Pastor Taylor's Weekly Message
Will we ever get there? One part of traveling that I do not miss is the nearly-constant barrage of questions from the back seat, all centered around the same theme: Are we there yet? Children have a different sense of time–I’m not quite sure I’ll ever figure it out! And yet, in the midst of these days, I feel the same anxiousness to move on. Read More .
Sunday, June 14
2nd Second after Pentecost
Preacher: Rev. Brad Fuerst
Scripture: John 10: 1-18
Sermon: "The Good Shepherd"

You know the feeling…that feeling that happens as you listen to or read a story, and the realization washes over you: this is really about me! This is just the feeling that Jesus was going for when he shared parable after parable with his disciples. Parables are short stories that shine a light on our lives and help us to see the world a bit differently. They spur us toward change. They reveal who God is. They give us a vision for the world God dreams of. This summer, we invite you not just to read the parables, but to be read by them.
Children's Summer Online Sunday School
8:45 a.m. - This is a special time for our preschoolers where we will have fun learning about God's love through songs and a short story.
9:00 a.m. - Kindergarten through 5th graders will have a faith lesson, music, and a time to check in with their church friends.
Meeting ID: 402 211 293
Password: children
Dial-in by Phone: 1-312-626-6799
Video Worship Service
Sundays at 11:00 a.m. (opens at 10:50 a.m.)
We will go live with a video worship service in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays accessible through our Zoom worship time, our YouTube Channel at and on our Facebook page at The video worship includes a traditional worship service from our Sanctuary and lasts about 50 minutes.
Interactive Worship on Zoom
Our Interactive Worship on Zoom continues and includes opportunities to connect with one another, share prayer concerns, and view our video worship service together.
Meeting ID: 496 666 774
Password: welcome
Dial-in by Phone : 1-312-626-6799
FEAST/TOAST for Young Adults
Sundays at 5:00 p.m.
All young adults ages 20-45 are invited to join us weekly to check in, share, and connect on Zoom! We'll treat this time as a virtual happy hour.
Meeting ID: 516 485 253
Password: feast
Dial-in by Phone : 1-312-626-6799
Alternative Gifts for Father's Day
Order Deadline June 15
Fathers can be the hardest to shop for when gift time comes around. This Father’s Day we are encouraging gifts to be used by fathers across the globe as an alternative to the usual standby tie or some other gift item you might purchase. An alternative gift is a perfect way to let the men in your life know they are appreciated. Get started now by selecting the gifts you wish to symbolically give using our online form. Make your online payment from our website. A check can be sent to the church office, marked for Father’s Day, if preferred. Order Online .
Weekly Prayer & Connection
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:00 p.m.
A simple, low-key time to gather with FUMC family to check in and pray for one another and our world. No frills, no program, just people and the Holy Spirit! We'll gather each Wednesday night. Zoom Login :
Meeting ID: 805 144 062
Password: welcome
Dial-in by Phone: 1-312-626-6799 
Living the Parables
Meet Barnabas, the FUMC Staff Encourager. This “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36) lives to encourage people through challenging times. When Pastor Taylor mentioned a worship series on the parables this summer, Barnabas offered to help. In June and July, he will provide weekly emails to encourage the congregation and share guides for engaging with the parables in new ways. Sign up to receive his emails every Monday through July 27. Learn More .
Learning the Parables
Wednesdays, June 17- July 29, 6:30-7:45 p.m. 
Zoom Online
Dr. Brad King and Lara Greene
Like many Jewish rabbis, Jesus was fond of using parables as a means of getting his audiences to arrive at deeper spiritual truths. Many of Christ's parables were intentionally difficult to understand. In other cases, Jesus was very clear about what he meant, but we have trouble understanding him across so many years of history! Join Dr. Brad King and Lara Greene to explore more deeply with your head and your heart some parables you think you know, and some you have never heard before. This combination class will alternate between the two styles of our teachers and their expertise.  Register online to receive Zoom link.
Virus As a Summons to Faith
Thursdays, June 18-July 9, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Zoom Online
Why bother with the interpretive categories of biblical faith when in fact our energy and interest are focused on more immediate matters? The answer is simple and obvious. We linger because, in the midst of our immediate preoccupation with our felt jeopardy and our hope for relief, our imagination does indeed range beyond the immediate to larger, deeper wonderments. Join the retired Reverend John McMullen in exploring Walter Brueggemann's new book, Virus as a Summons to Faith , to discuss how our lives are not fully contained in the cause-and-effect reasoning of the Enlightenment that seeks to explain and control. The book is available on Amazon and Cokesbury, and it is highly recommended that you read along. Zoom link shared after registration. Register Here .
Virtual Talent Show
Saturday, June 27, 6:00 p.m.
Can you tap in heels or do a cartwheel? Draw with great flair or juggle balls in the air? Whatever your talent, you shouldn't be hoarding. The whole church is invited, so get to recording! The FUMC Virtual Talent Show will "air" on Saturday, June 27 at 6:00 p.m. You will have until June 21 to submit your videos. More info on how to submit videos next week. Video submissions should be 3 minutes or less. You may submit as an individual or as a group. Questions? Contact . Read More .
Administrative Board Meeting
Sunday, June 28, 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Online
All are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Board members have voting rights. Please register to attend using the link below if you are interested, but not a member of the board. The Zoom link will be emailed prior to the meeting. Register Here .
Meet the Grief Group Facilitators
In preparation for leading Grief Groups for our congregation, trained facilitators have been meeting weekly to share their personal experiences, acknowledging that grief is cumulative over time. Grief is a natural emotion that can sometimes take us hostage in response to loss, but we can recover through faith and allow our grief to help reshape us. While each person processes grief differently, intimate sharing in a community can be a healing balm to those suffering from loss. Listen to our Grief Group facilitators discuss the importance of community in the experience of grief and consider whether joining a group might be right for you. Learn more at .
Your Gifts Keep Us Going
Your gifts are a blessing to the ministry of FUMC. It is your donations that keep the church operating during this unique time. We may not be together in person for some time to receive offerings, but it is important we still pay our bills and staff to support and adapt ongoing ministries. You can give online to the ministry of FUMC through our website or by mailing a check to FUMC at 1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701. We appreciate your gifts.
Story Submissions
Help us build the next issue of Bolder than the State of Texas ! We are particularly seeking stories about Change and Resurrection. We are open to poetry, essays, photography, or art! Be part of the story this church is telling the world. Submissions accepted continually. Submit your stories online at . For more information, contact Amy Wink and Caroline Jones at .
Manna Bags Needed
We are seeking assembled Manna Bags to hand out to our hungry neighbors on the street. Officer Shelly, our officer from the Feed My People Breakfast, is helping distribute the Manna Bags where they are needed the most. Completed manna bags may be dropped off at the Family Life Center. Please email Pastor Cathy at with any questions about items to include and for her phone number to coordinate drop-off. She will unlock the FLC front door remotely. Manna Bag items could include: tuna or chicken lunch kit, peanut butter or cheese cracker sandwiches, Nutri Grain fruit bar, raisins, juice box, socks, and an encouraging message such as "God loves you."
Submit a Prayer Request
If you have a loved one to lift up, send us your prayer concerns and we will add that person(s) to our prayer list. Prayer requests can be submitted to our pastoral staff using our online form or emailed to .
Catch Up on Sermons

An archive of sermons is available on our website , our iTunes Podcast or YouTube Channel.
Justice for Our Neighbors
This offering supports the peace and justice work of Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors (ARJFON), a United Methodist-affiliated immigration ministry that welcomes refugees and immigrants into our communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy. ARJFON’s services are focused on family-based and humanitarian immigration law, especially handling asylum and special immigrant juveniles, for clients whose income is limited to, at, or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Checks marked "JFON" may be mailed to the church or donations made online .
Submit a prayer request online .
Within our Congregation
Teresa Baker, Sandy Bowles, Nell Broadbent, Ken Hensley, Glenna Marks, Jim Parker, Mari Perez; Dick Raycraft, Pam Tackett, and Dan Wood.
Condolences to Heather Schuelke on the death of her mother, Darrellyn Smith and to Keely Nugent on the death of her second mother, Pam Campbell.

Beyond our Congregation
Meridith Albright’s niece, Chelsea Carpenter Fogle and great nephew, Townsend Fogle; Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Vicki Baldwin’s cousin, Jan Jones; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Jill Barre’s father, Bill Graeber; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; former FUMC member, John Carpenter; Cheryl & Mike Etie’s grandson, Julius James Etie; Pat Freeman’s daughter, Staci; Judy Funke’s parents, Bob & Josie Luckenbaugh; George Gaston’s friend, Dr. Robert Wootton; Melanie Greene’s friend, Vivian Ballard; Mary Higgs’ brother-in-law, Pat Higgs; Marcia Houston’s mother, Johnnie; Ruby Parker’s sister-in-law, Shirley Kethley; Connie Payne’s friend, Urban Bellinghausen; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton Wimberly; Whitney Thurman’s father, Dee Monge; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Guidance for our Local, State, and Federal leaders and decision makers.
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Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684