Sunday, May 12
Mother's Day / 4th Sunday of Easter
Preacher: Rev. Michael Mumme
Scripture: Acts 11:1-18
Sermon: "Unclean"
Renegades Worship Series
Renegades: The unbelievable stories of the earliest Christians
Back before Church people got so “churchy,” they were outlaws. Everything they did was experimental; they challenged social and political norms; persecution and arrest were a way of life. They followed God, and in the process, they turned the world upside down. Join us for worship as we track the adventures of Jesus’ first followers.
ASP Stock Sales
Sundays, May 12-June 16, 9:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Church Sidewalk
FUMC’s Appalachia Service Project (ASP) team is raising funds for this year’s mission trip to Kentucky, June 21-July 2, 2019. Stop by to learn more about ASP, meet team members, and purchase stock in our ASP trip and the youth of our church. Purchase stock online at
ASP: Holy Hole?
By Lauren Perry
As a youth, I attended ASP from 2007 to 2009 and witnessed the rolling hills and clear blue sky of Appalachia. However, at my first ASP worksite, I didn’t see much of either. We spent most of our time underneath the house digging holes in the dark. The house we were assigned to had serious foundation problems, and our team was tasked with digging large holes as the first step in creating the house’s new foundation. On my first day, I remember crawling on my stomach into the darkness to the spot where I would spend most of my week digging. I thought to myself, “What have I gotten myself into?” Though I struggled at first, by the end of the week I had successfully dug multiple holes. Photo evidence includes me proudly sitting in a hole I dug. Though I was proud of my newfound digging skills, what stuck with me most was the family’s appreciation for my small part in making their home safer. I felt God’s presence in the darkness underneath that house and in the relationships we built with the family we served. As an adult volunteer for this year’s ASP trip, I am excited to see our youth discover God’s presence wherever they find it.
Welcome our New Members! Please take a moment to introduce yourself and share with them how FUMC Austin has enriched your life.
FUMC Scouts Update
By Brooks Schuelke
FUMC welcomes our new scouting troop for girls, Scouts BSA Troop 50, which began meeting on February 5, the first Tuesday after the February 1 official launch of girls in Scouts BSA. The troop has 12 girls and is growing. In the short time since they started, the troop has already gone on a couple of campouts. They have participated in activities such as climbing and rappelling, rifle shooting, swimming, stargazing, and stand-up paddle boarding, and they've learned about fire building, camping safety, knife safety, and other skills. We're excited about this new ministry and the ways it can grow.
Recently, Troop 5, our longstanding boys troop celebrated 10 scouts who earned their Eagle Scout Award, the Boy Scouts of America's highest advancement award. During their time in Troop 5, these scouts have been on adventures that include backpacking at Philmont Scout Ranch, sailing in the Bahamas, backpacking in Alaska, and dog sledding on the frozen tundra. The troop's newest Eagle Scouts are Ryan Babb, a senior at Anderson High School; Ben Campana, a sophomore at Austin High School; Luke Fuka, a senior at Anderson High School; Brian Glasheen, a sophomore at Austin High School, Jadon Haynes, a senior at the Regents School of Austin; Parker Jett, a sophomore at Austin High School, Jacob Maupin-Garcia, a senior at Austin High School; Sam Potter, a senior at St Andrew's Episcopal School; Ryan Schuelke, a sophomore at Austin High School; and Luke Williams, a junior at Austin High School.
Habitat Build Home Dedication
Saturday, May 11, 3:00 p.m.
7220 Boyle Drive
FUMC volunteers have been working on the Habitat Methodist Build this spring to provide a home for Laura Rosales and her five children. All are invited to the Home Dedication Ceremony. We also still need your financial support
donations may be placed in the offering plate or made
(marked "Habitat Build").
Recognizing Graduating Seniors
Deadline May 12
Graduation is an exciting milestone—at any age! We want to recognize all graduating seniors—high school, college, or graduate school—in our
FUMC Weekly
on May 19. Please provide as soon as possible a picture of the graduate, name, school graduated from, degree(s) received, and future plans. Email information by May 12 to Devon Bailey at
Book Study: The Color of Compromise
Tuesdays, May 14, 21, 28, June 4
6:30-7:30 p.m., FLC Room 104
Pastor Cathy Stone will lead this discussion of
The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism
by Jemar Tisby. The author provides an accurate diagnosis for a racially divided American church and suggests ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among God’s people. Register at
Children's Choir Musical
10:00 a.m. FLC SAN Wesley Hall
Join our Children’s Choir as they explore the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand in their Spring musical: Table for Five...Thousand! Come be blessed by their performance.
Administrative Board Meeting
Sunday, May 19, 2019, 12:15-2:00 p.m.
Great Hall, Family Life Center
All are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Board members have voting rights. We will hear a report and consider recommendations from the "Moving Forward" Task Force regarding FUMC response to General Conference. Lunch will be provided for $10 per person. Board members and guests who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15. Reservations are not guaranteed until confirmed. Register at
. Childcare is available by emailing
to make reservations.
Ramadan Iftar Dinner
Monday, May 20, 7:30 p.m.
FLC Great Hall
Each year,
Dialogue Institute Austin
invites friends of other faiths to celebrate and learn about Ramadan, the holy season when Muslims focus on prayer, charity, and thanking God for his blessings. Ramadan Dinners are hosted almost every evening at different places of worship all over Austin.
Dialogue Institute‘s
mission is to promote mutual understanding, respect and cooperation among people of diverse faiths and cultures by creating opportunities for direct communication and meaningful shared experiences. Contact Terri Purdy for more information
Courts & Ports: Faithful Witness on the Texas-Mexico Border
Sunday-Wednesday, June 16-19
The Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy/Texas Impact invites you to participate in
Courts & Ports: Faithful Witness on the Texas-Mexico Border
. This two-day immersion experience engages people of faith to witness first-hand the legal and law enforcement processes related to immigration, detention, and deportation occurring in South Texas. FUMC will send a team Sunday evening, June 16-Wednesday morning, June 19.
Register by Sunday,
May 26
, with Pastor Cathy Stone at
or 512-478-5684 (ext. 215). Learn more about Courts & Ports at
ASP Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, June 9
Celebrate the ASP legacy at First Church!
For 40 years, we have been participating in the Appalachia Service Project, sending youth and adults to serve alongside families in the Appalachian Mountains to make their homes warmer, safer, and drier. We want your help to mark the occasion! On Sunday June 9, we've got big plans, so save the date, and help us out in four ways:
- Upload your favorite ASP photos to social media using the hashtag #FUMCASP40 or email them to by June 1.
- Upload a short video (one minute or less) sharing what ASP means to you or recounting a memory using that same hashtag by June 1.
- Wear your work clothes or ASP t-shirt to worship on June 9! ASP alums from across the years will share the impact these trips have had on them personally and on the life of this church.
- Join us on June 9 for a churchwide luncheon at 12:15 p.m. in the FLC Great Hall. Proceeds from the meal will support future ASP teams by establishing a permanent long-term tool fund. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children. Or, for just $20, you can get your meal ticket plus a limited edition commemorative lapel pin! Register online at by June 1.
VBS Volunteer Training and Luncheon
Sunday, June 2, 12:00-2:00 p.m., Wesley Hall
This training and orientation is for all adult volunteers
new and returning
for VBS 2019. (Youth will receive their own training on July 10). Come learn everything you need to know so you are ready to serve July 21-25. We will reflect on the scripture, explain roles and expectations, get a sneak peak at the special plans our area leaders are working on, and see the new changes we have made to the schedule (4 days) and kick-off party. Lunch is provided with registration at
Vacation Bible School Registration
July 22-25 (4 Days: Monday-Thursday)
9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
For children 4 years-completed 5th grade.
VOYAGERS, come with us on a journey to Mars and Beyond this summer! The Starship Galaxion needs our help. It's going to be an out-of-this-world adventure as we explore where God's power can take us. Spots fill up quickly. Early bird pricing is $30 before June 1, then $40 until the registration cut-off on July 10. Plan to kick-off the fun at our
Launch Party on
Sunday, July 21
from noon-2:00 p.m. Register at
Summer Sports Camp for Kids
Post-VBS Sports Camp
July 22-25, 12:30-4:30 p.m.
A multi-sport camp for ages 5-12 consisting of fun games like dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag, and other games revolving around classic sports like basketball, flag football, and soccer. The cost of the camp is $85 before June 1 and $95 after June 1.
Rookies Camp
July 29-August 1, 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
For ages 2.5-6 years, younger children will learn the basics of basketball, indoor soccer, and lots of other fun & goofy games. The cost is $75 before June 1 and $85 after June 1.
Books for Pickle Elementary
Our next Book Sale is
Friday, May 17, 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Donate the books your kids read this school year to students at Pickle Elementary who need books for summer reading. Books sell for 25 cents. Kids love dinosaurs, animals and insects, monsters, fairytale, adventure, mystery, sports, and exploration books. Only current titles or popular classics please. Spanish language books especially appreciated. Donations of books can be left in SAN Room 217 behind Library, or in bins off the Sanctuary Foyer. Consider donating gift cards from Savers. To sort or sell for an hour or two contact
Community First! Service Day
Saturday, May 18
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Community First! Village, 9301 Hog Eye Road, Austin TX 78724
Community First! Village provides affordable, sustainable housing, and a supportive community for those who experience chronic homelessness in Central Texas. A typical service day could entail harvesting the gardens, laying pathways, tending the chicken coop or goats, dry landscaping yards for micro-homes, beautifying the property, etc. Register at
Church Workday
Saturday, May 18, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
FUMC Campus
Be part of making room for new ministry. Help carry out old furniture and junk, make simple repairs, and tidy the landscaping. Bring your adult family, friends and Sunday School class. Check in at Murchison Chapel for instructions. Snacks and lunch will be provided. Come for a few hours or all day. Sign up at
Saturday, May 11
Habitat Build Home Dedication
Tuesday, May 14
Thursday, May 16
Friday, May 17
Saturday, May 18
Sunday, May 19
Chapel Worship Service
Manna Bag Sale
Children's Choir Musical
Senior Brunch
Senior Roast/ Last Engage
Monday, May 20
Ramadan Iftar Dinner
Sunday, May 26
Contemplative Worship Service
Monday, May 27
Office Closed for Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 28
"Feed My People" Breakfast 4th Tuesday
Saturday, June 1
Registration deadline for ASP 40 Luncheon
VBS Early Bird Pricing Ends
Sunday, June 2
Conversations on Racial Justice
Sunday, June 9
Saturday, June 15
Sunday, June 16
Friday, June 21
ASP Team Departs
Kids' Night Out
Sunday, June 23
Contemplative Worship Service
Tuesday, June 25
"Feed My People" Breakfast 4th Tuesday
Mobile Loaves and Fishes
The Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ (MLF) downtown Austin truck, based at FUMC, goes out nearly every day of the year to provide meals, clothing, and hygiene products to the homeless and working poor in our community. Last year, our Downtown truck provided over 26,000 hearty meals with the help of more than 350 dedicated volunteers. It will cost over $67,000 to fund this ministry for the next 365 days. Please give generously as we try to make a difference for our friends living on the streets. You may leave gifts, marked “Mobile Loaves & Fishes,” at the communion rail or you may send them to or bring them by the church office.
Give Online
Missed last week's sermon?
Sunday, May 5
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Acts 9:1-20
Sermon: “Enemies”
Within our Congregation
Sandy Bowles; Gussie Fallon; Beth Peck Kerr; Kathy Morales; Mari Perez; Olivia Weldon; and Weldon Wink.
Beyond our Congregation
Jan Ashmos’ mother, Mildred Spencer; Melissa Biegert’s cousin, Michelle Cole; Sandy Bowles’ daughter, Carla Bowles; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Sarah Gutierrez’ brother-in-law, Mark Bishop; Lori Huang’s mother, Sharon Reed; Jan Iverson’s friend’s nephew, Todd; Reverend Earle Lewis’ son-in-law, Rob Valenca; Katrina Morales and family; Mark Morris’ and Kathy Tullos’ friend, Martin Langan; John and Fara McMullen’s friend, Dale Van Horne; Betsy Mumme’s cousin, Callie Metler-Smith; Julie Nelson’s cousin, Troy Elliott Hooker; Delia Peters’ cousin, Michelle Cano; Cindy Reidland’s friend, Carly; Barbara Ruth’s mother, Jewel Ruth; Debbie Shaw’s friend, Alice Flores; Leslie Story’s father, Neel Richardson; Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young; and to the family and friends of former member Eleanor Connell on her death.
Church Life enables members to connect, view giving history, schedule giving, and access the church calendar. Available in mobile app with same login.
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Contact Us
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684