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Weekly Newsletter

Feb. 13th, 2022 | V. 414

Sunday Morning Services

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Watch the 9:30 service

Traditional Worship

9:30 am - Sanctuary

Worship Leaders: Rev. Dr. Brian Parcel, Lynda Reynolds, RaeLynn Fuson

Music Team: Traci Shuck, Michiko Longhorn

Worship Coordinator: Alan Hay

Head Usher: Tim Higdon

Media Team: Marc Gonzales, Cody Balk, Isabella Parcel, Landon Parcel, Abby Schmitz, William Schmitz, Trinity Fuentecilla

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Watch the 11:00 service

The Crossing Modern Worship

11:00 am - Fellowship

Worship Leaders: Rev. Dr. Brian Parcel, RaeLynn Fuson

Crossing Band: Jason Yamaoka, Rob Lohorn, Steve Scott, Lani Pangilinan, Diane Hirakawa, Bethany Gilbert

Worship Coordinator: David Balk

Media Team: Marc Gonzales, David Kemler, Cody Balk, Isabella Parcel, Landon Parcel, Abby Schmitz, William Schmitz, Trinity Fuentecilla

Events & Updates


Staff Changes @ FUMCCV

RaeLynn Fuson, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries has submitted her letter of resignation effective February 18, 2022. RaeLynn first came to FUMCCV as a teen in 2002 and this has been her church ever since. She began her employment on July 1, 2013 after earning a Bachelor’s Degree at Azusa Pacific University and a Master’s Degree from Baylor University. RaeLynn has given a wonderful 8.5 years as a staff member at FUMCCV and fortunately we will remain her church and church family. She has discerned that this is the time to transition to work for a local non profit focused on child abuse prevention and treatment called Home Start Inc (

During her 8.5 years RaeLynn taught hundreds of Bible Studies, led a resurgence of Summer Camp activities in our Youth Group, led mission trips in multiple states & in Mexico, mentored many teens through the Confirmation Process, provided organizational leadership for our Missions Ministry, launched the Elijah Collective Internship Program at SDSU and so much more. When RaeLynn was hired, we never imagined we would have her for 8.5 years, and we are thankful for the many blessings she has shared with us.

Sunday February 27th will be a day of celebration for RaeLynn in morning worship services and afternoon Youth Group programming. We invite all to share a card of blessing with RaeLynn on the 27th that may include a note of thanksgiving & blessing, a cash/check gift, or a gift card to enjoy locally. RaeLynn’s current responsibilities will be covered on an interim basis by existing staff and volunteers; Pastor Brian and the Leadership Team have already begun the process of staffing this important position in our church.

If you have any questions about Youth and Young Adult Ministries please contact Pastor Brian ([email protected], 619-656-2525).     

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Campus Security Upgrades 

You might have noticed in the last couple weeks and will notice in the coming months a few upgrades to the FUMCCV campus including:

  • New entry doors in multiple locations
  • Privacy treatment to certain windows that will disable someone on the outside to determine who & how many are inside
  • Security cameras inside and outside the building
  • New security system for entry into the preschool


All of these security upgrades are made possible by the Nonprofit Security Grant Program which awarded FUMCCV $100,000. Unfortunately, we have witnessed violence in schools & religious institutions and much of this violence is purposely directed towards these types of institutions. These grants are made available by the federal government for the express purpose of making religious campuses safer. We do not have the same level of concern as black churches in the South or Jewish synagogues throughout the nation, but mainline Protestant churches have not been immune to the rise in violence and so we must do out due diligence to make security upgrades when possible.   

We are indebted to Alan Hay, Chair of Trustees, for the hours and hours (literally 100’s of hours) he has spent researching, writing and managing the grant process.

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Children's & Youth Choirs Begin in February

Voices in Praise - Start February 2

Wednesdays 4-4:45 pm online in February and Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm in-person in March

Polyphonix - Start February 7

Mondays 4-4:45 pm online in February and Sundays 12:15-1:15 pm in-person in March

REGISTER ONLINE at our website or contact Korrie Yamaoka, Director of Choirs @ [email protected].

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Spring 2022 Concert Series

On behalf of the First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista, we welcome you to our Spring 2022 Concert Series! Since its founding over 111 years ago, music has been a strong part of this congregation’s life. Over the years, our Concert Series has presented some of the region’s finest performing artists. This Spring, we are proud to feature a Gospel choir, a classical orchestra, and a brass and wind ensemble. We truly believe there is something for everyone to enjoy!

Learn More

Missions & Service

February's Mission of the Month: Used Teen Clothing Drive

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Volunteers Needed: Senior Support Ministry

We are looking for volunteers interested in being a part of a Senior Support Ministry. This ministry would help seniors in our congregation by providing rides to medical appointments & picking up groceries/medications. These persons would have contact information stored on a list in the church office and shared with seniors in our church looking for this type of assistance. There will not be a regular schedule; all services will be on-call. If you are interested in being a part of the Senior Support Ministry, please contact Jen Fuentecilla at [email protected]


Volunteers Needed: Money Counting & Office Assistance

We are looking for a few people to volunteer in our office. We need money counters for a once-a-month shift, counting the Sunday offerings. This is done in pairs, so you'll never be alone! We are also looking for anyone who would like to help with administrative tasks in the office, such as answering the phones and greeting people who come in. If interested in either of these volunteer roles, please email Brian Cox at [email protected].

Storefront Meals 2022

Start your 2022 mission-minded by signing up for a Storefront dinner. Storefront is one of San Diego's only youth-serving overnight shelter programs. You can help these homeless youth by "adopting a month" to bring a hot meal to them. You can expect to spend anywhere from $50 to $100, depending on how many youths are there and what you choose to bring.

Question? Contact Aries Ramirez ([email protected])

Want to Donate? Sign up by going to or call the office at (619) 656-2525

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Weekly Calendar

Sunday, February 13

  • Traditional Service, 9:30 AM (also available to live stream)
  • KidZone Sunday School, 9:30 AM
  • Crossing Service, 11:00 AM (also available to live stream)
  • KidZone Sunday School, 11:00 AM
  • District Youth Super Bowl Party @ 2pm

Monday, February 14

  • Afternoon Prayer Circle, 1:00 PM*

Tuesday, February 15

Wednesday, February 16

  • Morning Prayer Call, 8:30 AM*

Thursday, February 17

  • Mexico Mission Trip Departs @ 2pm

Friday, February 18

  • Mexico Missions Trip

Saturday, February 19

  • Mexico Missions Trip

Sunday, February 20

  • Traditional Service, 9:30 AM (also available to live stream)
  • KidZone Sunday School, 9:30 AM
  • Crossing Service, 11:00 AM (also available to live stream)
  • KidZone Sunday School, 11:00 AM
  • Mexico Missions Trip

*Italics Denote Online Event

General Information

Prayer Ministry Opportunities for the New Year

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Monday Chapel Prayer – 1:00 - 2:00 PM

A weekly gathering with a small group of people to pray for the church, one another, and the world

Lead: Marilyn Henry ([email protected], 619-540-8525)

Wednesday Prayer Call -- 8:30 - 9:00 AM

A weekly gathering on the phone or Zoom to pray the church, one another, and the world.

·      Link to Join Zoom Meeting

·      If prompted for a password: 389781

·      Phone number to call in: +1 253-215-8782

·      Meeting ID: 439 794 034

Lead: Pastor Brian ([email protected], 619-656-2525)

Email Prayer Chain

This is an almost daily email containing prayer requests from the FUMCCV community. Each member commits to praying for the requests when they are received and maintaining confidentiality about all matters in the prayer requests. If you have a prayer request, please send an email to Marlyn Henry @ [email protected]. If you would like to be a Prayer Chain member, please send an email to Marilyn Henry requesting to be a regular part of the email chain.

Monthly Prayer Calendar

Every month the Prayer Ministry produces a thematic prayer/devotional calendar. You can access the February prayer calendar here.

Pastor's Daily Devotional (M-F)

Each week, Monday through Friday, Pastor Brian gives a brief devotional message based on the Prayer Calendar. Each day they are released early in the morning and can be found on the church Youtube Channel HERE.

Monthly Prayer Ministry Meeting

On the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM. on Zoom, the Prayer Ministry meets to plan future activities for the congregation. If you have interest and ideas about strengthening the prayer life of the congregation, please join us. Lead: David Hall ([email protected], 619-616-9813)

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Become a Member of FUMCCV

The pandemic has taught us many things… one is the importance of our spiritual community that grounds us, comforts us, and guides us during difficult times in life. We know many of you are thankful for FUMCCV during these challenging times, and some of you have found FUMCCV to be your spiritual home only during these last 11 months marked by the pandemic. For those of you new to the congregation, we welcome you and are thankful that God has led you here. If there are any who would like to be members, please consider the following options.

  1. You may have taken the Inquirer’s Course or Orientation 101 in the past and did not become a member at that time, but you are ready now – email Pastor Brian and let him know: [email protected].
  2. You have not taken any of the in-person courses but are ready to become a member or explore becoming a member. Take the online version of Orientation 101 at the following link: Once you have completed all modules Pastor Brian will be notified, and he will be in contact with you.

For those in either of these categories above, we will gather you together (virtually), record the membership ceremony, and then play it in one of the upcoming worship services. If you are not sure which, if any, of the categories you fit in above, reach out to Pastor Brian, and we will make sure to walk you through the process.   

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