This Sunday
Sunday, January 26
3rd Sunday after Epiphany Sunday
Preacher: Rev. Taylor Fuerst
Scripture: John 3:16-17
Sermon: "The World is the Aim, Not the Enemy"
The Most Important Things
We are covering The Most Important Things you need to hear from the Bible. These are the essentials; if you don't remember anything else all year, hold on to these messages as you enter what is sure to be a momentous year.
Contemplative Worship Service
Sunday, January 26, 9:00 a.m., EDU Murchison Chapel
This service is offered to beginners and experienced practitioners of mindfulness meditation and typically lasts 30-to-40 minutes.
Coffee with the Pastors
Sunday, January 26, 10:00-10:45 a.m., SAN Parlor
Looking for your place to plug in at FUMC? Let us help you! Come visit with the pastors and other leaders in this periodic series of coffee and conversation. It's a casual way to find out more. New and long-time members are welcome. Register at .
2020 Leadership Kickoff and Charge Conference
Sunday, January 26, 12:15-3:00 p.m., Great Hall, Family Life Center
During this event, we'll share lunch together, learn some key information about serving in leadership at FUMC, and divide into ministry teams/committees to plan and set goals for the coming year. This meeting also includes approval of the FUMC 2020 budget and clergy compensation. Register at .
FEAST for Young Adults
Sunday, January 26, 7:00-8:30 p.m., FLC Garrison Chapel
FEAST is a monthly dinner gathering for young adults (roughly ages 20–45) to build community and dig into the more difficult side of faith together. Led by Dr. Brad King, FEAST is a modern take on the most ancient form of Christian communal worship: the love feast. In addition to delicious food, these meetings are focused on creating meaningful and personal interactions among individuals seeking more connection and engagement in a faith-interested atmosphere. Register at .
At a Glance
Click on the links below to learn more.
Youth News
Engage , 1/26
High School Retreat , 2/14-2/16
Middle School Retreat , 7/11-7/18

Service Spotlight
Cold Weather Shelter , As Needed

 Children's News
Baptism Class , 2/23
Click here to view the full FUMC calendar.
We're Hiring!
We give thanks for the ministry of Galen Fischer this past year and bid him farewell upon his resignation from FUMC staff. The church seeks to hire a new Director of Finance as soon as possible. If you or someone you know is interested, please visit or contact Dave Ballbach, Director of Operations at .
Curtis Higgs Prodigals Study Group Begins New Study
Mondays, 6:30-8:00, FLC Room 103
New Study Begins January 27
Men of all ages, who enjoy book studies and discussion based on Scripture and Christian faith, meet almost every Monday night in the Schmidt-Jones Family Life Center for study, prayer, and fellowship. The group is beginning a new study of Barbara Brown Taylor's book, Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others . The renowned New York Times bestselling author recounts her moving discoveries of finding the sacred in unexpected places while teaching the world’s religions to undergraduates in rural Georgia, revealing how God delights in confounding our expectations. All men are welcome. For more information, contact Randy Teich at or call 512-426-7769. Register at .
Pre-teen Human Sexuality Course
January 31-February 1, 2020
FLC Garrison Chapel
Wonderfully Made provides kids in 5th and 6th grades the opportunity to ask questions about growing up and get faith-based answers. You may invite friends. Register early-spaces are limited! Cost is $50. Register Here .
Rethink Mission
Saturday, February 1, 8:00 am–12:00 noon
Oak Hill UMC, 7815 Hwy 290 West
You are invited to spend a morning learning, sharing, and celebrating many of the great successes in missions within the Capital District. Join us for breakfast/registration beginning at 8:00 a.m. Our plenary session begins at 9:00 a.m. followed by two workshop sessions with topics straight from the headlines – homelessness, immigrants, at-risk kids, disaster recovery, and what’s next in ministries to our LGBTQ siblings. One of this year’s featured presentations will focus on Justice for our Neighbors (JFON).
First Steps
Sunday, February 2, 12:15 p.m. FLC Garrison Chapel
Are you interested in joining FUMC? Prior to joining, we ask all to come to this class to learn about United Methodist beliefs and the ministry of First Church, meet the pastors and other members, and ask questions. Signup at .
Youth Super Bowl Night
Sunday, February 2, 4:30-7:00 p.m.
Join us for a Super Bowl Party! All Middle and High School youth are invited to join us for the big game! We'll have the game going on several screens, some fine Super Bowl foods and games for the ages! Feel free to bring a side dish and a bathing suit and towel! We hope to see you there! You can email for more information!
Youth Super Bowl Night
Sunday, February 2, 4:30-7:00 p.m.
Join us for a Super Bowl Party! All Middle and High School youth are invited to join us for the big game! We'll have the game going on several screens, some fine Super Bowl foods and games for the ages! Feel free to bring a side dish and a bathing suit and towel! We hope to see you there! Email for more information!
Mercy & Justice Book Study: Strength to Love
Tuesdays, February 4-18, 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m., FLC Room 104
Join Pastor Cathy Stone as we read and discuss Strength to Love by Dr. Martin Luther Kings, Jr. In these short meditative and sermonic pieces, some of them composed in jails and all of them crafted during the tumultuous years of the Civil Rights struggle, Dr. King articulated and espoused in a deeply personal compelling way his commitment to justice and to the intellectual, moral, and spiritual conversion that makes his work as much a blueprint today for Christian discipleship as it was then. Register at .
Not Safe for Church: Sexuality & the Bible
Sundays, February, 2-23, 12:15-1:45 p.m. SAN Wesley Hall
Join Dr. Brad King to learn how the Bible has been used to understand human sexuality and discuss the Bible’s teachings can integrate into our intimate lives. Don't forget to bring your lunch. This is a brown bag lecture series. Register at .
Cheers Ministry Potluck
Thursday, February 6, 6:00-9:00 p.m., FLC Garrison Chapel
The Cheers Ministry, a community for those young-at-heart recently retired or thinking about retiring, invite you to an old-fashioned potluck. The theme is "Show your Stuff" where you can show your hobbies, crafts, photography, art, and collections or other ways you spend your retirement spare time. If you plan to bring your 'stuff,' please let Dick Young know at 512-789-8480 or . Cheers will provide the meat dishes, tea, and water. Register at .
Learning Your Number: Enneagram 101
Saturday, February 8, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
FLC Garrison Chapel
This one-day class introduces this ancient tool for understanding our individual differences and promoting compassion. Cost is $40. Register at .
Scripture Readers Practice
Sunday, February 9, 10:00 a.m., Sanctuary
Are you looking for ways to participate in worship? We are in need of scripture readers and will provide training. Come practice reading from the pulpit and review responsibilities of serving as a reader. Register at . If you are interested but cannot make this practice, contact Daviss King at or 512-478-5684 (ext. 204). 
High School Retreat
Friday-Sunday, February 14-16
Our High School students are invited to a weekend of fun and adventure at Mo Ranch! Spaces are limited! Please plan to drop off at 4:30 p.m. in the church parking lot on Friday, February 14 and pickup around 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Cost is $150. Register by February 11 at .
Civil Rights Speaker: Jim Harrington
Sunday, February 16, 10:00 a.m., SAN Wesley Hall
All are invited to come hear human rights attorney Jim Harrington, founder and Director Emeritus of the Texas Civil Rights Project. Harrington has handled a wide array of civil rights cases, some precedent-setting, involving grand jury discrimination, voting rights, immigration, capital punishment, police misconduct, racial and ethnic discrimination, and the rights of persons with disabilities. Since retiring, Jim has established Proyecto Santiago at St. James’ Episcopal Church in east Austin, which advocates for the Latino community. He was ordained an Episcopal priest on January 17, 2020. No registration required.
Baptism Class
Sunday, February 23, 12:15 p.m. EDU Room 108
Are you ready to have your child Baptized? Pastor Taylor Fuerst and Lara Greene host this class to learn about our beliefs about Baptism, logistical information about scheduling and service preparation, and ways to help your child live the Baptized life. This class is required for those preparing for a child’s Baptism. To register, indicate your interest on the Connections Card during worship or online at .
Sweetheart Dance
 Saturday, February 22, 6:00-9:00 p.m.,
FLC Great Hall
Celebrate the loving relationships in your life with a fun evening of dancing and fellowship. DJ, door prizes, selfie photo booth, snacks, and memory-making included. All are welcome—children, friends, spouses, parents/grandparents, and partners and partners-in-crime. Special prizes for most years together, best-dressed couple/group, and more. Cost is $5 per person, with a $20 maximum per family. Proceeds will benefit this year’s Austin CROP Hunger Walk. 
Austin CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, March 1
2:00 p.m. Registration, 2:30 p.m. Step-off
Camp Mabry, 2200 West 35th Street
This family-friendly interfaith community event raises funds for hungry people around the world and here in Austin. This year’s walk is focusing on providing animals for people in the Dominican Republic. AustinCROP Hunger Walk is featuring a petting zoo for all ages to enjoy. Be a partner in this fun event by joining our First Church Walk Team. Sign up at .
Reach Beyond Middle School Retreat
Saturday, July 11, to Saturday, July 18
Join us Summer 2020 for our annual Middle School service trip. This year we’ll be headed to Albuquerque, NM for a week of learning and serving. Please note two additional days of travel have been added to the trip (different from previous years.) Cost is $350+additional fundraising. Register by January 31 at .
January Mission Emphasis
These two ministries are making a difference in both the lives of women experiencing homelessness as well those serving on Thursday mornings or cold Tuesday nights. Your financial support of these ministries ensures that we are able to provide basic necessities in a caring, safe, and accepting environment that affirms self-worth and dignity.

At the Well
We are committed to caring for and serving with our neighbors experiencing homelessness, especially women who are more vulnerable and at risk. Inspired by God’s Spirit, At the Well welcomes women experiencing homelessness into our Family Life Center each Thursday morning. Since At the Well launched in May, we have made a difference in the lives of more than 60 women. That difference is as varied as the individuals: a bus ticket back to family in Oklahoma, a place to take an online course for a food handlers license, a shower, food, and most importantly, fellowship. 

Cold Weather Shelter
During the winter months, we provide shelter for up to 30 women on Tuesday nights when the temperatures are expected to be below freezing. Together, neighbors and volunteers have made a difference in each other’s lives. Your financial support of these ministries ensures that we are able to provide basic necessities in a caring, safe, and accepting environment that affirms self-worth and dignity.

Prayer Concerns
Submit a prayer request online .
Within our Congregation
Stephanie Benold; Sandy Bowles; Melba Cox; Mari Perez;  Debbie Rippetoe; Karen Smith; Bill and Ann Thurman; and Dan Wood.

Condolences to the family and friends of Shirley Brooks on her death; to Melissa Biegert on the death of her grandfather; to Marla Loucks on the death of her father, Edward Bodour; and to Randy Teich on the death of his friend, Bob Radefeld.

Beyond our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Kim Battle’s grandmother, Nana; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Noble and Sharon Doss’ granddaughter, Millie Owens; Sharon Doss’ friend, Charlane Cox; Bob Garrett’s nephew, Michael Garrett; George Gaston’s friend, Dr. Robert Wootton; Cindy Gunderson’s friends, Bill and Cyndi and Steve and Debbie; Mary Heckmann’s sister-in-law, Susi Tyler; Jeff Jackson’s aunt, Joyce Jackson; Melanie Miller’s and Jen Stuart’s father, Doak Thomas; Riley Nix’s grandfather; Mimi Raper’s friend, Albert Almanza; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton; Shirley Sanders’ mentees, Moseis Cortez, Daniel Vargas, and Luis Vargas; Mimi Raper’s friend, Judy Jackson; Danielle Thoma’s friend, Joe Stevens; Kathy Tullos’ friend, Vivian Ballard; Lisa Webb’s mother, Theresa Webb; Adam Wooderson’s uncle, Billy Wooderson; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
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First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684