Sunday, June 30
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Journey with God Series
Preacher: Rev. Cathy Stone
Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23
Sermon: "A Journey Not Chosen"
Mercy & Justice 5th Sunday Presentation
Sunday, June 30, 10:00 a.m.
SAN Wesley Hall
We welcome Judith Knotts as our speaker. Dr. Knotts is an educator, consultant, and author who has delved deep into the world of homelessness in Austin. Her book, You Are My Brother: Lessons Learned Embracing a Homeless Community , is a collection of true stories about her encounters with homeless people and the lessons she learned from them. Join us as Dr. Knotts shares her wisdom and experiences with us.
Journey with God
At First Church, we believe every person is a beloved child of God, on a journey to God, with God. This summer, as we journey to places near and far, we invite you and your families to capture what God is doing beyond our walls and beyond our city. Mail us your travel postcards or jot a note on the mock postcard found in a pew and we’ll display them in the Sanctuary Foyer for all to see the ways you’ve seen God while on your journey. Read question prompts at
Catherine Neeley Cardwell
Daughter of Chase and Jessica Cardwell was baptized into Christian discipleship on Sunday, June 23.
Sign Up for Table for 8
Our first season of Table for 8 went really well. It's time to shake things up and sign up for new groups! Table for 8 is a fun way to connect with people from First Church in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Singles, couples, and families of all ages are welcome. Sign up in July in the foyer or online. This time, you may select whether you want to be grouped by geography or schedule availability. Then you will be placed with others in a dining group. From this group, an initial “lead host” will contact all the other members to decide the date and time of your first gathering. Tables are encouraged to meet three times in the fall and three in the spring. The group can meet at a home, restaurant, is up to you! Questions? Visit our FAQ at or email Emily Buchanan at
The Bible and Progressive Christianity
Sundays, July 7-August 4
10:00 a.m., SAN Wesley Hall
Many progressive Christians struggle with how to read and interpret the New Testament in the face of its apparent contradictions and challenges to our modern values. In this five-week series, Dr. Brad King will lead this collection of lectures and discussions designed to promote a better understanding of the Bible’s place in progressive Christianity and to provide you with the tools and knowledge to pursue a deeper, personal relationship with these ancient texts. To view details on the topics each week, go to .

July 7 - "What are the Stakes of Interpretation?"
July 14 - "The ‘Biblical’ Worldview and Creation Anthropology"
July 21 - "Why Religious Disaffection and Antipathy Are on the Rise"
July 28 - "Why Paul Matters"
August 4 - "What Next?"
Conversations on Racial Justice
Sunday, July 7, 4:30-6:00 p.m., FLC Garrison Chapel
Join us as we work together on racial justice, seeking to undo racism in ourselves and recognize systemic racism, while working for and supporting work being done to end racial oppression. Register at .
Fun for All Bowling Night
Sunday, July 7, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Westgate Lanes
2701 West William Cannon
Please join us for a fun night of bowling on Sunday, July 7, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Cost is $10 per person. Contact Liz Kilday with questions at .
Annual Conference 2019
Eight members of First Church were among the 1500 lay and clergy delegates who attended the Rio Texas Annual Conference 2019 sessions in Corpus Christi from Wednesday-Saturday, June 5-8. Noble Doss, Clay Daigle, Sharon Doss, Cindy Walter, Lauren Perry, Rick Ortiz, and Bob Garrett share their impressions of the sessions they attended. Other delegates from First Church were Sandy Wilder as well as Brooks Schuelke, Capital District Lay Leader, and Mary Faye Randolph, Capital District United Methodist Women President. We are delighted to report that Pastor Taylor was elected as a clergy delegate to the General Conference 2020. Read More.
Cheers Ministry Movie Night:
The Sting
Thursday, July 11
6:30 p.m. Reception, 7:30 p.m. Movie
Mark your calendars! Our Cheers Ministry, a community for those young-at-heart who are recently retired, semi-retired, or thinking about setting a date to retire, is planning a movie night at the Stateside Theater at the Paramount. Hollywood movies of the 1970s have a very distinct style, but George Roy Hill went for something a bit more old-fashioned in this cunning caper, using ragtime music and other artistic flourishes to take us back to the Great Depression. Newman and Redford are at it again, this time plotting a big con against a wealthy mob boss. Will they pull it off? Join us to find out! Register by July 7 at .
Retiree Recognition Sunday
Sunday, July 14
9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services
Retirement is a relatively recent phenomenon in human history. Life expectancy used to be so short that most workers didn't quit work until they died. And without a reliable pension system, retirement was a luxury reserved for the wealthy until almost the 20th Century. Things are much different now, and retirement is widely accepted as the norm. On July 14, FUMC will recognize members and visitors who have retired this past year. If you would like to recognize someone, please email Dick Young at with their name, retirement date, and organization name by Sunday, July 7.
Marriage Equality Churchwide Vote
Sunday, July 14, 12:15 p.m., Sanctuary
Over the last two months, the "Moving Forward" Task Force has developed a resolution to welcome all couples for marriage at FUMC. On Sunday, May 19, the Administrative Board unanimously recommended the resolution to the congregation for a churchwide vote. All FUMC members are invited to participate in the churchwide vote on July 14. Visit to view the full marriage resolution.
ASP Slideshow
Sunday, July 28, 12:15 p.m., Garrison Chapel
All are invited to a slide show of this year’s Appalachia Service Project trip. Come hear stories from our high school youth about the trip, the people they met, and the experiences shared in Harlan County. Register at
Summer Book Club for All Ages
Now-August 11
Our Summer Book Club is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 
  1. Pick your book. 
  2. Read your book. 
  3. Bring your book and discuss.
Books to choose from: (1) The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr; (2) Inspired by Rachel Held Evans; (3) I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown; (4) Shameless by Nadia Bolz-Weber; (5) Torn by Justin Lee; (6) Beloved by Toni Morrison; (7) The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz (youth/young adult); (8) Who is My Neighbor? By Levine and Sasso or The Youngest Marcher by Cynthia Levinson (children).

Gather with other summer readers to discuss books and share responses on August 11 at 10:00 a.m. in Wesley Hall. All are invited to find a creative way to respond – a picture, poem, poster, button…Bring it with you on August 11 or give it to Pastor Cathy to share. For more information, contact Pastor Cathy Stone at or 512-478-5684 (ext. 215).
Vacation Bible School Launch Party
Sunday, July 21, 12:15-2:00 p.m. SAN Wesley Hall
Lunch and launch! Start the Mars and Beyond adventure early with our VBS party. Come enjoy lunch and activities to get ready to GO BEYOND during a fun week of exploring God’s power. Free registration at helps us plan for food and games.
Vacation Bible School Registration
Monday-Thursday, July 22-25, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
For children four years-completed 5th grade.
VOYAGERS, come with us on a journey to Mars and Beyond this summer! The Starship Galaxion needs our help. It's going to be an out-of-this-world adventure as we explore where God's power can take us. Spots fill up quickly. Price is $40 until the registration cut-off on July 10. Register at .
Summer Sports Camp for Kids
Post-VBS Sports Camp
July 22-25, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
A multi-sport camp for ages 5-12 consisting of fun games like dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag, and other games revolving around classic sports like basketball, flag football, and soccer. The cost is $95. 

Rookies Camp
July 29-August 1, 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
For ages 2.5-6 years, younger children will learn the basics of basketball, indoor soccer, and lots of other fun & goofy games. The cost is $85.

Register through Triumph Sports at .
Civil Rights Pilgrimage Information Session
Sunday, August 11, 12:15 p.m.
EDU Murchison Chapel
Mark your calendars for March 13-20, 2020. This eight-day pilgrimage for adults, youth, and families will include visits to Birmingham, Jackson, Little Rock, Montgomery, Memphis, and Selma. As we begin planning this summer, it will be helpful to have an idea of interest. For more information, Pastor Cathy Stone at . If you are interested in this trip, register for the Information Session at .
There are many opportunities to do lots of good, in a variety of places, with many different people, throughout the summer! Please view our volunteer opportunities. Every helping hand makes a difference. Read More .
Ushers Needed
Want to be an Usher or Greeter? You can be part of a team that continues to make FUMC one of the most welcoming congregations in Texas. Being an usher or greeter is an excellent opportunity to meet other members, make new friends, and welcome visitors to FUMC Austin. Your commitment would only be one Sunday a month at either the 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. service from July-December, 2019. If you are interested, contact Richard Bettis by calling (512) 343-2361, emailing , or texting (512) 657-7641. He will send you all of the information. Won’t you please consider joining us? We guarantee you will find it most rewarding. 
Volunteer with Children and Youth
We give our regular teachers the summer off, which gives our parents and other church members a wonderful opportunity to build relationships with these amazing young disciples. Just a few hours of your time can make a big difference. Curriculum is provided and classrooms prepared. Caution: the more you serve, the more fun you have! Prayerfully consider how you can support our children and youth. Sign up at .
Vacation Bible School: Ways to Help
The VBS countdown has begun and here’s how you can help:
  • Purchase items from our Amazon wish list at
  • We will have take-home/work-from-home VBS projects. Fun the family can enjoy inside on a hot day! You can find these projects outside EDU Room 108.  
  • Our campers will create 200 hygiene kits for our Feed My People Breakfast. Help by donating the following supplies (travel size except if noted otherwise): comb-full size, deodorant-full size, gallon ziploc bags, hand sanitizer, lip balm, lotion, razor, shampoo, soap - full size, toothbrush, toothpaste.
  • Our kids love crafts! Help them have the experience of a lifetime as they create styrofoam Planets, a Galaxy in a jar, Solar System necklaces, and Constellation jar lamps. Help by donating the following supplies: 130 CDs or DVDs (used is fine), 130 4” Styrofoam balls, 300 thin paper plates, black pony beads, cotton balls, food coloring (all colors), paint brushes, paper clips, silver glitter, toothpicks, wood beads (at Michael's).
Thank you for helping make VBS a huge success. All donation items can be left outside EDU Room 108. 
Second Chance VBS Volunteer Training and Luncheon
Sunday, July 7, 12:15-3:00 p.m., SAN Wesley Hall
If you missed the June 2 training, come to this second chance training and orientation for all adult volunteers—new and returning—for VBS 2019. Come learn everything you need to know so you are ready to serve July 21-25. We will reflect on the scripture, explain roles and expectations, get a sneak peak at the special plans our area leaders are working on, and see the changes we have made to the schedule (4 days) and kick-off party. Lunch is provided with registration at .
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Workdays
Friday, July 19, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 20, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Help us transform our Sanctuary and hallways for VBS week! Please join us for fellowship and fun as we gather to paint, cut, and assemble decorations for our upcoming Mars and Beyond VBS. Whether or not you consider yourself creative, we have a job for you! Sign up at the link below for the day(s) you can help. Childcare is provided.
Friday, July 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Help take down decorations from VBS. Childcare is provided and we will go to lunch at Central Market on Lamar and 38th Street afterwards.
To sign up to volunteer, if you haven't already, first you will need to fill out a one-time profile form in our volunteer management platform at . Once submitted, you will receive a login and then you can view all available jobs and signups. If you have already created your profile, you can access the signup at .
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteers Needed
Monday-Thursday, July 22-25, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
For a safe and fun VBS, we need over 50 adult and youth volunteers! We look forward to going on this adventure "To Mars and Beyond" with all of you and our awesome participants! Sign up at .
T hursday, June 27

Sunday, June 30

Sunday, July 7
Second Chance VBS Volunteer Training and Luncheon
All-Church Bowling Night

Wednesday, July 10
VBS Registration Closes
VBS Youth Volunteer Training

Thursday, July 11

Sunday, July 14

Sunday-Friday, July 14-19
Reach Beyond Mission Youth Trip
Friday and Saturday, July 19-20
VBS Workdays

Sunday, July 21
Murchison Chapel Service
Manna Bag Sale
Vacation Bible School Launch Party

Monday-Thursday, July 21-25
Vacation Bible School
Triumph Sports Camp

Wednesday, July 24

Friday, July 26
VBS Workday

Sunday, July 28
Contemplative Worship Service

Monday-Wednesday, July 29-31

Wednesday, July 31
Summer Schlitterbahn Youth Trip
Click here to view video.
Justice for Our Neighbors
Moved by Christ’s love to pursue reconciliation and peace, The United Methodist Church honors the dignity of every individual made in God’s image and is unwilling to turn a blind eye to injustice. This offering supports the peace and justice work of Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors (ARJFON), a United Methodist-affiliated immigration ministry that welcomes refugees and immigrants into our communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy. As a part of this nationwide effort, ARJFON hosts regular legal clinics to provide affordable immigration legal services to those with limited income. ARJFON’s services are focused on family-based and humanitarian immigration law. Monetary donations may be left at our communion rail or sent to or brought by the church office during the month of June. Give Online .
Missed last week's sermon?
Sunday, June 23
Journey with God Series
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9
Sermon: "Going Anyway"
Other ways to listen? Subscribe to our iTunes podcast or YouTube channel.
Within our Congregation
Stephanie Benold; Sandy Bowles; Gussie Fallon; Reverend Earle Lewis; Kathy Morales; Keely Nugent; Mari Perez; Jo Sanders; Weldon Wink; and Dan Wood.

Ava Buchanan in remembrance of her great-grandmother, Betsy, in heaven.

For our Appalachia Service Project Team travelling home from Harlan County, Kentucky.
Beyond our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s  sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Tom and Kathy Calnan’s granddaughter, Marilena Frerot; Karen Collier’s father; Dixie Fulp’s great-nephew, Caleb; Beth Peck Kerr; Daviss King’s father, Hugh King, Sr.; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton; Dianne Render’s sister-in-law, Penny Burns; Jen Stuart’s father, Doak Thomas; Dale Van Horne; and Dick Young’s nephew; Jeff Young.
Church Life enables members to connect, view giving history, schedule giving, and access the church calendar. Available in mobile app with same login. Read More .
Contact Us
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684 
Join our Facebook Group !