Sunday, August 23
12th Sunday after Pentecost
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: Colossians 2:6-15
Sermon: "Politics"
Unmute Thyself: Talking Politics in Church
It's taboo to talk about politics in church, but we are called to connect our faith with the political challenges of our time. This fall, as our nation grapples with political issues during this election season, FUMC is pressing "unmute" to open the conversation about faith and politics. Through our sermon series, workshops and seminars, and invitations to participate in the political process, we invite you to join us as we consider how God calls us to respond in this highly politicized season.
Video Worship Service
We go live with a video worship service in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays accessible through our Zoom worship time, our YouTube Channel and on Facebook page. This traditional worship service lasts about 50 minutes.
Interactive Worship
Sundays at 11:00 a.m. (opens at 10:50 a.m.)
Our Interactive Worship includes opportunities to connect with one another, share prayer concerns, and view our worship service. Check your Sunday morning email for Zoom link.
Back-to-School Blessing
Sunday, August 23, 11:00 a.m. During Worship
Join us for worship as we bless everyone involved in our education community. The blessing will happen in our worship service at 11:00 a.m., available on Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. Teachers and students, be looking for your blessing in the mail this week since we won't be handing them out in person this year.
Children's Online Sunday School
Sunday, August 23 at 9:00 a.m.
Weekly on Sundays
Kindergarten through 5th graders will have a faith lesson, music, and a time to check in with their church friends.
Meeting ID: 402211293
Password: children
Youth Online Sunday School
Sunday, August 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Bi-weekly on Sundays
Join us bi-weekly for Youth Sunday School online for fellowship and study.
Meeting ID: 92652692038
Password: youth
PRIDE Flag Pickup
Saturday, August 22, 9:00-11:00 am
FUMC Parking Lot
So, imagine that you ordered a flag for pride week this year, but the flag shipment was delayed. Then, you are told we can go pick up your flag at a church! Would you expect that to be a joyful, positive experience? Well, church, we have the power to make it a FABULOUS experience, and to share the affirming love of God with people we’ve never met. This Saturday, 8/22 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., we are expecting up to 150 people to drive through our parking lot to pick up flags they ordered through Qwell, a local non-profit that FUMC supported last year through the redirection of our apportionments. We want to make it something of a parade, so wear your rainbows (or bright colors), decorate your car, grab your coffee and come ready for a fun time as we turn up some tunes and line the parking lot with festive cars and people in a different sort of pride parade! Sign Up Here.
Movie Night and Virtual Potluck
Thursday, August 20, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Zoom Online
The Cheers Ministry is a community for those young-at-heart who are recently retired, semi-retired, or thinking about setting a date to retire. Join for an evening of virtual fun! Dust off your VCR or stream the movie The Mission before August 20. Come prepared for a lively discussion of the movie and your fondest memories of FUMC potluck suppers from days long ago. For more information, contact Dick Young at Zoom link is sent after registration. Register Online.
Curtis Higgs Prodigals Study Group
New Study Begins Monday, August 24
The Curtis Higgs Prodigals Study Group invites all men to join in its next 10-week study, Christ in Crisis, by Jim Wallis, beginning Monday, August 24. Wallis argues that Christians have become disconnected from Jesus and need to revisit their spiritual foundations. By pointing to eight questions Jesus asked or is asked, Wallis provides a means to measure whether we are truly aligned with the moral and spiritual foundations of our Christian faith. The book is a constructive field guide for all those involved in resistance and renewal initiatives in faith communities in the post-2016 political context. This group is currently meeting virtually on Mondays from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Contact Randy Teich at for Zoom information.
Creating Spirit, Practicing Presence "We Are The Stories We Tell"
Saturday, August 29, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Zoom Online
Join us for the next Creating Spirit, Practicing Presence workshop on storytelling. If you have a story or think you don’t, this workshop will help you find and develop your story as part of God’s story. Facilitated by Dr. Amy Wink, we will explore the value of stories to ourselves, each other and our community, and learn to why telling our stories matters. Zoom link provided after registration. Contact Amy Wink with questions at Register Here.
Mercy & Justice 5th Sunday Presentation
Sunday, August 30, 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Zoom Online
Our August presentation is part of our fall sermon series, Unmute Thyself - Talking Politics in Church. Join Devon Bailey, Director of Youth Ministries, for a conversation about civil discourse. As someone who grew up in the Evangelical faith, earned his degree in religion, and then found his way to our progressive church, Devon has championed ideas across the political spectrum. The breadth of this perspective has given him the unique opportunity to engage opposing viewpoints. As political discourse becomes more heated, Devon will share his insights into how to have meaningful conversations about divisive topics in a way that welcomes all to the table. Zoom link is sent after registration. Register Online.
Holy Communion
Sunday, September 6, FUMC Parking Lot
Our Pastors will provide an opportunity to share Communion together. Sign up to attend one of two brief Communion Services in the FUMC parking lot, where we have devised the safest possible way to share in this Sacrament together. Bread and juice will be individually bagged for each car and distributed when you arrive, and participants will be invited to park in every other spot, joining the service from your tailgate or camping chair behind your car. Join us! One car per registration is required and 20 slots per time slot.
Mercy & Justice Book Study: Holy Disunity
Two Options on Zoom
Join Pastor Cathy Stone as we read and discuss Holy Disunity: How What Separates Us Can Save Us. Author Layton E. Williams proposes that our primary calling as humans is not to create unity but rather to seek authentic relationship with God, ourselves, one another, and the world around us. And this means actively engaging those with whom we disagree. Our religious, political, social, and cultural differences can create doubt and tension, but disunity also provides surprising gifts of perspective and grace. By analyzing conflict and rifts in both modern culture and Scripture, Williams explores how our disagreements and differences—our disunity—can ultimately redeem us. Please register online and a Zoom invitation will be sent. Contact Pastor Cathy at for additional information.
Conversations on Racial Justice
September 13, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Join us as we work to be anti-racists, seeking to undo racism in ourselves and to recognize and understand our participation in systemic racism. This group meets monthly (usually first Sundays), 4:30-6:00 p.m., to discuss and learn more through videos, podcasts, and short articles - no prep needed, just show up ready to listen, discuss, and learn together. Please contact Pastor Cathy Stone at for additional information. Zoom links provided after registration. Register Here.
Disciple I Fast Track
This long-term study offers a twist on the classic Disciple Bible Study, which is an excellent overview of the entire Bible. This class meets in the fall and spring, and is for anyone ready to commit and delve deeper. Perhaps you have recently started coming (or coming back!) to church, and you want to know God and the Bible better. Perhaps you are looking for a group to connect with over a longer study. Perhaps you are interested in becoming a leader at FUMC. Disciple is a great place to start. Registration is free. Participants are asked to purchase their own Old and New Testament Study Manuals. Order class materials here.
Tuesdays, Beginning September 15, 7:00-8:30 p.m
Wednesdays, Beginning September 16, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Science and Scripture
Thursdays, September 24- October 15
7:00-8:00 p.m., Zoom
This 4-week class will give a scientist's view of the Creation stories of Genesis and the plagues and miracles of Exodus, led by beloved longtime teacher, scientist, and FUMC member Jim Bowen. Register online for Zoom link. Register Here.
Manna Bags Needed
We are seeking assembled Manna Bags to hand out to our hungry neighbors on the street. Officer Shelly, our officer from the Feed My People Breakfast, is helping distribute the Manna Bags where they are needed the most. Completed manna bags may be dropped off at the Family Life Center. Please email Pastor Cathy at with any questions about items to include and for her phone number to coordinate drop-off. She will unlock the FLC front door remotely. Manna Bag items could include: tuna or chicken lunch kit, peanut butter or cheese cracker sandwiches, Nutri Grain fruit bar, raisins, juice box, socks, and an encouraging message such as "God loves you."
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are offered at no cost on Mondays and Thursdays. Guests can practice their English conversation skills and develop friendships to support them outside the classroom. In Austin, 32 percent of the population lives in a home in which English is not the primary language. Student spouses, those brought to Austin to work in high-tech firms, people arriving under political asylum, family members of those brought for jobs, all these arrive in Austin with the common need to learn to speak English. Contributions during the month of August go to support this quiet but powerful ministry. You may give online or mail your contribution to the church office. Make checks payable to FUMC and include a note stating that your contribution is for "ESL."
Submit a prayer request online.
Within our Congregation
Sandy Bowles, Glenna Marks, Mari Perez, Mimi Raper, Dick Raycraft, Pam Tackett, Jessica Wisko, and Dan Wood.
Condolences to the friends and family of Raymond Lewis on his death.
Beyond our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Judy Breckbill’s friend, Kristen Haeck; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Kaycee Crisp’s aunt, Martha Cunningham; George Gaston’s friend, Will Gresham's father; Dr. Robert Wootton; Marcia Houston’s mother, Johnnie; Bob & Nancy Leeper’s granddaughter, Kezia Leeper; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton Wimberly; Debbie Rippetoe’s sister, Cindy Haggard; Cindy Walter’s uncle, Marty Kaback; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684