Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 1, 8:00 a.m.
Video & Worship Guide
On Maundy Thursday, we gather with Jesus and his friends in the Upper Room to share a meal and experience the washing of feet. We’ll provide a brief worship video with Scripture, song, and sermon, as well as a printed guide for footwashing and remembering Jesus’ last supper. Video worship will be available on Thursday morning by 8:00 a.m. accessible through our FUMC App, YouTube Channel, or Facebook page.
Good Friday Family Chapel Time
Friday, April 2, 10:00 a.m., Zoom
Families are invited to join Director of Children's Ministries Lara Greene in a live, online Good Friday reflection. Story, prayer, and music will be used to lead children in exploring this special day and the mystery of Easter. This brief service of approximately 30 minutes will be presented live on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. A video of the chapel time will also be available afterward on our Family Facebook Group Page.

Meeting ID: 937 0255 6865
Passcode: children
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Friday, April 2
Available from 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Outdoor Sidewalks, Chapel, & Sanctuary
The Stations of the Cross experience is designed for participants to walk the path of Jesus in the last hours before his crucifixion and burial. Through ten interactive, self-paced stations, this service honors the ancient story of Jesus’ death while recognizing the ways this narrative repeats itself again and again throughout the past and present. It provides multi-sensory ways to engage, confess, and lament, creating a profound and prophetic Holy Week worship experience. No registration is required. Social distancing and masks required. Parking is available in the garage located at the southwest corner of 13th and Lavaca Street.

An audio podcast will be available to guide you through the stations at fumcaustin.org/stations. Don’t forget your headphones! 
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 3, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Church Parking Lot
Join us for a new, in-person experience of celebrating the Resurrection and new life! In this extended service, we draw on the Jewish tradition of beginning our celebration the night before the Feast Day of Easter, much like we do on Christmas Eve. Utilizing the symbols of Fire, Word, Water, and Meal, this service will trace God's story from Genesis onward and culminate in a celebration of Christ's victory over the grave, complete with Holy Communion and the Baptism of Cherice Mumford and her newborn son, Diego. The service will last 90 minutes and will be held in the FUMC Parking Lot with Covid safety protocols in place. Parking is available in the garage located at the southwest corner of 13th and Lavaca Street. Bring your camping chairs! Register Here (one per person).
Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 4, 11:00 a.m.
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Mark 16:1-8
Sermon: "The Sun Rises"

Again and again, no matter how dark things get, God's promise holds, and new life shines through. Claim that good news with us today! Join us for Virtual Worship, with virtual choir, trumpets, and a singing of our beloved Hallelujah Chorus at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom, or view the service on our FUMC App, YouTube Channel, or Facebook page.

Programming on Easter
There will be no Youth or Children's Sunday school class on Easter Sunday.

Sprouts for parents and their infant/toddlers (0-3 years) will meet on Easter Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Check Sunday morning email for Zoom link.
Easter Communion
Sunday, April 4
4:00-4:30 p.m., Register Here
4:45-5:15 pm p.m., Register Here
On this Easter Sunday, join us for Holy Communion. Sign up to attend a brief Communion Service in the FUMC parking lot. One car per registration and 22 parking spots per time slot. Bread and juice will be individually bagged for each car.
Easter Flowering of the Cross
Sunday, April 4, All Day
Church Parking Lot
Bring a flower and place on our flowering cross on Easter Sunday! Christ’s resurrection brings new life to the whole world—it is the beginning of the restoration of all things! Help us create this beautiful symbol for all to see as they drive down Lavaca. 
Stay up-to-date on events at fumcaustin.org/events.
Book Study: Convictions
Wednesdays, April 14-May 19
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Join FUMC member Janet Duke, who will lead a six-week discussion of Marcus Borg's Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most. The author addresses a key question: What does it mean to be Christian and American today? How do we align Christian values with our lives in this powerful, affluent, and influential country, a country where we can be almost indifferent, not only to our neighbors, but to the rest of the world? Through a personal story of his journey in understanding what truly matters, he invites the reader to a similar journey in this last of his books. Register Online.
Book Study: Vanguard
Tuesdays, April 13, 20, & 27
6:30-8:00 p.m.
In Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All, acclaimed historian Martha S. Jones offers a new history of African American women's political lives in America. She recounts how they defied both racism and sexism to fight for the ballot, and how they wielded political power to secure the equality and dignity of all persons. Zoom invitation will be sent with registration. Contact Pastor Cathy at cathy@fumcaustin.org for more information. Register Online.
COVID Vaccine Assistance
Need help scheduling a COVID-19 vaccine appointment? If you are an adult eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, you can complete this form to request assistance from church volunteers. No protected health information is required, and any information you provide (name, DOB, contact info) will not be shared except as needed to schedule an appointment. Questions? Contact Terri Purdy at terri.sohn@gmail.com.
Wedding Coordinator
If you enjoy the activity surrounding weddings, this job might be for you! We need a Wedding Coordinator to lead families through the process of celebrating a wedding here at FUMC. Visit our church website to read more about weddings at FUMC. This is a paid position, per wedding. If you are interested, please contact Dave Ballbach at dave@fumcaustin.org for further details.
At Easter, we celebrate the life-giving Resurrection of Christ. As a response to the new life we’ve been given, we dedicate a special Easter Offering to a ministry or facility need that increases our ability to serve others. This year our Easter Offering will be dedicated to the renovation of a restroom on the first floor of our Sanctuary building, located at the base of the main stairwell near Wesley Hall. What’s so missional about a restroom? As a church that seeks to welcome all people, we’ve spent years learning how to create a welcoming atmosphere for people of all gender identities, including those who identify as trans or non-binary. Our goal is to convert the restroom at the bottom of the stairs—currently a women’s restroom with two tiny stalls—into a single-stall unisex restroom to provide a centrally located restroom. The remodel will make the bathroom more comfortable, with ample room for a changing table and updated safety modifications for the entrance. Learn More
Submit a prayer request online.
Within Our Congregation
Sandy Bowles, Bill and Shirley Derryberry, Kathy Morales, Ruby Parker, Mari Perez, Andrew Pyle, Sallie Novinger, Dick Raycraft, Curt Shaw, George Vanderhule, and Dan Wood.
Condolences to Steve Tackett and his family on the death of his wife, Pam Tackett.

Beyond Our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; George Gaston’s friend, Dr. Robert Wootton; Marcia Houston’s mother, Johnnie; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton Wimberly; Alan Stephens’ father-in-law, Bob McBride, and his mother-in-law, Betty McBride.
FUMC Austin Mobile App
Our mobile app makes it easy to stay up-to-date on opportunities to grow in your faith and connect with others. Download in iTunes or Google Play stores. Learn More.
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Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684