Taylor's Weekly Pastoral Letter
We’ve set out to explore the Spiritual habits and disciplines that can help strengthen us during times of trial. With a six-week worship series, we are unable to cover all of the many spiritual disciplines practiced by Christians over these thousands of years, so I’ll use these messages for the next several weeks to reflect on some of the practices we will miss in the worship series. Perhaps the strangest one to talk about right now is the Spiritual Discipline of solitude. Read this week's message here .
Sunday, April 26
3rd Sunday of Easter
Preacher: Dr. Brad King
A Strong Spirit in Troubled Times: The Practices that Sustain Us
Scripture: Luke 18:9-14
Sermon: "Fasting with Intentionality"
Children's Sunday School
Sunday, April 26, 9:00 a.m.
Join Lara Greene, Director of Children's Ministries, for a live 20-minute Sunday School time of song, prayer, and fellowship. 
Zoom Login: https://fumcaustin.zoom.us/j/402211293  Meeting ID: 402 211 293 

Interactive Time of Worship
Sunday, April 26, 11:00 a.m. (Opens at 10:45 a.m.)
Join 15 minutes early to chat with our church family.
Join your church family for music, a greeting time, announcements, Scripture, and prayer.
Zoom Login: https://fumcaustin.zoom.us/j/496666774  Meeting ID: 496 666 774 

Virtual Worship Podcast
After you join us for the live portion of worship, we invite you to continue by listening to an audio worship podcast. The sermon link will be emailed Sunday morning and posted on our website , iTunes podcast , and YouTube Channel .

FEAST/TOAST for Young Adults
Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
All young adults ages 20-45 are invited to join us weekly to check in, share, and connect on Zoom! We'll treat this time as a virtual happy hour. Bring a drink. Bring a story. Bring a friend. Let's do our best to stay connected while we have to stay apart.
Zoom Login: https://fumcaustin.zoom.us/j/516485253 Meeting ID: 516 485 253
Stories from people building community and fulfilling the mission of the church in new ways during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Holy Week at Home
By Tamra Golden
Easter 2020, an opportunity to experience all of Holy week, not just Easter Celebration. The boys had not attended a Maundy Thursday service, so were unaware of the ritual of the washing of the feet. As we gathered in the living room I explained what I was going to do and that it would be done in silence. But as I sat at each of their feet and washed them with a wet cloth, and subsequently dried them, in total silence, they didn't quite know what to do. We then listened to FUMC's podcast and subsequently removed all religious emblems from our house, placing them in a box and covering them with a dark cloth. I had the boys go to their rooms and remove everything that reminds them of Jesus, since we are observing a world without Christ. Afterwards, the boys stood around not quite knowing what to do. In the awkwardness, I could see that our home service had resonated. One later commented, “I will never look at an Easter basket/candy the same way.” Thankful for the opportunity amidst these dark times.
Online Giving Step-by-Step Guide
Did you know that setting up online giving is easy to do? This step-by-step guide will show you how to set up giving in Church Life. Giving can be set up as a recurring automated gift and you will receive an email confirmation with each gift. Your gifts are a blessing to the ministry of FUMC Austin. Questions? Contact Deanna Fairchild, Director of Finance at deanna@fumcaustin.org .
Family COVID-19 Care Package Emails
The world has come to a pause due to COVID-19. Families in quarantine are spending more time together than ever before. Over the next few weeks, our Children's Ministry will send to our Family Updates subscribers a weekly email with encouraging family ministry resources to help with the COVID-19 quarantine. We hope they provide you with opportunities to connect with your family during this unprecedented time. Resources vary from week to week and could include games, short videos, and tips for enriching your living together. View our Week 1 Package here .
Alternative Gifts for Mother's Day
Order Deadline: Monday, May 4
On Mother's Day, May 10, you are invited to honor your Mother—and other women who are important to you—by making an alternative gift that helps a mother and family in need. Get started now by selecting the gifts you wish to symbolically provide using our online form. Make your online payment from our website by donating towards the Mother’s Day Alternative Fund. Order Online .
Recognizing Graduating Seniors
Deadline May 8
Graduation is an exciting milestone—at any age! We want to recognize all graduating seniors—high school, college, or graduate school—in our FUMC Weekly on May 19. Please provide as soon as possible a picture of the graduate, name, school graduated from, degree(s) received, and future plans. Email information by May 12 to Devon Bailey at devon@fumcaustin.org .
Having Trouble Connecting?
Are you struggling to connect with worship and classes due to technical difficulties? Can we help you? Please email Mary Heckmann at mary@fumcaustin.org so we can help you stay connected to ministry opportunities and your church family! Can you help connect others? Help others stay connected during these isolating times. Please notify us to join the team of people who can call those who are struggling to use new technology.
Weekday Mornings for Families
Weekdays at 10:30 a.m.
During the week, Monday-Friday at 10:30 a.m. on our Preschool Facebook site, we are offering a time for families to come together for story time, singing, and fellowship. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, preschool teachers lead a circle time for children. On Wednesdays, Lara Greene, Director of Children's Ministries, leads a chapel time of story, song, and prayer. Tune in at 10:30 a.m. on weekdays at facebook.com/FUMPATX .
Weekly Prayer & Connection
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:00 p.m.
A simple, low-key time to gather with FUMC family to check in and pray for one another and our world. No frills, no program, just people and the Holy Spirit! We'll gather each Wednesday night. Zoom Login: https://fumcaustin.zoom.us/j/805144062
Meeting ID: 805 144 062
Pastor's Bible Study
Thursdays through April 30 at 1:30 p.m.
Join Pastor Taylor for an informal study of the Book of Philippians on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. We'll work our way through the book one chapter at a time, considering the context in which it was first read and the context in which we read it today. Together, we'll listen for God's word in the midst of unusual circumstances. No advance reading is required and anyone can join at anytime.
Meeting ID: 725 456 234
Manna Bags Needed
We are seeking assembled Manna Bags to hand out to our hungry neighbors on the street. Officer Shelly, our officer from the Feed My People Breakfast, is helping distribute the Manna Bags where they are needed the most. Completed manna bags may be dropped off at the Family Life Center. Please email Pastor Cathy at cathy@fumcaustin.org with any questions about items to include and for her phone number to coordinate drop-off. She will unlock the FLC front door remotely. Manna Bag items could include: tuna or chicken lunch kit, peanut butter or cheese cracker sandwiches, Nutri Grain fruit bar, raisins, juice box, socks, and an encouraging message such as "God loves you."
Conference Safety Training
Stuck at home and looking for a way to be in ministry? How about starting (or finishing!) the training to work with our children, youth, and vulnerable adults once we resume our full schedule of programs? This training is required for all staff and volunteers who want to lead Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, mission trips, homebound ministries, and many of our service opportunities. We also recommend all parents become certified so they can help fill in for our regular volunteers as needed. Many of you who were in the first round to be trained are now receiving emails to begin your recertification. Please go ahead and recertify now. There are downloadable PDFs on our website that explain the steps for both the certification and recertification processes. We appreciate your dedication to our many ministries with vulnerable populations. Please email questions to Safety Policy Administrator Emily Buchanan at emily@fumcaustin.org . Read More .
Story Submissions
As we wait to gather again for worship, we can still come together as a church. Be part of the Bolder Than The State of Texas StoryCorps Project! Download the StoryCorps app and record your stories of living faith and your life with FUMC-Austin. You can tell a 5 minute story or a 45 minute story! Upload your stories to our StoryCorps community archive page so we can listen. To learn more about StoryCorps FUMC visit our StoryCorps resource guide .

Spring 2020 Issue
Help us build the next issue of Bolder than the State of Texas ! We are particularly seeking stories about Change and Resurrection for the Spring 2020 issue. We are open to poetry, essays, photography, or art! Be part of the story this church is telling the world. Submissions accepted continually, with a deadline of May 1 for the Spring 2020, Issue 2. Submit your stories online at fumcaustin.org/bolderthantexas . For more information, contact Amy Wink and Caroline Jones at bolderthantexas@gmail.com .
Prayer Requests
If you have a loved one to lift up, send us your prayer concerns and we will add that person to our prayer list. Prayer requests can be submitted to our pastoral staff using our online form or emailed to prayer@fumcaustin.org .
Stay Connected
Church Life allows members to review their contact information, access a church directory, schedule onetime or recurring giving, and access the church calendar. The browser version of Church Life can be accessed at fumcaustin.org/churchlife . If you haven't done so already, download the Church Life mobile app that provides similar access to church information using your same Church Life login. You can easily search for people in the directory and save to your contacts. Learn More .
Catch Up on Sermons

An archive of sermons is available on our website , our iTunes Podcast or YouTube Channel.
Prayer Concerns
Submit a prayer request online .
Within our Congregation
Sandy Bowles; Marcia Houston; Mari Perez; Frank Powell; and Dan Wood.
Encouragement for all educators, students and parents moving to distance learning.
Prayers of gratitude for medical care providers, first responders, essential service workers, and our pets.
Prayers of concern for the elderly, small business owners, those out of work, migrants separated from their families, and those experiencing homelessnes.
Prayers of comfort for those who have lost a loved one and are unable to gather to grieve.

Beyond our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; George Gaston’s friend, Dr. Robert Wootton; Howard Hartman’s brother, Worth Hartman; Marcia Houston’s mother, Johnnie; Melanie Miller’s and Jen Stuart’s father, Doak Thomas; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton Wimberly; David Strong’s aunt, Myrle Raley; Bill Turner’s brother, Hank Turner; Sally Watkins’ friend, Rev. Manuel Sardinas and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Follow Us
Join our Facebook Group !
Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684