Cloud, FL 34769