Sunday, April 28
Confirmation Sunday
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Acts 5:27-32
Sermon: "Witnesses"

Renegades Worship Series
Sundays, April 28-June 2
Renegades: The unbelievable stories of the earliest Christians
Back before Church people got so “churchy,” they were outlaws. Everything they did was experimental; they challenged social and political norms; persecution and arrest were a way of life. They followed God, and in the process, they turned the world upside down. Join us for worship as we track the adventures of Jesus’ first followers.
Contemplative Worship Service
Sunday, April 28, 9:00 a.m., Murchison Chapel
Contemplative prayer can provide a welcome respite, a place to find the inner resources to actively serve a chaotic world from a place of strength and peace. This 30-to-40 minute service is offered to beginners and experienced practitioners of mindfulness meditation.
Manna Bag Sale
Sunday, April 28, 9:30–11:00 a.m., Sidewalk
Our 4th and 5th graders show the love of Christ to those in need through the making and selling of Manna Bags. You can purchase a bag for $5. 
First Steps Class
Sunday, April 28, 12:15 p.m., FLC Garrison Chapel
Are you interested in joining FUMC? Prior to joining, we ask all to come to this class to learn about United Methodist beliefs and the ministry of FUMC, meet the pastors and other members, and ask questions. To sign up, fill out the Connections Card and place it in the offering plate, go online at , or email Trevor Harper at .
Easter Egg Festival Thank You
By Lara Greene
The 2019 Easter Egg Festival was another wonderful morning of community outreach and fellowship. With just over 600 children and their families, we saw our largest number of guests to date. Some of my favorite interactions are when parents ask how to buy tickets or where to pay and I tell them that everything is provided as a love-gift from FUMC to their family and I see the look of surprise/shock/relief on their faces. Many of the families I spoke with have made attending our festival a tradition. I know they want to return because of the gracious hospitality shown by our 50-plus volunteers including not only on the day of, but also the weeks leading up to the festival. This year you have shown love to our community families by providing over 10,000 stuffed eggs, 432 sugar cookies, 8 bottles of sprinkles, 12 cans of icing, hundreds of painted faces, and an endless line waiting for a special photo with the Easter Bunny. We also collected and donated over 264 pounds of food for Caritas of Austin. Thank you for supporting this event and we hope to see you next year on April 11 on the Capitol lawn for Egg Fest 2020!
ASP 40th Anniversary
Celebrate the ASP legacy at First Church!   For 40 years, we have been participating in the Appalachia Service Project, sending youth and adults to serve alongside families in the Appalachian Mountains to make their homes warmer, safer, and drier. We want your help to mark the occasion! On Sunday June 9 , we've got big plans, so save the date, and help us out in four ways:

  1. Upload your favorite ASP photos to social media using the hashtag #FUMCASP40 or email them to by June 1.
  2. Upload a short video (one minute or less) sharing what ASP means to you or recounting a memory using that same hashtag by June 1. 
  3. Wear your work clothes or ASP t-shirt to worship on June 9! ASP alums from across the years will share the impact these trips have had on them personally and on the life of this church.
  4. Join us on June 9 for a churchwide luncheon at 12:15 p.m. in the FLC Great Hall. Proceeds from the meal will support future ASP teams by establishing a permanent long-term tool fund. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children. Or, for just $20, you can get your meal ticket plus a limited edition commemorative lapel pin! Register online by June 1.
ASP Stock Sales
Sundays, May 5-June 16, 9:00-11:00 a.m., Church Sidewalk
FUMC’s Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team is raising funds for this year’s mission trip to Kentucky, June 21-July 2, 2019. Stop by to learn more about ASP, meet team members, and purchase stock in our ASP trip and the youth of our church. Learn more at
Training for Thursday Women's Ministry
Sunday, May 5, 12:15 p.m., FLC Great Hall
This May, we are launching a new ministry with women experiencing homelessness following the “Feed My People” Breakfast on Thursday mornings. All potential volunteers are encouraged to attend this training. Lunch will be provided. Questions? Contact Pastor Cathy Stone at or 512-478-5684 (ext. 215).
Conversations on Racial Justice
Sunday, May 5, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
FLC Garrison Chapel
Join us as we work together on racial justice, seeking to undo racism in ourselves and recognize systemic racism, while working for and supporting work being done to end racial oppression. Register at .
Alternative Gifts for Mother's Day
Order Deadline: Monday, May 6
On Mother's Day, May 12, you are invited to honor your Mother—and other women who are important to you—by making an alternative gift that helps a mother and family in need. View items and donate online or submit an order form found in the worship bulletin at church on Sunday. Order Online .
Pre-teen Retreat: Love in Action
Friday, May 10, 6:30 p.m.-
Saturday, May 11, 2:00 p.m.
Registration Deadline: May 5
Calling all 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! It’s time for our annual retreat. Our Friday night sleepover at the church includes playing games, having dinner together, participating in small groups, and preparing to serve and love our neighbors on Saturday morning. Drop-off and pick-up will be at the Family Life Center. Cost is $40. Register by May 5. If you have any questions, contact Lara Greene at . Register at .
Recognizing Graduating Seniors
Deadline May 12
Graduation is an exciting milestone—at any age! We want to recognize all graduating seniors—high school, college, or graduate school—in our FUMC Weekly on May 19. Please provide as soon as possible a picture of the graduate, name, school graduated from, degree(s) received, and future plans. Email information by May 12 to Devon Bailey at .
Book Study: The Color of Compromise
Tuesdays, May 14, 21, 28, June 4
6:30-7:30 p.m., FLC Room 104
Join us as we read and discuss The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby. The Color of Compromis e is both enlightening and compelling, telling a history we either ignore or just don't know. Tisby provides an accurate diagnosis for a racially divided American church and suggests creative ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among God’s people. Register at .
Cheers Ministry Field Trip
Thursday, May 16, 9:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Our Cheers Ministry, a community for those young-at-heart who are recently retired, semi-retired, or thinking about setting a date to retire, is planning a field trip to Fredericksburg. Our first stop will be at The National Museum of the Pacific War at Nimitz Museum. After touring the George H.W. Bush War of the Pacific exhibits, we will eat together in one of the fine restaurants of the city. After lunch and some shopping or bench sitting, we will journey homeward, but not before a tour of a winery for a tasting. Because our mission is to build community, we plan to travel together for fun and fellowship. Transportation arrangements will be sent to the registrants. Register by May 3 at .
Courts & Ports: Faithful Witness on the Texas-Mexico Border
The Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy/Texas Impact invites you to participate in Courts & Ports: Faithful Witness on the Texas-Mexico Border . This 2-day immersion experience engages people of faith to witness first-hand the legal and law enforcement processes related to immigration, detention, and deportation occurring in South Texas. First UMC will send a team Sunday evening, June 16 – Wednesday morning, June 19 . Please contact Pastor Cathy Stone at to register or to learn more.
Administrative Board Meeting
Sunday, May 19, 2019, 12:15-2:00 p.m.
Great Hall, Family Life Center
All are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Board members have voting rights. Lunch will be provided for $10 per person. Board members and guests who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15. Childcare is available by emailing to make reservations. Reservations are not guaranteed until confirmed. Register at .
Vacation Bible School Registration
July 22-25 (4 Days: Monday-Thursday) 
9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
For children 4 years-completed 5th grade.
VOYAGERS, come with us on a journey to Mars and Beyond this summer! The Starship Galaxion needs our help. It's going to be an out-of-this-world adventure as we explore where God's power can take us. Spots fill up quickly. Early bird pricing is $30 before June 1, then $40 until the registration cut-off on July 10. Plan to kick-off the fun at our Launch Party on Sunday, July 21 from noon-2:00 p.m. Register at .
Summer Sports Camp for Kids
Post-VBS Sports Camp
July 22-25, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
A multi-sport camp for ages 5-12 consisting of fun games like dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag, and other games revolving around classic sports like basketball, flag football, and soccer. The cost of the camp is $85 before June 1 and $95 after June 1. 

Rookies Camp
July 29-August 1, 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
For ages 2.5-6 years, younger children will learn the basics of basketball, indoor soccer, and lots of other fun & goofy games. The cost is $75 before June 1 and $85 after June 1.

Register through Triumph Sports at .
Habitat for Humanity Build
Saturday, May 4, 7:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
7220 Boyle Drive
FUMC will join area Methodist churches for the 2019 Habitat Methodist Build. Our commitment includes a fundraising goal of $7,500, along with providing 10 volunteers on Saturday. If you would like to put your faith into action, sign up at . Donations may be placed in the offering plate (marked "Habitat Build") or made online . For more information, contact Terri Purdy .
Books for Pickle Elementary
Our next Book Sale is Friday, May 17, 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Donate the books your kids read this school year to students at Pickle Elementary who need books for summer reading. Books sell for 25 cents. Kids love dinosaurs, animals and insects, monsters, fairytale, adventure, mystery, sports, and exploration books. Only current titles or popular classics please. Spanish language books especially appreciated. Donations of books can be left in SAN Room 217 behind Library, or in bins off the Sanctuary Foyer. Consider donating gift cards from Savers. To sort or sell for an hour or two contact .
Community First! Service Day
Saturday, May 18
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Community First! Village, 9301 Hog Eye Road, Austin TX 78724
Community First! Village provides affordable, sustainable housing, and a supportive community for those who experience chronic homelessness in Central Texas. A typical service day could entail harvesting the gardens, laying pathways, tending the chicken coop or goats, dry landscaping yards for micro-homes, beautifying the property, etc. Register at .
Sunday, April 28
Manna Bag Sale
Confirmation Sunday
ASP Team Meeting

Friday, May 3
Cheers Ministry Field Trip Deadline

Saturday, May 4

Sunday, May 5
ASP Stock Sales Begin
Conversations on Racial Justice
Deadline for Love in Action Pre-teen Retreat

Tuesday, May 14

Thursday, May 16

Friday, May 17

Saturday, May 18

Sunday, May 19
Manna Bag Sale
Children's Choir Musical
Senior Brunch
Senior Roast/ Last Engage
Monday, May 20
Iftar Dinner

Monday, May 27
Office Closed for Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 28
4th Tuesday "Feed My People" Breakfast

Friday, May 31
VBS Early Bird Pricing Ends

Sunday, June 2
Conversations on Racial Justice

Sunday, June 9

Saturday, June 15

Sunday, June 16

Friday, June 21
Kids' Night Out

Sunday, June 23
Contemplative Worship Service

Tuesday, June 25
4th Tuesday "Feed My People" Breakfast
Easter Offering
At Easter, we celebrate the life-giving Resurrection of Christ. As a response to the new life we've been given, each year we dedicate a special Easter Offering to a ministry or facility need that increases our ability to serve others. This year's Easter offering will directly support ministry with our neighbors through the Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF) and new Thursday Morning Ministry with Women Experiencing Homelessness. Read More .
Missed last week's sermon?
Sunday, April 21
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Luke 24:1-12
Sermon: “Without Explanation”
Other ways to listen? Subscribe to our iTunes podcast or YouTube channel.
Within our Congregation
Sandy Bowles; Gussie Fallon; Ruth Howie; Kathy Morales; Chuck Watt; Olivia Weldon; and Weldon Wink.
Beyond our Congregation
Jan Ashmos’ mother, Mildred Spencer; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren; Sandy Bowles’ daughter, Carla Bowles; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Sarah Gutierrez’ brother-in-law, Mark Bishop; Ken and Susan Hensley’s friend, Jackie Middleton; Curtis and Mary Higgs’ friend, Eleanor Connell, on the loss of her brother; Lori Huang’s mother, Sharon Reed; Daviss King’s father, Hugh D. King; Reverend Earle Lewis’ son-in-law, Rob Valenca; Kathleen Malaspina’s friend, Kathy Farley; Cindy Reidland’s friend, Carly; Barbara Ruth’s mother, Jewel Ruth; Leslie Story’s father, Neel Richardson; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Church Life enables members to connect, view giving history, schedule giving, and access the church calendar. Available in mobile app with same login. Read More .
Contact Us
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684 
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