Sunday, March 22
4th Sunday in Lent
Preacher: Devon Bailey
Scripture: 1 John 3:17-20
Sermon: “Interrupting”
Holy Moments for Families with Younger Children
Sunday, March 22 at 9:00 a.m.
Cokesbury, the United Methodist Publishing House, provides a resource for families to worship together from home. Click
to find out more and sign up!
Resisting Racism Sunday School Class
Sunday, March 22, 10:00 a.m.
Join Pastor Cathy Stone and Devon Bailey, Director of Youth Ministries, for a series of classes covering themes from
White Fragility
with no reading or preparation required.
We will use the Zoom platform to deliver our class online. If you do not have Zoom on your computer, the meeting invitation link will ask you to download the application prior to the class. Step-by-step directions are provided
. The meeting invitation will be shared in the Sunday morning email. To save time, you can go ahead and sign up for a free Zoom account
Live, Interactive Time of Prayer | LIVE
11:00 a.m. Facebook Page
You are invited to join the Pastoral Staff on a live video feed through Facebook Live. Around 15-20 minutes of time we share together that includes updates and announcements, an invitation to share prayer requests through chat and comments, and a time to pray together. The atmosphere will be warm and casual—we figure most of you will still be in your pj’s! Grab a candle to light and click here to join in through the
FUMC Facebook Page
(not through the Facebook group, but through our public page).
Expanded Podcast
After you join us for the live portion of worship, we invite you to continue by listening to this worship podcast. Grab a candle and light it, and turn in your Bible to 1 John 3:17-20. This week includes a greeting and opening prayer, Scripture reading, sermon, and music from Scott Davis and our choral scholars.
This component is available at any time—just click the link. Feel free to share with friends and family as you feel led. The sermon link will be emailed Sunday morning and available on our
Taylor's Weekly Pastoral Letter
Every week, Pastor Taylor will share a message with you. The message will include an encouraging word, updates on the life of the church, and a Lenten message as we journey through this season together. As new developments unfold, updates will be communicated in this letter. Read this week's message
Daily Interruptions
If you didn’t subscribe at the beginning of Lent, we’ve got you covered. We are posting links to the daily devotions on our
Lent webpage
Prayer Requests
If you have a loved one to lift up, send us your prayer concerns and we will add that person(s) to our prayer list. Prayer requests can be submitted to our pastoral staff using our
form or emailed to
Online Giving
Your ongoing gifts are a blessing to the ministry of FUMC Austin. You can make a one-time gift on our
giving page
or log onto
Church Life
to schedule a recurring gift. To give to our operating budget, select "Ministry Plan” fund. For more information, see
Steps for Online Giving
. If you have questions, email Deanna Fairchild, Director of Finance, at
Story Submissions
As we wait to gather again for worship, we can still come together as a church. Be part of the
Bolder Than The State of Texas StoryCorps
Project! Download the StoryCorps app and record your stories of living faith and your life with FUMC-Austin. You can tell a 5 minute story or a 45 minute story! Upload your stories to our StoryCorps community archive page so we can listen. To learn more about StoryCorps FUMC visit our
StoryCorps resource guide
. Or if you would prefer to submit a written story, please submit online at
. For more information, contact Amy Wink and Caroline Jones at
Feed My People Breakfast Modified Outside
Tuesday, March 24
4:45-7:00 a.m. FLC Great Hall
Currently, we are serving our Feed My People Breakfast on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from our parking lot and the garage. If you are healthy and exhibiting no symptoms and wish to help, there are opportunities to prepare food in the kitchen or handout tacos outside.
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UMW Unit Meeting Cancelled
The March 29 United Methodist Women unit meeting is canceled and will be rescheduled later. In the meantime, mission needs continue! UMW members who have made pledges this year are encouraged to keep paying on their pledges by sending their checks, made out to “United Methodist Women,” to unit treasurer Caroline Jones (8100 Marble Ridge Dr., Austin, TX 78747). Thank you for all the ways you are faith, hope, and love in action every day.
Stay Connected
Church Life makes it easy to check in with our church family during this time.
Church Life allows members to review their contact information, access a church directory, schedule onetime or recurring giving, and access the church calendar.
If you haven't done so already, download the Church Life mobile app that provides similar access to church information using your same Church Life login. You can easily search for people in the directory and save to your contacts.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
When we want to buy fair-trade products. When farmers need help with appropriate agricultural technology. When a natural disaster strikes somewhere around the globe. When a community needs clean water and effective sanitation. When these and many other disasters occur, UMCOR is there because our contributions support the life-saving work in sustainable development, global health, relief supplies, and disaster response. You may give
to support this ministry.
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Prayer Concerns
Submit a prayer request
Within our Congregation
Stephanie Benold; Sandy Bowles; Michael Crowe; Marcia Houston; Doise Miers; Mari Perez; Tom Richardson; Debbie Rippetoe; and Dan Wood.
Travel mercies for Mark Morris and Kathy Tullos.
Condolences to Victoria Tijerina on the death of her great-grandfather.
Encouragement for all teachers and students moving to distance learning.
Beyond our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Marilyn and Richard Bettis' friend, Ben McKibbens; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Bob Block’s friend, Tim Sullivan; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Judy Chambers’ mother, Edith Johnson; Teresa Edward's mother, Fern Edwards; George Gaston’s friend, Dr. Robert Wootton; Melanie Greene’s friend, Jenny Thornell; Joe Haggard's friend, Dan Smith; Mack Hicks' great-niece, Jennifer Trusty; Marcia Houston’s mother, Johnnie; Melanie Miller’s and Jen Stuart’s father, Doak Thomas; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton Wimberly; Merry Rightmmer's friend, Frank Nutt; Alan Stephens’ father-in-law, Robert McBride; and Dick Young’s nephew, Jeff Young.
Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684