Sunday, July 28
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Journey with God Series
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Acts 15:30-41
Sermon: "Traveling Companions"
Contemplative Worship Service
Sunday, July 28, 9:00-10:00 a.m., EDU Murchison Chapel
These services are offered to beginners and experienced practitioners of mindfulness meditation. The service typically lasts 30-to-40 minutes.
Manna Bags
Sunday, July 28, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship
During Vacation Bible School, our children assembled Manna Bags for the congregation to share the love of Christ to those in need. Bags contain nutritious snacks, socks, and a note of God's blessing. Manna Bags will be distributed after the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services.
The Bible and Progressive Christianity
Sundays, July 28-August 4
10:00 a.m., SAN Wesley Hall
Many progressive Christians struggle with how to read and interpret the New Testament in the face of its apparent contradictions and challenges to our modern values. These lectures and discussions are designed to promote a better understanding of the Bible’s place in progressive Christianity and to provide you with the tools and knowledge to pursue a deeper, personal relationship with these ancient texts.

July 28 – “Why Paul Matters”
More than any other person, Paul’s writings and legacy have stood at the center of battles over Christian social ethics and organization. This week, we address how and why Paul's message both shape and are shaped by those struggling to understand him, and we will discuss how to understand and wrestle with the apostle's message in our own context, here at FUMC Austin.
Sign Up for Table for 8
This is the last Sunday to register! Our first season of Table for 8 went really well. It's time to shake things up and sign up for new groups! Table for 8 is a fun way to connect with people from First Church in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Singles, couples, and families of all ages are welcome. Sign up in July in the foyer or online. This time, you may select whether you want to be grouped by geography or schedule availability. Then you will be placed with others in a dining group. From this group, an initial “lead host” will contact all the other members to decide the date and time of your first gathering. Tables are encouraged to meet three times in the fall and three in the spring. The group can meet at a home, restaurant, is up to you! Questions? Visit our FAQ at or email Emily Buchanan at
ASP Slide Show
Sunday, July 28, 12:15 p.m., Garrison Chapel
All are invited to a slide show of this year’s Appalachia Service Project trip. Come hear stories from our high school youth about the trip, the people they met, and the experiences shared in Harlan County. Register at
Journey with God
At First Church, we believe every person is a beloved child of God, on a journey to God, with God. This summer, as we journey to places near and far, we invite you and your families to capture what God is doing beyond our walls and beyond our city. Mail us your travel postcards or jot a note on the mock postcard found in a pew and we’ll display them in the Sanctuary Foyer for all to see the ways you’ve seen God while on your journey. Read question prompts at
Sylvie Dolan Crane , daughter of Earl and Sarah Crane and sister of Jones and Amelia, was baptized into Christian discipleship on Sunday, July 21.
Habitat Build Dedication
Saturday, July 27, 10:00 a.m.
7229 Boyle Dr, Austin TX 78724
All are invited to celebrate Habitat for Humanity's Spring Builds! From March through May, 17 amazing FUMC volunteers helped frame rooms, sheath a roof, hang doors/windows, paint trim, and much moreto provide a home for the Rosales family. Donations are also still needed to meet our goal of $10,000 to cover materials and other build costscontribute through the offering plate or online (mark "Habitat Build"). For more info about the Habitat 2019 Methodist Build: .

Thank you to our volunteers: Claire Kinchen, Seth Wagenblast, Gordon Wesley, Michael Render, Garry Merritt, Terri Purdy, Matthew Purdy, Amber Nichols, Kristi Kevern, Mary John Coats, Larry Peters, Becky Ratliff, Donna Shands, Joe Shands, Greg VerBeek, Daviss King, Sherry Clark. 
FUMC is Hiring a Children's Ministry Assistant
We are looking to hire a Children’s Ministry Assistant to start at the beginning of September. The position is 20 hours/week, part-time, salary, and reports directly to the Director of Children’s Ministries. This role will assist the Director in planning, preparing, and leading programs and ministries that will help teach our children ages infant through 5th grade to become life-long disciples of Christ. Pay is commensurate with experience. For more information or to apply, please contact Lara Greene at .
Fall Worship Series
We need your help! This fall in worship we are asking the question "Do I really have to believe this stuff?" Each week we'll take a look at a belief or aspect of Christianity that people struggle with. For instance, many Christians have trouble believing that Creation happened in six days, or that there really is a hell. What are the beliefs that you struggle with? Which claims leave you wondering? We need you to share those so we can craft a meaningful and helpful worship series for the fall. Fill out our online form and join us for the series beginning August 18!  
Book Study: Queer Virtue
Tuesdays, July 30, August 6, 13, 20, 27, 6:30-7:45 p.m.
FLC Garrison Chapel
This five-week study will guide participants in reading Queer Virtue: What LGBTQ People Know About Life and Love and How It Can Revitalize Christianity by The Reverend Elizabeth M. Edman, which lifts up queer ethics as a model for progressive Christian practice. By paying attention to queer experience, Edman asserts, Christian communities can learn a great deal about how to live their faithhow to be the church more effectively and with greater consequence. Register online at
FUMC Welcomes Bishop Huie
Sunday, August 4, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
We welcome Bishop Janice Riggle Huie to preach in worship next Sunday, August 4. Bishop Huie served as a Pastor throughout the former Southwest Texas Conference before being elected to the Episcopacy in 1996. Now retired from active ministry in the UMC, she serves with the Texas Methodist Foundation in the area of Leadership Formation, following twenty years as a bishop. Previously, she served as bishop of the Texas Annual Conference and the Arkansas Conference. Plan to join us for worship next Sunday, August 4, and be blessed by this gifted preacher and church leader.
LGBTQIA+ Pride Interfaith Service
Sunday, August 4, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Temple Beth Shalom, 7300 Hart Lane
This annual LGBTQIA+ inclusive event tradition is an official part of Austin Pride Week and features speakers from our LGBTQIA+ communities. This year’s featured speaker is Rabbi Sandra Lawson. FREE. Registration required at . All are welcome! 
Austin Pride Parade
Saturday, August 10, 6:30 p.m. 
Family Life Center
Those wanting to walk or ride in the 2019 Pride Parade may meet at the Family Life Center at 6:30 p.m. to make signs and eat pizza. We will leave the FLC at 7:30 p.m. to walk over to our float starting position as a group. The FUMC community is strongly encouraged to signup soon for the parade before other churches are invited. Spots are limited. Wrist bands will be given at the FLC before the parade. Signup at .
Kindergartener Gathering
Sunday, August 11, 10:00 a.m.
EDU Room 101 
New Kindergartners and their parents are invited to this special fellowship. We will enjoy the traditional reading of The Kissing Hand and a family craft. This is a great time to meet other parents and to learn more about how to help foster your child’s faith formation during this milestone.
Summer Book Club for All Ages
Now-August 11
Our Summer Book Club is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 
  1. Pick your book. 
  2. Read your book. 
  3. Bring your book and discuss.
Books to choose from: (1) The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr; (2) Inspired by Rachel Held Evans; (3) I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown; (4) Shameless by Nadia Bolz-Weber; (5) Torn by Justin Lee; (6) Beloved by Toni Morrison; (7) The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz (youth/young adult); (8) Who is My Neighbor? By Levine and Sasso or The Youngest Marcher by Cynthia Levinson (children).

Gather with other summer readers to discuss books and share responses on August 11 at 10:00 a.m. in Wesley Hall . All are invited to find a creative way to respond – a picture, poem, poster, button…Bring it with you on August 11 or give it to Pastor Cathy to share. For more information, contact Pastor Cathy Stone at or 512-478-5684 (ext. 215).
Civil Rights Pilgrimage Information Session
Sunday, August 11, 12:15 p.m.
EDU Murchison Chapel
Mark your calendars for March 13-20, 2020. This eight-day pilgrimage for adults, youth, and families will include visits to Birmingham, Jackson, Little Rock, Montgomery, Memphis, and Selma. As we begin planning this summer, it will be helpful to have an idea of interest. For more information, Pastor Cathy Stone at . If you are interested in this trip, register for the Information Session at .
Fall Class Preview
Sunday, August 18, 10:00 a.m. Murchison Chapel
Are you interested in a short-term class to grow further into your faith? On Sunday, August 18, we are offering a preview of this fall's adult discipleship class lineup. Join the fall teachers in Murchison Chapel for an overview of the classes to be offered and an opportunity to ask questions before registering. For more information, contact Emily Buchanan at .
Back-to-School Blessing
Sunday, August 18, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary 
All students, teachers, and administrators receive a blessing and a gift as a tangible reminder of God’s and our congregation’s love and support. Bring your backpack or any personal item to be blessed as well. 

New Sixth Grader's Parade
Sunday, August 18, 9:45 a.m., Sanctuary Front Steps 
Everyone is invited to cheer the class of 2026 as they move from our children’s ministry across the street to our youth ministry in the Family Life Center. Meet on the front steps at 9:45 a.m. (or directly following 9:00 a.m. worship). 

Move On Up Sunday School
Sunday, August 18, 10:00 a.m., New Classrooms 
Parents of preschool children through rising 5th grade, bring your children to their new classrooms and meet their teachers. You can also learn how to use our new electronic check-in system. Look for room locations in parent email or on our website.

Children's Ministry Parent Coffee  
Sunday, August 18, 10:15-10:45, Wesley Hall
Coffee, donuts, information, and fellowship! This is an informal gathering for parents of children ages infant through 5th grade to receive a calendar of events, learn about the opportunities and ministries specially designed for your family (i.e. Children’s Choir), and learn about our new check-in system and dismissal policy for Sunday morning.
Back-to-School at the Pool
Sunday, August 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Balcones Woods Pool
11204 Alhambra Drive, 78759
Families of all ages are invited to join us for a fun pool party. Burgers and hot dogs will be provided by the church—you can bring a side (a bag of chips counts!) or dessert. Calendars and information about fall children’s ministry programming will be available, plus a sign-up for Children’s Choir. Register at .
VBS Work Day
Friday, July 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Help take down decorations from VBS. Childcare is provided and we will go to lunch at Central Market on Lamar and 38th Street afterwards. Signup at .
Caritas Community Kitchen
Thursday, August 7, 8:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Caritas of Austin, 611 Neches Street
FUMC adults and youth (12+) are invited to serve in the Community Kitchen at Caritas. Caritas of Austin provides a free, nutritious lunch—no questions asked—to over 300 individuals Monday through Friday. We have ten spots reserved to serve in this primarily volunteer-operated kitchen. Individuals and families must register online at .
Children's Underwear Drive
The UMW Southside Community Center in San Marcos has been in continuous service since 1927. During a tour last year, the Joy Circle here at FUMC discovered the need to supply the San Marcos ISD with new children’s underwear. Many children attending area schools have limited resources and no extras. The school nurses give children new underwear when they have accidents or become ill at school. The need is great! Please contribute new (preferably packaged) underwear for ages 5-12, both boys and girls. Collection bins will be in the Sanctuary foyer beginning August 4.
Sunday Morning Front Desk Receptionist
This role is part of our Sunday morning hospitality and welcome. Duties include greeting members and guests, providing information and directions to classrooms and meetings, and other light office support. Shifts are 8:45-11:00 a.m. If interested, contact Tamra Golden at or 512-632-7769.
Friday, July 26
VBS Workday

Sunday, July 28
Contemplative Worship Service
Manna Bag Sale

Monday-Wednesday, July 29-31

Tuesday, July 30

Wednesday, July 31
Summer Schlitterbahn Youth Trip

Sunday, August 4
LGBTQIA+ Pride Interfaith Service
Wednesday, August 7

Saturday, August 10

Sunday, August 11
Kindergartner Gathering

Sunday, August 18
Back-to-School Sunday
Sixth Grader's Parade
Fall Class Preview

Sunday, August 25
Manna Bag Sale
Administrative Board Meeting
Click here to view video.
Mission Projects During Vacation Bible School (VBS)
During VBS, children participate in hands-on activities showing love to neighbors. They learn about and contribute to our main ministries with the hungry and homeless in the Austin community assembling Manna Bags for the congregation to distribute and Hygiene Kits for distribution at the Feed My People Breakfast. By the end of the week, the children will have a deeper appreciation of these ministries, the people we serve, and why these ministries are so important. How can you help? Monetary donations may be left at the communion rail, made online, or sent to or brought by the church office. Please indicate “VBS Mission Projects” on your gifts. Donate Now .
Missed last week's sermon?
Sunday, July 21
6th Sunday after Pentecost
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
Sermon: "A Journey Interrupted"
Other ways to listen? Subscribe to our iTunes podcast or YouTube channel.
Within our Congregation
Grady Basler; Stephanie Benold; Sandy Bowles; Michael Crow; Gussie Fallon; Curtis Higgs; Kathy Morales; Keely Nugent; Mari Perez; Andrew Pyle; Weldon Wink; and Dan Wood.

Condolences to Denise Christopherson on the death of her husband, Buck Gary. 

Beyond our Congregation
Meridith Albright’s friend, Linda Hrncir; Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Tina Carter’s friend, Kevin Rayos; Carly Criscoe’s grandmother, Ann Williams; Marianne Gaston’s friend, Yolanda Pedraza; Ken and Susan Hensley’s daughter-in-law, Kelly Hensley; Sammy Huffaker’s friend, Samantha Dwyer; Daviss King’s father, Hugh King, Sr.; Melanie Miller’s and Jen Stuart’s father, Doak Thomas; Chip Morris’ friend, Bob Reed; Arthur Potts’ father, David Potts, and grandfather, Arthur Potts; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton; Dianne Render’s sister-in-law, Penny Burns; Barbara Ruth’s mother, Jewel Ruth; David and Shirley Sanders’ son, Riley; Kent Schuster’s sister, Suzanne; Ben Thoma’s mother, Margery, and sister, Heidi; Sandy Wilkerson’s sister, Sharon West; Amy Wink’s friend, Kristi Wright; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Church Life enables members to connect, view giving history, schedule giving, and access the church calendar. Available in mobile app with same login. Read More .
Contact Us
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684 
Join our Facebook Group !