Kealakekua, Hawaii 
March 1 - 7, 2020

For many, many years Dolphins and Whales have not been included in Conferences that feature extra-planetary civilizations (UFOs, ETVs, aliens).  Yet, here they are, aquatic beings living in our oceans and rivers, highly intelligent marine mammals whose genome is more similar to human genomes than any other species, whose anterior cingulate cortex is more active than ours, who live round the world making contact with humans, self-sufficient examples to us of loving communities, using ultra-sound and advanced sonar waves to heal each other, bringing joy and peace to the world. And so much more......
But it is OK. The cetaceans have communicated that it was not time for their wisdom to be shared with researchers and scientists at Conferences  -  that is... not until the world could come together in peace, with compassion for all life on this beautiful planet. If their "communication code" was broken and accessed, this fascinating understanding of their sounds, frequencies and acoustic imaging would cause them to be captured and contained in pools and tanks for inter-species research projects. 

According to the dolphins, this would interrupt their reason for incarnating here in higher consciousness for the planet. They are here to assist the oceans of the world to remain in balance and harmony. They are here to remind the humans that love and joy are essential expressions of living well, while caring for Gaia and humanity.

Presently the scope and importance of this is known only by those people who recognize their kinship with these cetaceans, and are called to meet them in their aquatic environment. The 'reunion' with them evokes our Joy and our capacity to Love.  It is life-changing in the most positive ways. 

We invite you to join us in Kona where we will be in contact with the Hawaiian dolphins and whales to learn from them while experiencing their natural and ancient knowledge and their Love that has been beyond human understanding.... until now.  We will learn about their connection to other advanced civilizations and how to communicate with them.... we will experience their multi-dimensional contacts.

As always with the wonderful Hawaiian Spinner dolphin pods, the focus is on having Fun.  As we swim, spin and play games with them our hearts and minds are open to receive their loving Mana of higher consciousness, along with practical aspects of how to fulfill our spiritual (joyful) purposes here during this auspicious time of great changes on our wonderful planet Earth. The Time is Now! The dolphins and whales will communicate their wisdom to YOU. We look forward to welcoming you here.
With Love,
Joan Ocean & Jean-Luc Bozzoli

Kealakekua, Hawaii

Daily Gatherings at mountain high, Sky Island Ranch in Kealakekua, one afternoon at the beach, four boat trips including lunch to swim with the dolphins and pilot whales while observing Humpback whales, meeting our loving Star friends, meditations, outdoor fire circle, time traveling, cetacean messages for you, discussions about the changing world and who we are, entering Temporal Realities, enjoying our Spiritual Mastery on Earth.   Meeting the benevolent friends of the Earth by spinning into their Molecular Geometry to acknowledge, experience, visit, share and learn from other positive civilizations that exist in parallel dimensions. Evenings around the sacred starlit portals, surrounded by Love and the beauty of Nature. 

Dolphin Connection, Kona
Kealakekua, Hawaii
March 1 - 7, 2020

In these seminars we will set aside our overly busy, active minds and instead, relax  into the intuitive compassionate sensitivities of our heart-mind. We feel our relationship to Nature and we learn from the oceanic cetaceans themselves about  the sheer value of playing and enjoying life. 


P O Box 102

Captain Cook, Hawaii, 96704  USA





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Call: (808) 323-8000