Volume 3.10| March 11, 2021
Your Weekly News and Updates
Welcome to your weekly newsletter from First United Methodist Church of Livingston! We hope that you enjoy what we share and that this newsletter will connect you to more activities within the church and community! Keep reading to see what is happening around FUMC Livingston this week and in the weeks to come!
Click on the link below to download our church app
from your Apple ore Android device.

Easter is right around the corner, hopefully spring weather, and those beautiful Easter Lilies. Please order yours early, they will be $17.50 this year. They are in memory of or in honor of someone special. What a great way to honor your loved ones!! Order forms will be at the Welcome Center beginning March 14th, and checks are to be made payable to FUMC. Be sure to write “lilies” in the memo section of your check. You can also pay for your lilies online. Please indicate that your payment is for lilies. If you pay online, please email Laura Wright ([email protected]) and state the number of lilies you ordered, whom they are from, whom they are in honor or memory of, and what service you attend. The deadline to order is March 25th. Publication of those remembered or honored will be printed in the newsletter on April 1st.. Thank you in advance for your support!
Library Closed

Due to water damage the Library is closed until further notice. Any books which have been checked out can be returned to the basket outside the Library.  With the cords from fans, boxes and such about the room it is unsafe for our faithful library users to use the library.
Winter Storm Help

We pray everyone has thawed out and survived the challenges of last week. If you need assistance, please call the church office and we will see if we can help in some way.

Thank you to those of you who have helped by checking on neighbors and members, providing water, assisting families who have lost their homes, helping the homeless find shelter, etc. If you would like to give monetary help, you can give to the FUMC disaster relief fund and it will be distributed to UMCOR US disaster relief for the winter storm, Helping Hands, Noah's Helpers, or other groups aiding in relief efforts.

You can also go to the below website for additional information on how to give and how to serve.

Thank you for your prayers for all those in need.

Mission committee
Current Sermon Theme:
At The Cross

"The Heartbroken Mother"

John 19: 25-27

Mary the Mother of Jesus is a central figure in the Christmas story. But then, Mary was also there with Jesus at he cross. This sermon will explore the life of Mary with the joy she felt at the birth of Jesus and the extreme sorrow she experienced as she watched her son being crucified. Mary's life is a picture of surrender that began the moment she said "Yes" to God.

Preached by Rev. Steve Woody at the 9:00 am Contemporary Service and the 11:00 am Traditional Service.
Living in Lent-As People of the Resurrection

"The Love of God"

John 3: 14-21

How often are we told of this new idea, device, or system that will change our lives for the better? Or change our life forever? Then we find out after a short amount of time "this" whatever it was failed or began to cause us to do even more work for it to work. We are all looking got that something that brings substantial change to our lives but also a lasting change. Jesus does this for us each day. Over this four week period we will look at points in Jesus' life and see the steps he took to bring this kind of change to the world.

Preached by Rev. Brian Waddell at the 9:00 am Gospel Service
Sermon Notes:
At The Cross:
“With the Heartbroken Mother”
(John 19:25-27)
I.       A myth about Mary was that she was                       
         and without                  .
II.      Mary had to decide if she was going to be Jesus
                                     or if she was going to be a
                                     of Jesus.
III.     What We Learn From Mary About Following Jesus
         1.     Following Jesus begins with                  .
         2.     Following Jesus leads to both                 and
         3.     Following requires                                   .
         4.     Following Jesus demands complete
Quick Review
Looking back over your notes, which point, or scripture challenged, confused or caught your attention?
Do you agree with statement II above? Why or why not? 

Digging Deeper
1.  Read James 1:22-25. What does this text suggest about obedience?
2.  Read Luke 21:10-18. What does this text suggest about how following Jesus can bring joy and sorrow? What does it suggest about how we overcome?
Taking it Home
Looking back at this Sunday’s teaching and study, what is most important for you regarding how to follow Jesus completely?
What area of your life have you NOT surrendered to God?
Additional scripture references:
“I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38 NIV)
“If you love me keep my commands. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.” (John 14:16, 21NIV)
“Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God.” (Luke 2:28a NIV)
“This child is destined to cause the rising and falling of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against, as that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. Ad a sword will pierce your own soul too”  (Luke 3:34-35 NIV)
“In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33a NIV)
“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift from God.” (Ephesians 2:8 NIV)
“When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, ‘he’s out of his mind.’” (Mark 2:21 NIV)
“Then Jesus’ brothers and mother arrived. Standing outside they sent someone to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, ‘your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.’ ‘Who are my mother and brothers’? he asked. Then he looked at those seated in the circle around him and said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.’” (Mark 3:31-35 NIV)
To download and print click here
Please, Don’t Forget Your Church!!

Although there are expenses we can defer during this crisis, 75% of our expenses cannot be deferred. This means that we need to come together to insure that our church is not damaged financially by this crisis. Here are all the ways that you can give:
GivePlus App. (available for android and apple) Give anytime and anywhere. You can find this app in your app store and after opening the app, you will be prompted to enter a zip code. Look for Livingston First UMC, choose that as your preferred church. You can link a credit/debit card or bank acct. Your giving can be one time or recurring.
Web Giving: Logon to https://www.livingstonfumc.org/. At the top of the home page click on “Online giving”. Scroll down to “Choose a Fund”. You can link a credit/debit card or bank account or use your existing PayPal to give.
PayPal: Use your existing account to donate to [email protected].
Auto Draft: Request a form from our financial manager, Cynthia Lane. The form can be emailed to you at your home. Fill the form out and return it to back to Cynthia. Be sure to choose which week of the month you want to draft to take place (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) and to which fund (General, building, etc.)
Bank Bill Pay: Through your bank you can set up Livingston FUMC as a vendor. Be sure to state in the memo which fund you want to give to (General, building, music, etc.)
FUMC Self-addressed envelopes: If you prefer cash or check these envelopes can be picked up at the church.

Our giving has gone down since we have not been able to have live worship. Please, use one of these means of giving so we can maintain the financial health of our church.

Canceled Until Further Notice

Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple

He was not rich nor educated but was familiar with hard work. He was quick-tempered and impetuous but possessed a passion that would change the world. He left everything to follow his teacher, yet he struggled with doubt and fear.

Join us and author Adam Hamilton in this six-week journey, take an in-depth dive into the life, faith, and character of Simon Peter. The DVD segments were filmed on location in Italy and Israel showing key sites in the life of Simon Peter.

Tuesday Morning Seekers Class
Tuesdays 9am – 11am
Fellowship Small
March 2 - April 6
Material Fee: $12

Please register in the gathering area of either building 
         or call Suanne Wilson 281-682-3013.
New Women of Grace Study


Join us in exploring popular sayings that miss the point. They are simple phrases: "God helps those who help themselves," "Love the sinner, hate the sin," and others. They sound Christian - like something you might find in the Bible.  We have all heard these words. Maybe we have said them. They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important ways. Discover the whole truth by comparing common Christian clichés with the wisdom found in Scripture.

Class meets Wednesdays 9 – 11:00am  
March 3 – March 31    
  Material Fee: $10        

Please register in the gathering area of either building 
or call Suanne Wilson 281-682-3013.

Men’s Bible Study Group: Refiners Fire
Tuesdays 6 – 8 pm in the Fellowship Small    

Refiner’s Fire Men’s Group

We Work Together to Refine Christian Men to Reflect God’s Purpose through Study, Prayer, and Fellowship.
Come and grow your Faith with others who also struggle with finding the time, and opportunities to Study, Pray, Outreach, and Fellowship.

 “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the LORD.”                          Malachi 3:3
Please Keep These People in Your Prayers:
Jim & Sue Rosser
Susan Peterson
Ron Cobb
Ray and Ann Hill
Cheryl Anderson       
Jeanette Stratmann
Debra Carlos
Barry Hindes
Elaine Brammer
Kimberly Fowler
Marion Roberts
Sue McGwier
Leon Bailey
Rev. James Frazier
Elliott Diggins
John & Ann Gardner
Richard & Katherine Wade
Lisa Mayhugh
Cheryl Yoder
Jerry Riley Jr.
Susie Gearing
Blakely Schwartz
Anna Hazelton
Pat Hughes
Elton Brownlee
Patsy Hughes
Dale McFeeters
Sara Davison
Pete Lane
Family of Jim Decker
Richard & Sharon Talbot
Family of Bill & Bartie Stanley
Craig Kirkland
Sean Burks
Family of Bill Baker
Macel Kelly
Herb & Kay Caffey
Brian Lawson
Ashley & Karen
Pat Addison
Family of Arene Frazier
Curt Walzel
Bob Martone
ME Palmer
Bill Seale
Passing of Jean Lewis Ross
Kendhall Morris
Brittany Chaney
John Cherry
Glen Hollis
Frank & Hazel Reeves
Helen Ray
Jeri Hambrick Smith
First United Methodist Church of Livingston