The Enamelist Society member Jessica Calderwood is showing a new body of work at Ombré Gallery in Cincinnati, OH. There will be a virtual opening on Saturday, September 12th at 6 pm, or visitors can contact the gallery for in-person showings. The exhibition will remain through October 11.
Responding to the sometimes frightening conditions we now find ourselves in - both politically and medically - Calderwood is exploring new methods and images. A number of simple brooches, studies in textures and materials used in the sculptures, comprise the jewelry in her show. The small figurative sculptures all feature a set of ceramic legs, many wearing snub toed, 1930s looking black pumps much like antique dolls. These legs emerge from forms resembling blankets, pillows or other inviting fabrics. Fused glass beads, decals, crunched electroformed metal all suggest cozy afghans and soft quilts that can protect us from the scary outside world. The sculptures suggest the desire to hide, to conceal oneself, or otherwise seek comfort.
Statement: My most recent work uses forms, such as drapery and stylized botanicals, to block out, cover, and hide parts of the human form. The gestures of the figures vary greatly, communicating different states and scenarios, ranging from frustration to joy to resignation, and the need for comfort. These compositions become a negation, a censoring or denial of what lies beneath.
Trained as a metalsmith, I am interested in using traditional craft media, both for their creative properties, as well as their historical references to ‘marginal art forms', including enamel, porcelain, fiber, glass. Initially, this series began as a 1:1 human scale, starting with maquettes as beginning studies. Over time, these smaller works became the focus, by creating an intimacy that is only discovered through a miniature scale.
"What Lies Beneath" - opening September 12th, 2020
Ombré Gallery - 1511 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202