Sunday, August 4
8th Sunday after Pentecost
Journey with God Series
Preacher: Bishop Janice Riggle Huie
Scripture: Exodus 15:20-21
Sermon: "Overcoming Obstacles"
FUMC Welcomes Bishop Huie
Sunday, August 4, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
We welcome Bishop Janice Riggle Huie to preach in worship. Bishop Huie served as a Pastor throughout the former Southwest Texas Conference before being elected to the Episcopacy in 1996. Now retired from active ministry in the UMC, she serves with the Texas Methodist Foundation in the area of Leadership Formation, following twenty years as a bishop. Previously, she served as bishop of the Texas Annual Conference and the Arkansas Conference. Plan to join us for worship this Sunday, August 4, and be blessed by this gifted preacher and church leader.
FUMC T-shirt Sale
Sunday, August 4, 9:45-12:15 p.m., Church Sidewalk
Church t-shirts are now available to wear during missions or other church activities, or just for fun. Assorted sizes from S to XXL are available for $10 each so stop by and purchase a t-shirt while supplies last.
The Bible and Progressive Christianity
Sunday, August 4, 10:00 a.m., SAN Wesley Hall
In "What Next", the final event of our series, Dr. Brad King will engage a combination of lecture and guided discussion to advocate for a more intentional relationship with the Bible both in our immediate community here at FUMC Austin, and also with an eye to progressive Christianity and the American church more broadly.
LGBTQIA+ Pride Interfaith Service
Sunday, August 4, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Temple Beth Shalom, 7300 Hart Lane
This annual LGBTQIA+ inclusive event tradition is an official part of Austin Pride Week and features speakers from our LGBTQIA+ communities. This event is sold out and registration has closed.
FUMC Directory
Reserve your spot today! Have your portrait taken and be a part of the new edition of the FUMC directory. Our partner, Lifetouch will take photographs in the Sanctuary Building on Tuesday-Saturday, September 24-28 and October 8-12. Each family will receive a complimentary 8×10 portrait and a free directory and have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits or holiday greeting cards. Check-in will be on the 2nd floor of the Sanctuary Building outside the elevator. The photo session will take place in SAN Room 215 with photo viewing and purchasing in SAN Room 212. To schedule your portrait session, go to .
Marilyn Good Love Offering
After 10 years of faithful and fruitful ministry on FUMC Staff, Marilyn Good is retiring. Marilyn has coordinated the logistical needs of staff, congregation members, and countless outside groups using FUMC facilities, enabling us to use the facility as a crucial tool for ministry. We celebrate her and all that she has accomplished as a staff member and look forward to her continued involvement as a member of FUMC, along with her husband, Dan. All are invited to give a love offering in gratitude for Marilyn’s ministry by August 18th. Simply note "Marilyn Good Love Offering" in the memo of your check or online giving .
Austin Pride Festival
August 10, 11:00 am.-6:00 p.m.
Fiesta Gardens
2101 Jesse E. Segovia
Join welcoming and inclusive United Methodist churches in presenting an affirming witness by helping to host a booth at the Pride festival. Participating in the Festival is a great way to meet and engage with the greater Austin community and develop more personal connections. Sign up at .

Austin Pride Parade
Saturday, August 10, 6:30 p.m. 
Family Life Center
Those wanting to walk or ride in the 2019 Pride Parade may meet at the Family Life Center at 6:30 p.m. to make signs and eat pizza. We will leave the FLC at 7:30 p.m. to walk over to our float starting position as a group. The FUMC community is strongly encouraged to signup soon for the parade before other churches are invited. Spots are limited. Wrist bands will be given at the FLC before the parade. Sign up at .
Kindergartener Gathering
Sunday, August 11, 10:00 a.m.
EDU Room 101 
A chance for rising kindergartners and their grown-ups to gather before the first day of school to read a story, pray and prepare for the big day.
Summer Book Club for All Ages
August 11, 10:00 a.m., Wesley Hall
Gather with other summer readers to discuss books and share responses. All are invited to find a creative way to respond – a picture, poem, poster, button…Bring it with you on August 11 or give it to Pastor Cathy to share. Book selections are on our website. Read More .
Civil Rights Pilgrimage Information Session
Sunday, August 11, 12:15 p.m.
EDU Murchison Chapel
Mark your calendars for March 13-20, 2020. This eight-day pilgrimage for adults, youth, and families will include visits to Birmingham, Jackson, Little Rock, Montgomery, Memphis, and Selma. As we begin planning this summer, it will be helpful to have an idea of interest. For more information, Pastor Cathy Stone at . If you are interested in this trip, register for the Information Session at .
Fall Class Preview
Sunday, August 18, 10:00 a.m. Murchison Chapel
Are you interested in a short-term class to grow further into your faith? On Sunday, August 18, we are offering a preview of this fall's adult discipleship class lineup. Join the fall teachers in Murchison Chapel for an overview of the classes to be offered and an opportunity to ask questions before registering. For more information, contact Emily Buchanan at .
Back-to-School Blessing
Sunday, August 18, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary 
All students, teachers, and administrators receive a blessing and a gift as a tangible reminder of God’s and our congregation’s love and support. Bring your backpack or any personal item to be blessed as well. 

New Sixth Graders' Parade
Sunday, August 18, 9:45 a.m., Sanctuary Front Steps 
Everyone is invited to cheer the class of 2026 as they move from our children’s ministry across the street to our youth ministry in the Family Life Center. Meet on the front steps at 9:45 a.m. (or directly following 9:00 a.m. worship). 

Move On Up Sunday School
Sunday, August 18, 10:00 a.m., New Classrooms 
Parents of preschool children through rising 5th grade, bring your children to their new classrooms and meet their teachers. You can also learn how to use our new electronic check-in system. Look for room locations in parent email or on our website .

Children's Ministry Parent Coffee  
Sunday, August 18, 10:15-10:45, Wesley Hall
Coffee, donuts, information, and fellowship! This is an informal gathering for parents of children ages infant through 5th grade to receive a calendar of events, learn about the opportunities and ministries specially designed for your family (i.e. Children’s Choir), and learn about our new check-in system and dismissal policy for Sunday morning.
Back-to-School at the Pool
Sunday, August 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Balcones Woods Pool
11204 Alhambra Drive, 78759
Families of all ages are invited to join us for a fun pool party. Burgers and hot dogs will be provided by the church—you can bring a side (a bag of chips counts!) or dessert. Calendars and information about fall children’s ministry programming will be available, plus a sign-up for Children’s Choir. Register at .
Administrative Board Meeting
Sunday, August 25, 2019, 12:15-2:00 p.m.
Great Hall, Family Life Center
All are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Board members have voting rights. Lunch will be provided for $10 per person. Board members and guests who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Childcare is available by emailing to make reservations. Reservations are not guaranteed until confirmed. Register at .
First Steps Class
Sunday, September 8, 12:15 p.m., FLC Garrison Chapel
Are you interested in joining FUMC? Prior to joining, we ask all to come to this class to learn about United Methodist beliefs and the ministry of FUMC, meet the pastors and other members, and ask questions. To sign up, fill out the Connections Card and place it in the offering plate, go online at , or email Trevor Harper at .
FUMC is Hiring a Children's Ministry Assistant
We are looking to hire a Children’s Ministry Assistant to start at the beginning of September. The position is 20 hours/week, part-time, salary, and reports directly to the Director of Children’s Ministries. This role will assist the Director in planning, preparing, and leading programs and ministries that will help teach our children ages infant through 5th grade to become life-long disciples of Christ. Pay is commensurate with experience. For more information or to apply, please contact Lara Greene at .
Through discipleship classes, we offer opportunities to gather together and grow your faith surrounded and supported by others who are growing theirs.
Fall 2019 Classes
Study and Discussion of Fear of the Other
Sunday, August 25-September 22, 10:00 a.m., SAN Wesley Hall
There is a distinctively Christian way to engage the so-called “outsider” and “stranger.” Tolerate one another. Wait. Isn’t that supposed to be love one another? It’s one thing to genuinely love people who are more or less the same as we are, but what about those who are not only strangers, but people who live completely different lives? Retired Pastor John McMullen will lead the discussion of Bishop Will Willimon’s book that invites you to look more closely at the gospel’s command to love—because to genuinely love those considered to be “Other” may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do. Register here .

Mercy & Justice Book Study: The Far Away Brothers
Tuesdays, September 3-17, 6:30-7:30 p.m., FLC Room 104 
Join Pastor Cathy Stone as we read The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an American Life by Lauren Markham, the deeply reported story of identical twin brothers who escape El Salvador's violence to build new lives in California—fighting to survive, to stay, and to belong. Register here .

Disciple I Fast Track
Wednesdays, September 4-November 20, 6:30-8:00 p.m., FLC Room 104
This 24-week study, led by Dr. Brad King, offers a twist on the classic Disciple Bible Study, which is an excellent overview of the entire Bible. The class meets for a total of 24 weeks, 12 weeks in the fall and 12 weeks in the spring, this study is for anyone ready to commit and delve deeper. Perhaps you have recently started coming (or coming back!) to church, and you want to know God and the Bible better. Perhaps you are looking for a group to connect with over a longer study. Perhaps you are interested in becoming a leader at FUMC. Disciple is a great place to start. Registration is required through our website and will cost $30 for two study manuals. Register here .

Study and Discussion of The Song of the Bird
Sundays, September 8-22, 6:00-7:00 p.m., FLC Room 102
Everyone loves stories; and in this book, bestselling author Anthony de Mello shares 124 stories and parables from a variety of traditions both ancient and modern. Each story resonates with life lessons that can teach us inescapable truths about ourselves and our world. The Song of the Bird uses the familiar yet enduring medium of the story to illustrate profound realities that bring us in touch with the problems and concerns of daily life, as well as with our common spiritual quest. Join FUMC member Lucius Bunton for this insightful class. Register here .

Gender and Sexuality in the Household of God
Sundays, September 8-29, 1:30-2:30 p.m., FLC
Though many lay claim to the “biblical” stance on family, gender, and procreation, the Bible does not provide clear or consistent advice on any of these issues. It does, however, provide a great deal of insight into the ways that early Christians understood Christ’s message to shape loving relationships and behaviors. Join Dr. Brad King for a lecture series on discerning the impact of scripture on our most important social concepts and relationships. Register here .

Study and Discussion of What is the Bible?
Tuesdays, October 29-November 26, 6:30-8:00 p.m., FLC Room 103
Author Rob Bell goes deep into the Bible to show how it is more revelatory, revolutionary, and relevant than we ever imagined and offers a compelling argument for why we need to look at it in a fresh, new way. What Is the Bible? provides insights and answers that make clear why the Bible is so revered and what makes it truly inspiring and essential to our lives. The author addresses the concerns of all those who see the Bible as God’s Word but are troubled by the ethical dilemmas, errors, and inconsistencies in Scripture. FUMC member Curt Ashmos will lead this thought-provoking class. Register here .
Caritas Community Kitchen
Thursday, August 7, 8:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Caritas of Austin, 611 Neches Street
FUMC adults and youth (12+) are invited to serve in the Community Kitchen at Caritas. Caritas of Austin provides a free, nutritious lunch—no questions asked—to over 300 individuals Monday through Friday. We have ten spots reserved to serve in this primarily volunteer-operated kitchen. Individuals and families must register online at .
Children's Underwear Drive
The UMW Southside Community Center in San Marcos has been in continuous service since 1927. During a tour last year, the Joy Circle here at FUMC discovered the need to supply the San Marcos ISD with new children’s underwear. Many children attending area schools have limited resources and no extras. The school nurses give children new underwear when they have accidents or become ill at school. The need is great! Please contribute new (preferably packaged) underwear for ages 5-12, both boys and girls. Collection bins will be in the Sanctuary foyer beginning August 4.
Sunday, August 4
LGBTQIA+ Pride Interfaith Service

Wednesday, August 7

Thursday, August 8
Wacky Thursday! Barton Springs and Zilker Musical

Saturday, August 10

Sunday, August 11
Kindergartner Gathering
Civil Rights Pilgrimage Information Session

Sunday, August 18
Back-to-School Sunday
Sixth Grader's Parade
Fall Class Preview
Children/Youth Leadership Training

Sunday, August 25
Contemplative Worship Service
Manna Bag Sale
Fear of the Other Class Begins
Administrative Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 27
Feed My People 4th Tuesday

Wednesday, September 4
Disciple 1 Fast Track Begins

Monday, September 2
Church Office Closed for Labor Day

Sunday, September 8
First Steps Class
Gender and Sexuality in the Household of God Class Begins
The Song of the Bird Class Begins
Youth Party Barge at Lake Travis
Conversations on Racial Justice

Sunday, September 15
Manna Bag Sale
Mobile Loaves & Fishes 3rd Sunday

September 24-28
Lifetouch Photo Sessions

October 8-12
Lifetouch Photo Sessions

Tuesday, October 29
What is the Bible? Class Begins
Click here to view video.
English as a Second Language
FUMC began it's ESL Ministry as an initiative by a pastor for whom English was a second language, one who thought he knew English until he arrived in this country and faced a myriad of challenges with communication. Add to this dilemma the cultural differences in medical care, the condition of women in society, how to go to the grocery store, how to take a bus, and how to navigate the educational system for one's children. For over a decade, individuals who find themselves in these situations have come to our ESL classes. Attendees say the difference between these classes and those offered by educational institutions is the feeling of community, the creation of a place to belong. The social hours of ESL classes are a safe place to practice a language, but also a place to feel at home. One of the unique things about our ESL Ministry is providing childcare so mothers or fathers who care for the family can concentrate on improving their language skills. Although the teachers are volunteers, materials, childcare, utilities for the FLC, and refreshments for the social hours all cost money. Contributions at the altar rail offering during the month of August go to support this quiet but powerful ministry. Give Now .
Missed last week's sermon?
Sunday, July 28
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Acts 15:30-41
Sermon: "Traveling Companions"
Other ways to listen? Subscribe to our iTunes podcast or YouTube channel.
Within our Congregation
Grady Basler; Stephanie Benold; Sandy Bowles; Michael Crowe; Gussie Fallon; Kathy Morales; Connie Payne; Mari Perez; Andrew Pyle; Olivia Weldon; Weldon Wink; and Dan Wood.

Condolences to the family and friends of Curtis Higgs on his death and to Arthur Potts on the death of his grandfather.

Beyond our Congregation
Meridith Albright’s friend, Linda Hrncir; Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Carly Criscoe’s grandmother, Ann Williams; Harriet Garland; Marianne Gaston’s friend, Yolanda Pedraza; Ken and Susan Hensley’s daughter-in-law, Kelly Hensley; Daviss King’s father, Hugh King, Sr.; Melanie Miller’s and Jen Stuart’s father, Doak Thomas; Arthur Potts’ father, David Potts; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton; Dianne Render’s sister-in-law, Penny Burns; Barbara Ruth’s mother, Jewel Ruth; Kent Schuster’s sister, Suzanne; Ben Thoma’s mother, Margery, and sister, Heidi; Sandy Wilkerson’s sister, Sharon West; Amy Wink’s friend, Kristi Wright; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Church Life enables members to connect, view giving history, schedule giving, and access the church calendar. Available in mobile app with same login. Read More .
Contact Us
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684 
Join our Facebook Group !