Join Us for Worship This Sunday! |
February 2 at 10 a.m.
Rowan Van Ness, Guest Minister
Dan York, Worship Associate
"The Power of the People"
What Makes a Reverend:
Unitarian Universalism operates on the premises that power should be collective and not individual, that leaders come from within our congregations, and that what we do together is holy. This Sunday will be part civics class on UUism, part a search for hope during politically challenging times, and part a request to use our shared power to ordain Rowan Van Ness.
Rowan Van Ness is currently serving as the half-time minister of the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church in Keene, NH, and as a per diem hospital chaplain at UVM Medical Center in Burlington, VT. She has previously served this UU Society as our Ministerial Intern and as our Director of Youth and Emerging Adult Ministries. She lives in South Burlington with her wife Caitlyn and almost three year-old daughter, Seneca.
Join us for worship in person in the Sanctuary, or online. The livestream link and order of service will be shared at, or visit our YouTube channel.
Following the service, all are welcome to Coffee Hour in the Community Room.
While at the Meeting House, anyone is welcome to wear a mask. In the spirit of caring for each other, please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Thank you.
| Children & Youth This Sunday |
Erika Reif, Director of Lifespan Faith Development
Families will begin worship together in the Sanctuary. After the Time For All Ages, children and youth will be sung out and escorted to their exploration groups on the lower level. [This is not a typo! Family Chapel has been cancelled.] The Nursery will be open for infants through PK. Parents can sign children in before or during the service.
Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister
Here is a link to the video recording of last week's service.
There was a request for the text of Sunday's prayer. Here that is.
Sunday's service was focused on Practicing Generosity, one of the core values of Unitarian Universalism. Following a Reverse Offering model, we gave out cash to folks who were physically present, asking them to Do Good with it and ideally, to Amplify Good by collaborating with others.
As part of Amplifying Good, congregants are invited to share their Do Good stories. Once you have a Do Good story to tell, you can volunteer to tell your story on 3/9. by filling out this form by March 2.
Also, by February 9, there will be a bulletin board in the community room where you can post your written stories for others to read. Thank you to Ann Rathbone for creating the bulletin board.
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations & Finance
Ken Swearingen died on Sunday afternoon, accompanied by people who loved him and whom he loved (though not all, because that would be a crowded room, indeed). Ken was 99 years old when he died, doing so at Respite House after fifty years as a hospice volunteer himself. His circle of family and friends grieve his death, give thanks for the ease and peace of his passing, and celebrate his long, full life.
Ken had been a member of this congregation since 2008 and a Unitarian Universalist before that. Ken's family plans to hold a memorial service at First UU in the spring.
| FUUSB Board of Trustees Update |
Kim Watkin, Board Member
The FUUSB Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Jan. 21st. We were excited to welcome back Christina Fulton after her sabbatical. She will be working on an up to date financial report when we meet again in February. Rev. Karen’s Minister’s Report included the ways she is involved with pastoral care, worship and spiritual life, and community presence . The Board looked at the results of the 3 Listening Sessions with congregants in anticipation of the Board Retreat on Jan. 30th to formulate goals for the FUUSB. With an invitation for members to attend our monthly Board Meeting, we are drafting a policy on the role of observers at our meetings.
Our next Board Meeting is Feb. 18th from 4-6pm at the Meetinghouse. A Zoom link will be published in the Enews on the Wednesday before the meeting but you can always email for a copy of the link.
| Update on the Just Love Concert |
Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister
While we shared about the Just Love concert in last week's eNews, this week we have an update for you.
First of all, if you would like to see a recording of the concert, CCTV has one and you can access it here.
Secondly, we have the final number of the amount that was raised at the concert itself for the Sankofa trip sponsored by the Richard Kemp Center: $ 9921. Add to that amount the approximately $2400 raised on EventBrite leading up to the concert, that makes a grand total of $12,321!
| Racial Justice Team Calendar Change |
Dana Porter, Racial Justice Team
Please Note: The Racial Justice Team activity scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 2 following service, The Race Card Project, has been postponed. Our next activity is Feb. 9 as scheduled, details to follow. If you would like to help facilitate any activity on the schedule, please email us at Let’s Talk About Race!
| Calling All FUUSB Members and Friends! |
Gail Beck, Member
Are you interested in exploring yourself and your connection to Unitarian Universalism in a welcoming and supportive environment? If so, then join us for our Wednesday Evening Theme Circle!
Theme Circle meets once a month on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. This group uses The Path: A Soul Matters Publication, which features a different theme each month, as a springboard for conversation and reflection.
Upcoming Themes:
February: Inclusion
March: Trust
April: Joy
May: Imagination
June: Freedom
The Path: is a great resource for sparking thought-provoking discussions. No matter your experience with Unitarian Universalism, you are welcome to join us!
For more information or to ask questions, please contact
| Poverty, by America Book Group Forming at FUUSB in March |
Susan Ogden, Member
Are you troubled by the wealth divide in our country? Do you want to learn about this timely issue via reading and discussions with fellow UU folks? After reading, are you interested in working together to support economic justice here in Vermont?
Join us!
What: Book Group: Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond
When: March 9, March 16, March 23, March 30, April 6, April 13
Where: We will gather at the Meeting House after the Sunday Service
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Questions: Contact co-facilitators Susan Ogden ( or Kathy Stamper (
Question Box Service -
submit your questions by 2/5
Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister
On Sunday, February 9th, we are holding a Question Box Service - a chance for you to pose questions and for Rev. Karen to respond. Submit your questions by Wednesday, February 5 by filling out this online survey. You can also write out your question (legibly!) and ask to have it put in Rev. Karen's mailbox in the office off the lobby.
| Here is the link to register to attend our February online Earth Teacher Reflection Session- Thurs. Feb 13th. Each month we explore our relationship with an aspect of the Natural World, reminding ourselves that we are a part of it. February's Earth Teacher is Seeds. Newcomers are welcome. Second Thursdays, 7 - 8:15pm. Facilitated by Judy Brook and Geoff Duke. | Growing Resilience & Resistance |
Rev. Karen G. Johnston, Senior Minister
The Preparing for What is Next & Now workshop. Using the work of Quaker, community organizer, and author, Daniel Harper (whom Rev. Karen has referenced in several of her sermons), in February we are offering two workshops designed to help participants figure out what is yours to do as part of a deep and wide resistance to authoritarian forces in our midst. One workshop is open to young adults (18 - 35) and one is open - registration for both is limited.
For Young Adults - Saturday, Feb 15, 11 - 1:30 facilitated by Abbie Wolff & Rev. Karen
For Adults - Sunday, Feb 23, 11:30 -1:30, facilitated by Andrea Van Liew and Mark Power-Freeman
| UUA General Assembly 2025! |
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations & Finance
Each year, UUs across the country gather together to deepen and strengthen our Unitarian Universalist faith movement. We alternate meeting only virtually (as we did in 2024) and meeting in a hybrid fashion - both in-person and virtually. GA 2025 is meeting in-person in Baltimore, marking the 200th anniversary of the founding of the American Unitarian Association, inspired by the theme, Meeting the Moment. Dates are June 18 -22. Registration is required.
Please consider taking advantage of GA being so close to us! FUUSB has limited funds available to help with registration fees and the UUA also has some opportunities for Financial Support.
Attending GA can deepen your sense of belonging and identity as a UU and widen your perspective on the diversity and creativity and power when we encounter each other beyond our congregations, states, or regions.
Here's a promotional video to get us excited.
Each congregation has delegates who vote on business related to our faith movement. If you are a member of FUUSB and are interested in playing this role, please reach out to Christina Fulton, our Director of Operations and Finance. Keep watching the Enews for more information about GA.
| Each month FUUSB has an Earth Teacher and a packet of materials to help you connect with and make meaning in your life in relationship with that Earth Teacher. Check it out. | |
Upcoming Worship Services |
In-Person & Live-Streamed Services
Feb. 9 at 10am
"Even to Question, Truly is an Answer" Rev. Karen G. Johnson, Senior Minister
Warren Baker, Worship Associate
Feb. 16 at 10am
Rev. Karen G. Johnson, Senior Minister
Betsey Ferries, Worship Associate
More details at
Building Hours:
Mon. 11am-1pm
Tues. 11am-3pm
Wed. 11am-1pm
*If you need to meet with a particular staff member- please reach out to them to set up a time.*
Care Network:
Sharing Joys, & Sorrows, & Gratitudes Form
| Click here to submit a joy, sorrow, or gratitude. |
Sundays - 8 am
Sunday Morning Breakfast
Community Room
Sign up to help:
Sundays - 11:10 am
Coffee Hour
Community Room
Tuesdays - 5:15 pm
UU Meditation Group
Susan B. Anthony Room
Questions? Email
Wednesdays - 5:15 pm
Love & Justice Vigil
In front of the Meeting House
Wednesdays - 7:15 pm
FUUSB Choir Rehearsal
Visit the publication archives on our website!
Click here for this year's publication information!
Enews Submissions
Send your submissions to
The deadline is 10am on Monday for your entry to be included in that week's newsletter.
First UU Society of Burlington
152 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 862-5630
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