Sunday, November 7
Preacher: Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette,
President and CEO of Huston-Tillotson University
Scripture: James 2:15-17
9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
As of November 1, registration is no longer required to attend in-person worship on Sundays. Virtual worship will still be available at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday through our Zoom worship time, YouTube Channel, and Facebook page. Our Interactive Worship on Zoom includes opportunities to connect with one another, share prayer concerns, and view our video worship service together.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m.
Youth Sunday School meets in the Great Hall of the Family Life Center. Adult Sunday School classes are meeting in person or in hybrid formats. Reach out to class contacts for more information. Children's Sunday School is back in hybrid format, with dropoff (9:45 a.m.) and pickup (10:45 a.m.) in Wesley Hall. Indoor and outdoor small group rotations continue and masks are still required.
Children's Christmas Choir
November 7-December 5 (not meeting November 21)
12:00-12:45 p.m.
EDU Murchison Chapel
Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to rehearse special music with the Children's Choir to be shared on December 12 and Christmas Eve. No snack served. Masks required. If your child is interested in these rehearsals, please contact Roxie Garza. Regular Children's Choir rehearsals will resume in January.
** Time Change **
Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend. Don't forget to fall back Saturday night -turn your clocks back an hour so you won't be too early for church!
MLF Candy Collection
November 7 & 14
Collection Bins
Please donate any leftover Halloween candy to our Mobile Loaves & Fishes (MLF) Ministry. The people we serve are so happy when we have candy to share! Collection bins will be in the Sanctuary Foyer, the FLC lobby, and the church office.
Manna Bag Assembly
9:00-11:00 a.m.
EDU Murchison Chapel
Stop by to assemble a few manna bags for Christmas! These manna bags will be part of a special gift for our unhoused neighbors at the Christmas Breakfast for the Homeless.
First Steps
12:15-2:00 p.m.
FLC Great Hall
Are you interested in joining FUMC? Prior to joining the church, we ask all to register for and participate in a First Steps class to learn about Methodist beliefs and the ministry of FUMC, meet the pastors and staff members, and ask questions. For more information, contact Amy Wink.
Young Adult Lunch
12:15 p.m.
Front of the church
Whether you are new to our church or just looking to get plugged in, this is a great opportunity to meet other young (and youngish) adults. Look for Pastor Brad after worship and we will walk to a nearby restaurant.
UMW Unit Meeting
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Join us on Zoom for our fall UMW Unit meeting. We’ll hear updates from each circle, and our featured speaker will be FUMC’s own Melanie Greene, who will share about gun violence prevention and her work with Moms Demand Action. We hope you’ll join us – all are welcome! Zoom link will be sent with registration.
Social Justice Conversations
4:30-6:00 p.m.
We are committed to join God in the work of justice as we learn, name, and work to eradicate injustice in our church, community, and world. This group meets to discuss and learn more about racial oppression, issues of whiteness and racism, immigration, and other topics through videos, podcasts and short articles. November’s discussion topic will be Indigenous Peoples. Zoom link will be sent with registration.
Thank you to our families who have submitted a Commitment Card for
giving in 2022! Are we missing yours? We need your commitment in order
to accurately plan for our ministry in 2022. You can make your commitment
online below or by placing your Commitment Card in the offering plate or mailing it to the church office. Questions? Contact Kristen Thurman, Director of Finance, at
Food Drive for Caritas of Austin
November 7-28
Help fight hunger by bringing canned goods to church! All contributions will be donated to Caritas of Austin, a local nonprofit working toward preventing and ending homelessness in Austin. With your help, the Caritas Pantry provides take-home groceries to families as people are transitioning out of homelessness. Together with their other services, food assistance builds a strong foundation as people work toward their life goals. When you are struggling to make ends meet and must choose between putting food on the table and paying the electric bill, weekly groceries bring great relief.
We are collecting some of their most needed items throughout November. Thank you for taking action in the fight against hunger. Together we can ensure people have healthy food as they rebuild their lives. Donations may be left in the collection bins located in the foyers of the chapel, sanctuary, and Family Life Center.
At the Well Ministry
November 14, 10:00 a.m.
EDU Murchison Chapel
Inspired by God’s Spirit, At the Well welcomes Austin-area women experiencing homelessness by providing hospitality, supportive services, and some of life’s basic necessities in a caring, safe, and accepting environment that affirms self-worth and dignity. This new ministry is blessing everyone involved. It is growing and we welcome additional volunteers! Come hear stories of love, acceptance, and transformation from our dedicated volunteers. To learn more about volunteering, contact Pastor Cathy Stone at
Resolution of Appreciation for Rebecca Yohe
Our Finance Committee voted unanimously on October 24 to publicly recognize member Rebecca Yohe for her years of dedicated service in the church office. Rebecca has assisted the financial director and assistant by untold hours of data entry to facilitate their accurate reconciliation of income and expenses. Rebecca’s years of consistency and accuracy have been a valuable resource to FUMC and the staff. Although Rebecca is stepping away from that role, FUMC appreciates her quiet dedication and thanks Rebecca for living her pledge to support FUMC by her prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Mercy & Justice Book Study
Tuesdays, November 9-30, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
How We Go Home: Voices from Indigenous North America shares contemporary first-person stories in the long and ongoing fight to protect Native land, rights, and life. In myriad ways, each narrator’s life has been shaped by loss, injustice, and resilience—and by the struggle of how to share space with settler nations whose essential aim is to take all that is Indigenous. Zoom invitation will be sent with registration. Contact Pastor Cathy at for additional information.
Administrative Board Meeting
Sunday, November 14, 12:15-2:00 p.m.
FLC Great Hall
All are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Board members have voting rights. Lunch will be provided, with a $12 requested donation. Please register online by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 10.
Sunday, November 14, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Join us to check in, share, and connect with Dr. Brad King and young adults ages 20-45! Bring a story. Bring a friend. Reach out to Dr. Brad King to get added to the FEAST mailing list at
Cheers Potluck
November 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
FLC Garrison Chapel
The Cheers Ministry, a community for those young-at-heart who are recently retired and semi-retired, is hosting a potluck, accompanied by a Community First! Village documentary and speaker. Register online. Contact Dick Young with questions.
Deep Dive into Scripture
Sunday, November 21, 12:15-1:00 p.m.
Join us for our monthly churchwide Bible study! Every third Sunday of the month, Pastor Brad King (or a special guest) will lead an hour-long discussion of one or more of the passages read in church that month. If you are interested, stay in your pew after the 11:00 a.m. service or come back and join us.
Preteen Human Sexuality Workshop
January 21-22, 2022
Family Life Center
This workshop uses the Wonderfully Made curriculum to offer you and your young person opportunities to learn, grow, and celebrate the fact that we have each been wonderfully created by God and are called to responsible living as sexual beings. Sessions cover physical development and spiritual connection while helping preteens (ages 10-12 years) establish a foundation for their life in Christ. To register or for more information, visit the website.
Christmas Breakfast for the Homeless
For over 20 years, FUMC has sponsored a Christmas Eve Breakfast in the Family Life Center. We provide a hot breakfast, served restaurant style with hosts and a smiling wait staff. After breakfast, guests receive a gift of hats, gloves, lip balm, socks, bus pass, and a few other items.
This year may be back in the Great Hall or we may gather around tables in the parking lot. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for this Christmas celebration with our unhoused neighbors. Your gifts, marked “Christmas Eve Breakfast,” may be left in the Offering basket as you leave the Sanctuary, made online, or mailed to the church office throughout the month of November. To donate online, select “Other Designated” from the drop-down menu and indicate “Christmas Eve Breakfast” in the memo section.
Submit a prayer request online.
Within Our Congregation
Mack Adams, Sandy Bowles, Shirley Derryberry, Judy Funke, Jack Hathaway, Sallie Novinger, Rick Ortiz, Andrew Pyle, Dick Raycraft, Ben Thoma, Willie Wisko, and Dan Wood.
Beyond Our Congregation
Curt Ashmos’ friend, Elissa Marek; Robbie Ausley’s brother, Glen Holt; Grady Basler’s sister, Tonya Basler Stout; Cheryl Bias’ niece, Lauren Stafford; Fay Brown’s sister, Jo Rene Altenburg; Michael Carrillo’s mother, Jackie, and sister, Bunny; Teresa Edwards’s aunt, Charlsie Underwood; George Gaston’s friend, Dr. Robert Wootton; Marcia Houston’s mother, Johnnie; Judy Kostura’s friend, River; Judy Kostura’s friend, Taylor McPheeters; Michelle; Ben Nunn’s friend, Austin Luchak; Andrew Pyle’s father, James Pyle; Cindy Reidland’s friends, Carly and Colton Wimberly; Richard; Scott Seibel’s dad, Dave Seibel; Donna Shands’ friend, Michael Morrisette; Debbie and Curt Shaw’s daughter-in-law, Stacey Shaw; Lee Sloan’s friend, Amanda Brown; Alan Stephens’ father-in-law, Bob McBride, and his mother-in-law, Betty McBride; Dick and Anne Young’s friends, the Rev. Jim Turley, and Rev. Travis Franklin.
Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684